Define 'Cruel and Unusual Punishment'


Active Member
So there's this guy on death row in Ohio who they try and execute by lethal injection, but they couldn't find a vein in his arm big enough to put the needle in, so they halted the execution and deferred it to another day. They apparently get some smaller needles, try a second time, but still can't find a vein. The death row inmate complains it hurts his arm and muscles when they try sticking him with the needle.
So the State has issued a 10 day stay of execution until a resolution can be found. Now this guy's lawyers want to request a permanent stay of execution because they are calling this execution procedure 'cruel and unusual punishment'.
If the guy is on death row, apparently he committed some horrendous crime against another human being. Yet, they want to be compassionate and not cause this scum bag any pain or suffering WHILE THEY ARE TRYING TO KILL HIM. How about the cruel and unusual punishment he most likely inflicted on his victim? Personally I think it's great they botched the first two attempts. This scurge of humanity got strapped on the gurney twice expecting to die, and had to emotionally prepare to die, only to learn it was delayed. That should mess his mind up a little.


Active Member
Yep, he raped and killed a teenage girl. I guess that wasn't 'cruel and unusual punishment'. Poor guy-I can't believe they are doing this to him.

I feel sorry for the victim's family. They need this to be done, I'm sure.


Active Member
Are there other modes of execution legal in Ohio?
I work in a hospital... that's all in a days work, certainly not cruel and unusual.


Active Member
I liked the eletric chair.
I'll come start his IV for him.....
He was probably a bad IV drug user and has no large veins left... I'm a preemie nurse... I'll find them.
Originally Posted by bionicarm
This scurge of humanity got strapped on the gurney twice expecting to die, and had to emotionally prepare to die, only to learn it was delayed. That should mess his mind up a little.

But I'm not good at such discussions because I will never get/or honestly "listen to" the other side.


Active Member
Rapist/murderers(including molesters) should be executed, in public, the way the Romans did. With the b @st@rds tied to a pole and whipped to death with a cat-of-nine-tails, a whip with glass and metal chunks laced in. Yes it is grotesque, but pervs aren't stupid. Right now the average perv knows, if caught, he will spend an average of 18 months in prison-in easy-time segregation. So they commit worse and worse --- crimes and like this piece of debris, eventually turn to murder, for the ultimate thrill. A nasty, vicious, public execution would be a deterant to these types of sub-animals.

darthtang aw

Active Member
Just give him Nitrise (sp?) oxide till he cant feel anything and ram the thing in.....wouldn't want him to feel a little pin prick....
Or just hang him by his unit with a 250 lb weight strapped to him, when it rips out he will bleed out slowly and have to watch.....much more satisfying in my opinion.


It's just one shot... Isn't there a pretty big vein in your neck!!
If any judge agrees that that is "cruel and unusual" then half the nurses in the country will have to find another profession due to the high malpractice insurance.
What bothers me even more though, is that there are attorneys that will defend this stance. I get the legal system. I get that you should be represented and that your not all rational and all that, but c'mon. This is twisting our system to a whole new low, and that shouldn't even be legal.
Shoot him in the temple. Old west style.


Active Member
2 thoughts,
First don't they sedate him first? They had to get the sedative in there somehow.
Second, the constitution says cruel AND
unusual, not cruel or unusual. So you can be as cruel as you want or as unusual as you want. Just not both...


Active Member
Originally Posted by Tizzo
It's just one shot... Isn't there a pretty big vein in your neck!!
If any judge agrees that that is "cruel and unusual" then half the nurses in the country will have to find another profession due to the high malpractice insurance.
What bothers me even more though, is that there are attorneys that will defend this stance. I get the legal system. I get that you should be represented and that your not all rational and all that, but c'mon. This is twisting our system to a whole new low, and that shouldn't even be legal.
Shoot him in the temple. Old west style.

I've thought about suing a nurse/hospital just to make that point.
There are many nice veins in the neck to use.
I like the cruel AND unusual argument too.


Active Member
I say lower his sentence to life without parole and release him into the general population. Say what you will about criminals but they have a way of dealing with scumbags who ---- little girls.


Active Member
Better thought just use him as FIFTH WHEEL GREASE for an OTR truck. Strap him to the rear of a Truck that has to hook up to trailer that is 4 inches lower than the truck. The idiot will be a nice grease spot and would be screaming like a dickens till he passed out from the pain. I have seen people loose an arm from sliding a set of tandems when the pin came loose in the wrong area. Let alone someone with his head on the trunion plate of the fifth wheel as it is going under a loaded trailer.
That persons head would explode like a Watermelon you dropped off a 10 story building.
Or if that is not cruel enough strap his but to a MK 84 retarded bomb and drop him from 20K feet with an oxygen tank to get him to were teh air is breathable. Only trouble is there finding enough to BURY.
Reef raff last person at Pontiac CC here in IL that got released into GP that was a Child Molester lasted 20 mins before he was shanked by 20 different people. I got that info from a gaurd that saw it happen he was like I am not going in there til after they are done. They found his privates in his mouth.

coral keeper

Active Member
The world is getting worse and worse folks. Soon, molesters, rapist's, ect will be getting 1 year or less in prison and they will ban execution.
IMO, they should give the guy an oxygen tank, tie up his legs, hands, and tie a large weight to his feet and drop him in the middle of an ocean. He will keep falling to the bottom of the ocean till he gets crushed by the depth. His eyes, heart, and lungs with explode from the high pressure/depth.