DeMartini's 14G BioCube


Originally Posted by DeMartini
Just because you don't have an all in one nano doesn't mean you can't get your tank to work out. All in one tanks are no different, they just hide the stuff to make a cleaner look. It sounds like you are doing everything right, but there has to be something wrong since your corals are dieing.
What are all of your parameters?
What lighting fixture do you have? t-5s aren't really that good unless they have individual reflectors.
I would just try to get a better clean up crew to clean up the algae.
I feed frozen mysis, cyclopeeze, phytoplankton, and ORA Glow for dry food. I add calcium and dKH buffer, but only when needed. Everything else is taken care of with water changes.
Thanks! My T5 set up does have individual reflectors, I think my Zoo's have a disease of some type. As far as the algea is concerned I think I originaly added too many phosphates by using all tap water for the initial fill of course de-chlorinated but at that time I had no choice. My tank is at
Ammonia = 0
Nitrite = 0
Nitrate = 0
Ph = 8.4
Salinity = 1.025
It could probably stand some more cleaners however my local lfs never seems to have the ones I want or I think will help. One thing I never added was Calcium and never needed to buffer. With the Nano what I was hoping to accomplish is getting the lights stronger and closer to the water. Getting rid of the ugly looks of my current tank, HOB.. huge Remora Skimmer. Wires coming from all sides. And my current tank has no top, evaporation is killing me. How is the evap. on yours with that Sunpod?


Active Member
I noticed a big difference in top off once I took off the hood. Now I have to top off every day. Have you thought about building a canopy for your tank and retrofit some lights in it? It would make it look a lot nicer.
Do you have any pics so I have an idea of what you are working with?


Active Member
Keep us updated on how fast they reproduce. I didn't read every post on you had on them, do you direct feed them ever?


Active Member
Hey Emilytompkins! I haven't seen you in a while!
I'll take one tonight. I'm in the process of buying corals for a new tank I'm about to set up, soooo it's going to be a bit of a mess right now.


Active Member
sorry I wasn't able to take a FTS today. I'm going to be in disneyland for a few days, so I'll take the picture when I get back.
JoseD, I'm going to set up an ADA tank (rimless) I want to build my own tank this time around.


Active Member
Originally Posted by DeMartini
I really only buy from my LFS. I did buy some yumas from other members.
I wish my LFS had corals like that.


DeMartini, are you using a chiller with that Sunpod? I think im keeping my tank and upgrading lights and buying RO/DI unit. Im looking at the 150 sunpod on my 28 gallon.


New Member
hey your tank looks great... I need to hire you to do some ******** decorating... I have a long way to go to get where you are.... where do you buy your coral, fish and other stuff???? I hear there is an awesome place in Hayward....


Active Member
Originally Posted by emilytompkins
yeah ive been mostly on i stop by here just to check your beautiful ricordeas.
awww well aren't you a sweetie! haha I still need to get that FTS... I've just been so busy lately!


Active Member
Originally Posted by CA_Bigdaddy
hey your tank looks great... I need to hire you to do some ******** decorating... I have a long way to go to get where you are.... where do you buy your coral, fish and other stuff???? I hear there is an awesome place in Hayward....
I can be your personal aquarium ******** designer! hehe
I think the fish store you are thinking about is Aquarium Concepts. They moved to Dublin a couple months ago... I totaly recommend them! they have an excellent selection of fish and corals. I also like going to Ultimate Aquarium in San Mateo and New Alameda Aquatics in Alameda.
i got my first yuma on sunday! heres a pic.
with flash

without flash(closer to true color)

what do you think? would you call it pink or purple?


Originally Posted by Hefner413
hey demartini! time for new pics!
I agree!! New pics are overdue!

BTW... how are your Picasso's doing, Lauren?