Politicians can't win...
If we send our military over seas, we shouldn't have. But if we don't, then Americans wanna holler about our big bad Army and we can't even go ever to help those poor people.
Darned if we do, darned if we don't.
We don't wanna pay taxes but we all want the benefits. And like Stang stated, you are reaping benefits.
We don't think our Gov should dish out so much in welfare and SS, but if we try to help other countries, Americans scream, "Why are we sending all that money over there when there are people right here who could use it!!??"
Show a poor starving kid from Bosnia on the news then let a polotician say he don't think we should get involved... But when this country DOES get involved we are mad cause it shoulda been OUR kids to get that money.
Don't even get me started on the millions that we put into our military, then when we actually ask them to do what they are PAID to do, what they volunteered to do, what most of them WANT to do, we all stand on the sidelines and scream they shouldn't be over there cause you don't agree with the cause. Gimme a break!!
When I signed into the Army, I'd be damned if civilians wanted to hollar about what they think is the right course of action. I went in in the beginning of Desert Storm. I WANTED to go over there and exert this country's incredible power to help the innocent, all the while civilians are saying, "Our soldiers are needlessly in danger for an unjustified cause".
Makes me wanna puke! Nobody is forced to go over there during that "war" or this one. So quit blaming the politicians and feeling sorry for the soldiers cause you ain't doing them any good.
Their government blew up our twin towers!!! They killed over 5000 americans!!! They torture their own people, and some of you don't think we should be over there???
Oh, this is gonna make me frustrated!
I guess I typed to long now and the subject has prolly moved on, but if you don't think we should be over there... then tell me, what WOULD it take for a consequence to be carried out against another nations government??