DeMartini's 14G BioCube


Active Member
Originally Posted by redx113
Hey, ive been looking at pictures and reading about your tank for a long time demartini, its gorgeous, I'm kind of new to this thing, and i've been using simply tap water for my tank, but i wanted to change that, i was wondering do you use a specific type of water or just get premixed salt water from a store?
IMO dechlorinated tap water is still kinda nasty, as there could be other additives from the city/well. You might want to start using another source. If you are going to go the mix it yourself route, use RO/DI water available at your LFS. RO/DI is a type of filtration, and when you get it its in a freshwater state, so salt is necessary to be added.
I use ocean water from the LFS. They filter it and use high powered UV rays to kill anything in it. I like ocean water cuz it comes with trace elements in it, and I know its at a good proportion already, and theres no need to let it sit in a bucket with a powerhead circulating it for a day or so, I can just add it. And BTW, with RO/DI saltwater you should have a powerhead circulate it and then test it and get it to specs before you add it to your tank.
Sorry for the temporary jacking of the thread DeMartini


Active Member
Originally Posted by redx113
Hey, ive been looking at pictures and reading about your tank for a long time demartini, its gorgeous, I'm kind of new to this thing, and i've been using simply tap water for my tank, but i wanted to change that, i was wondering do you use a specific type of water or just get premixed salt water from a store?
For saltwater, I just buy filtered ocean water from my lfs. I use bottled reverse osmosis for toping off the tanks.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Charred Salad
Hey! Can you post a full tank shot please? thanks
Right now, my tank is packed full of frags and yumas because I'm getting ready to set up my 18g ada. But I'll try to take a full tank shot tomorrow.


Originally Posted by DeMartini
i forgot to say that if you have enough LR and keep up on water changes those fish will do fine... and i do understand that there are fish that you cant keep in small tanks, such as blue hippo tangs which i wish i could have reeeaaallllyyyy bad!
how big does a tank have to be to have a blue
hippo tang??


Active Member
Originally Posted by clyde:)
how big does a tank have to be to have a blue
hippo tang??
why are you asking me? I have a nano lol ummm I think like 70 gallons (im not sure)


Lauren, do you get most of your corals at an LFS or online? I'm looking for a reliable source of good looking corals for my nano, but my LFS is very hit and miss. If it's online, can you PM the address?


Once upon a time you helped me set up my tank. 28 gallon, I bought a t5 light set up with 4 bulbs. Got a good Aqua Remora skimmer. I have had it about 11 months. My tank is seriously suffering though and was wondering if you had any advice. I got some Zoos (that are now closing and melting away, had a long coral (it slowly died). 2 clowns (perculas), 1 Feather and a Goby. Thats it.. however I cant seem to get anything to look as pretty as yours. My zoos are closing, my sand and rocks have a lot of green algea ( i think due to overfeeding perhaps im adding too many pellets for the Goby. The fish look good even though now I have a problem with one bullying the other. Use RO water for top offs and changes. The corals didnt bleach so I think they are getting enough light. I have 2 powerheads there is a lot of flow in the tank. My local LFS just expanded and are bringing in a whole bunch of corals. I want to expand but not until the tank is good. I never went crazy buying too much as you can see. Are the Nanos a better idea? My tank wasnt made to be a SW and I tried to make it one. Perhaps if I buy a nano I could transplant water and LR to it and start off better? Per instance I have no fuge or sump. Just a Skilter and the Aqua Remora. All parameters are great. What do you add to your water if anything, supplements and food? Thanks for everything your tank is amazing!


Ok without even answering me I think you helped, lol! DeMartini I think im going to do as follows get the new JBJ Nanocube 24 gal. (150w of HQI lighting, 4 pc's & an upgraded cooling system). Also im gonna buy a RO unit so im not messing with RO bottled water. I will keep my other tank the one I mentioned (i still want to fix it though) to use as a qt. Is this a wise choice? Should I change the lighting? Can I use my current LR?


Hi Missy, great looking tank. I have had my 10g for a year now and it's alot of work. I have a six line wrase and a pink line gobby. I love my six line wrase and I named her sexy because of the eyeliner and lipstick. HeHe Do you have any problems with her going after the inverts? I'm fixing to get out of work so I might not answer you right away but I'm looking forward to your response. Have yourself a wonderful day.


Active Member
Originally Posted by rasguedo
Once upon a time you helped me set up my tank. 28 gallon, I bought a t5 light set up with 4 bulbs. Got a good Aqua Remora skimmer. I have had it about 11 months. My tank is seriously suffering though and was wondering if you had any advice. I got some Zoos (that are now closing and melting away, had a long coral (it slowly died). 2 clowns (perculas), 1 Feather and a Goby. Thats it.. however I cant seem to get anything to look as pretty as yours. My zoos are closing, my sand and rocks have a lot of green algea ( i think due to overfeeding perhaps im adding too many pellets for the Goby. The fish look good even though now I have a problem with one bullying the other. Use RO water for top offs and changes. The corals didnt bleach so I think they are getting enough light. I have 2 powerheads there is a lot of flow in the tank. My local LFS just expanded and are bringing in a whole bunch of corals. I want to expand but not until the tank is good. I never went crazy buying too much as you can see. Are the Nanos a better idea? My tank wasnt made to be a SW and I tried to make it one. Perhaps if I buy a nano I could transplant water and LR to it and start off better? Per instance I have no fuge or sump. Just a Skilter and the Aqua Remora. All parameters are great. What do you add to your water if anything, supplements and food? Thanks for everything your tank is amazing!
Just because you don't have an all in one nano doesn't mean you can't get your tank to work out. All in one tanks are no different, they just hide the stuff to make a cleaner look. It sounds like you are doing everything right, but there has to be something wrong since your corals are dieing.
What are all of your parameters?
What lighting fixture do you have? t-5s aren't really that good unless they have individual reflectors.
I would just try to get a better clean up crew to clean up the algae.
I feed frozen mysis, cyclopeeze, phytoplankton, and ORA Glow for dry food. I add calcium and dKH buffer, but only when needed. Everything else is taken care of with water changes.


Active Member
Originally Posted by rasguedo
Ok without even answering me I think you helped, lol! DeMartini I think im going to do as follows get the new JBJ Nanocube 24 gal. (150w of HQI lighting, 4 pc's & an upgraded cooling system). Also im gonna buy a RO unit so im not messing with RO bottled water. I will keep my other tank the one I mentioned (i still want to fix it though) to use as a qt. Is this a wise choice? Should I change the lighting? Can I use my current LR?
I would be careful with those tanks, I have heard a lot of over heating problems with them. A lot of people end up getting chillers for them. I would just keep your current tank running and start fresh with a new tank if your going to get one. Hopefully we can figure out whats wrong with your tank


Active Member
Originally Posted by GUBBER
Hi Missy, great looking tank. I have had my 10g for a year now and it's alot of work. I have a six line wrase and a pink line gobby. I love my six line wrase and I named her sexy because of the eyeliner and lipstick. HeHe Do you have any problems with her going after the inverts? I'm fixing to get out of work so I might not answer you right away but I'm looking forward to your response. Have yourself a wonderful day.
haha sexy six line! Mine would peck at things all the time, but he didn't do anything serious.... except bully my clowns! he was so mean to them, so I sold him to my fish store.