Define 'Cruel and Unusual Punishment'


Active Member
hlcroghan it is easy to sit back and deplore those who want this disease eliminated in a way that is equal to the suffering inflicted on his victim when your not the child who suffered the most excruciating pain and viciousness that is beyond what anyone can imagine. I guess a group hug and a few "How does that make you feel" sessions ought to do the trick? With all due respect (which is very little), this pansy-*ss, limp-wristed concern for these subanimals is why there are so many of them. They love to prey on the most defenseless, but they would kill YOU in the most painful, degrading means possible to them and not bat an eyelash. Unless they truly fear getting caught, they will keep victimizing the most vulnerable of us. Try your touchy-feely act when one of the pervs are tying you down and gutting you alive, just for the thrill of it. Oh yeah, it'll never happen to you, so you can keep living in your gumdrop lefty world. As long as the victims are somebody else, you can be all high and mighty.


Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by hlcroghan
Interesting concept Flower....what method would you choose if you had to pick a way to die?

Me, I would like to die of old age....
You misunderstand. If I were the victim, what punishment would cause me to feel vindicated? If it were my child that was r.a.p.e.d and killed, what punishment would grant me some closure?
If these evil people had to face the familys of their victims, and get punished by them it would be the right punishment. Those who don't want the bad guy to die, and feel all forgiving can opt for life in prison, Let the family decide the method of death if that is what they want.


Active Member
You can say put it on the family... but the family has been put through enough and then put the death of someone on their hands as well.. no matter how deservedly so. I could handle it, but not everyone could.


Active Member
Originally Posted by mantisman51
this pansy-*ss, limp-wristed concern for these subanimals is why there are so many of them.
Could you please explain why it is that the US has a substantially greater problem w/ violent crime and the nature and extent of said violence than nations more "pansy-*ss and limp-wristed" than we are?
Sorry I have no feelings for the wicked.
Define wicked.
As the good Rabbi said, "Let he who is without sin cast the first stone."
Given those attitudes, perhaps Sharia law is the way to go.


Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by jackri
You can say put it on the family... but the family has been put through enough and then put the death of someone on their hands as well.. no matter how deservedly so. I could handle it, but not everyone could.

While I agree with you on how hard it is on the family...It should be up to the family if a "deal" is made, or if they want to seek the death penalty. To let these people go with a slap on the wrist is spitting in the face of the victim, and their families.
I think the victim should have a voice. if they feel forgiving and want to opt for life in prison, that is good enough for me. If however they seek the death should also be done to bring closure for them. If they want an electric chair, firing squad, hanging, needle...they should have a voice. If they don't care how... just do it...fine.
If the criminals had to face the victim or remaining family members...a different world altogether would result, a better one IMO. That’s Bible as well you know...A family member was called the avenger of blood. If the bad guy should have mercy, a sanctuary city was supplied for them to flee to and remain there.


Active Member
Please walk through Johannesburg, Kingston or Sal Palo and tell me we have a worse violent crime problem. Yet, we have the highest # of operating serial killers. Crime stats outside of the U.S. are meaningless, as most countries don't keep very accurate records, or like the EU countries, lie to justify the rediculous ban on gun ownership.


Active Member
Trust me you would NEVER want me as a Governor or a Judge in Charge of the Death Penalties Final appeals. Sorry for me if after 10-12 years of appeals that they are all saying the sucker should die I would be going. HERE LET ME PLUG OLD SPARKY IN FOR YOU. For me the best way to STOP CRIME IS TO STOP CODDLING THE CRIMINALS. They are in Prison to be PUNSIHED NOT TO GET A FREAKING MASTERS IN CRIME. Trust me I would be like show me were in the US Constitution were a Criminal has the RIGHT to have Cable TV Pornos and Weights. Also their food would consist of Veggies and pasta and cheap chicken only.
The --- Offenders would not be Segragated from General Population and also it would be known that there is NO WARNING there would be a Deadline again at the Prison you cross it you DIE no warnings. Lastly any Prisoner that Killed while in Prison would be given a SUMMERY EXACUTION if the Murder was Gang Related and the Gang Leaders would be Tried and if Convicted EXACUTED FOR MURDER THE VERY NEXT DAY.


Active Member
Originally Posted by mantisman51
Please walk through Johannesburg, Kingston or Sal Palo and tell me we have a worse violent crime problem.
I didn't say anything of the kind. You're taking my rebuttal out of context. Are you saying South Africa, Jamaica and Brazil have less pansy-*ss and limp wristed judicial systems than we do?
My argument would be that they're less civilized and more corrupt than we are, yet their punishment systems are stricter. Somehow, that hasn't solved the problem though, has it?
Yet, we have the highest # of operating serial killers.
What I said. Question is why? Violence begets violence. I cannot believe that our penal system and its methodology are at the root of the problem. If you can show me otherwise, please, by all means, do.
Crime stats outside of the U.S. are meaningless, as most countries don't keep very accurate records, or like the EU countries, lie to justify the rediculous ban on gun ownership.
Ummmm, please show me the stats to back those statements up. Switzerland's gun murder rate is substantially lower than ours is, yet every male citizen over the age of 18 is required by law to own an automatic rifle and keep it in his house, loaded.


Active Member
I was just mulling over some concepts need to get a wad up your butt about my opinions. All I said was that this was very difficult subject to discuss. Here are the facts. We put people to death here in this country all the time, yet people still kill, just like other countries all over the world. Obviously, this is not working right? I think we could find a different way to do it. What that particular way is, I have no idea. My area of expertise is psychology not the justice system although I know some about that too.
For you to assume I have never been a victim of r-ape or a child molester and don't have any experience or think it couldn't happen to me is quite presumptuous of you. Actually, both
have happened to me so please do not assume anything before you ask. That makes me quite angry. However, I do not actually believe either of the people that did it should be put to death. It would not help anything. It certainly does not erase what happened to me. In fact, I would feel worse. One of those people had children and a wife. Who am I to say they should be robbed of their father or husband because they did something awful in their life??
Please do not ever personally attack me again or insult me again by saying I have some imaginary idea of the world or think it is all sugar plums and fairies. If you disagree you can state your thoughts much more maturely I am sure.

darthtang aw

Active Member
Originally Posted by uneverno
I didn't say anything of the kind. You're taking my rebuttal out of context. Are you saying South Africa, Jamaica and Brazil have less pansy-*ss and limp wristed judicial systems than we do?
My argument would be that they're less civilized and more corrupt than we are, yet their punishment systems are stricter. Somehow, that hasn't solved the problem though, has it?
What I said. Question is why? Violence begets violence. I cannot believe that our penal system and its methodology are at the root of the problem. If you can show me otherwise, please, by all means, do.
Ummmm, please show me the stats to back those statements up. Switzerland's gun murder rate is substantially lower than ours is, yet every male citizen over the age of 18 is required by law to own an automatic rifle and keep it in his house, loaded.
Compare single parent homes and teen pregnancies between europe and the U.S. and you may see a correlation for the violence levels...just my thought. I haven't looked it up.


Active Member
I'm just chillin like a villin. Listnen to Bob Dylan. Take penicillin cause the girlfriend was illin. Yo! Peace out!


Active Member
Oh and here I was expecting some update....T'was just the mob of villagers with pitchforks again.
Just checked. Nov 30th they are holding a hearing to decide if they can just administer the injection into bone marrow or even into muscle.
Its a little bit shocking how you seemingly peacefull fish tank people become so vicious and hateful to men convicted of crimes. The whole world is moving to abolish the death penalty and you guys are straining your minds to think of the most horrific executions possible. My opinion is that no person, institution of government or leader has the right to take somebody elses life, under any circumstances. If somebody dies in a shoot out with the police thats fine, but the whole act of sentencing a person to death and executing him i find is one of the more disturbing mindsets of people.
and something i find even more nonsensical, the family members of victims who make statements on tv like
"Im waiting until the day when i can watch him be executed and finally feel closure, God bless **** I pray for her in heaven every day"
how many times have i heard that one on the news. waiting to watch somebody be executed so their thirst for revenge can be satisfied while at the same time praying to a god whos whole religon is based on forgiveness... sooo hypocritical.


Active Member
Originally Posted by ZappBrannigan
Its a little bit shocking how you seemingly peacefull fish tank people become so vicious and hateful to men convicted of crimes. The whole world is moving to abolish the death penalty and you guys are straining your minds to think of the most horrific executions possible. My opinion is that no person, institution of government or leader has the right to take somebody elses life, under any circumstances. If somebody dies in a shoot out with the police thats fine, but the whole act of sentencing a person to death and executing him i find is one of the more disturbing mindsets of people.
and something i find even more nonsensical, the family members of victims who make statements on tv like
"Im waiting until the day when i can watch him be executed and finally feel closure, God bless **** I pray for her in heaven every day"
how many times have i heard that one on the news. waiting to watch somebody be executed so their thirst for revenge can be satisfied while at the same time praying to a god whos whole religon is based on forgiveness... sooo hypocritical.
Kinda preachy for someone living in China

darthtang aw

Active Member
Originally Posted by ZappBrannigan
The whole world is moving to abolish the death penalty and you guys are straining your minds to think of the most horrific executions possible.
The rest of the world could create a law in their countries requiring people to wear condoms on their ears. Just because the rest of the world is doing it, does not make it any less stupid.
Originally Posted by reefraff
Kinda preachy for someone living in China

what does that have to do with anything, thats what you do when you cant come up with an argument, personal attacks, and for your information im just studying international business in china,
The rest of the world could create a law in their countries requiring people to wear condoms on their ears. Just because the rest of the world is doing it, does not make it any less stupid.
exactly that kind of thinking is one of the reasons for all the anti-american sentiment in the world.


Active Member
At least here in the USA. WE DO NOT BILL THE FAMILES OF THE CONDEMED FOR THE COST OF THE BULLET TO THE BACK OF THE HEAD. Or better yet use them as slave labor in factories.