Democrat or Republican?


Here is the thing about taxes:
EVERYONE wants the benefits (trust me . . . no matter who you are, you benefit in some way from taxes)
BUT no one wants to pay them.


Active Member
I'm for taxes that actully go for things i believe in, but things like socail security i dont want it nor do i plan on it. etc. i believe people should take care of themselves, im sorry to say this ...but if people screw up in life thats there own fault...if it starts to become something where children can see people screwing will change and americans wont be so lazy and government based....why do you think our american dollar is worth next to nothing in other countries?.....our money is just doesn't hold its dollar in gold anymore.....
our country is falling apart ...thanks to our last few presidents....


Active Member
a: government by the people; especially : rule of the majority b : a government in which the supreme power is vested in the people and exercised by them directly or indirectly through a system of representation usually involving periodically held free elections
. . .sounds about right to me.


I do not think that things were going bad under Clinton.
Bush on the other hand . . .
I think that the religious right is gaining a little too much power and it makes me feel uncomfortable.
Iraq = The new Vietnam war
Do not get me wrong. I will support our troops until the last breath comes from my body, but I do not have to support the people/ideas that sent them there. The second we leave Iraq, some dictator will come in and crush the new government. We opened a big can of worms and now we cannot seem to put a new lid on it.


Active Member
doesn't say anything in there about a president being voted in by the supreme court... in there... doesnt speak of a president have the rights our president does...doesn't speak of taxation without representation in there......


Congress has their heads so far up their own butts because they have become so polarized that nothing can get done. We need more moderates . . . as for my own views:
I am fiscally conservative and socially liberal. Now I have to decide what is more important to me . . . recently it has been more social because the Republican party has slid extremely right.
Go pick up the book Freakanomics. It is about the unseen economic impacts of certain things. Abortions reduce crime. You will NEVER stop teenagers from doing the deed . . . so we need to promote safe --- more.


Politicians can't win...
If we send our military over seas, we shouldn't have. But if we don't, then Americans wanna holler about our big bad Army and we can't even go ever to help those poor people.
Darned if we do, darned if we don't.
We don't wanna pay taxes but we all want the benefits. And like Stang stated, you are reaping benefits.
We don't think our Gov should dish out so much in welfare and SS, but if we try to help other countries, Americans scream, "Why are we sending all that money over there when there are people right here who could use it!!??"
Show a poor starving kid from Bosnia on the news then let a polotician say he don't think we should get involved... But when this country DOES get involved we are mad cause it shoulda been OUR kids to get that money. :rolleyes:
Don't even get me started on the millions that we put into our military, then when we actually ask them to do what they are PAID to do, what they volunteered to do, what most of them WANT to do, we all stand on the sidelines and scream they shouldn't be over there cause you don't agree with the cause. Gimme a break!!
When I signed into the Army, I'd be damned if civilians wanted to hollar about what they think is the right course of action. I went in in the beginning of Desert Storm. I WANTED to go over there and exert this country's incredible power to help the innocent, all the while civilians are saying, "Our soldiers are needlessly in danger for an unjustified cause".
Makes me wanna puke! Nobody is forced to go over there during that "war" or this one. So quit blaming the politicians and feeling sorry for the soldiers cause you ain't doing them any good.
Their government blew up our twin towers!!! They killed over 5000 americans!!! They torture their own people, and some of you don't think we should be over there???
Oh, this is gonna make me frustrated!
I guess I typed to long now and the subject has prolly moved on, but if you don't think we should be over there... then tell me, what WOULD it take for a consequence to be carried out against another nations government??


Active Member
Some would argue that abortions are a crime. That may be a whole different thread.
There is only one way to prevent disease and pregnancy with 100% effectiveness. "Abstinence"


Active Member
Golly TIzz, I thought you were happy on another thread. Something about a scallop?


What we need is population control... Do away with child safety seats, and safety locks, do away with seatbelts and helmets. Warning labels and bucket precautions. The people who don't wanna use that stuff, shouldn't have to. Thus resulting in population control and "survival of the smartest" will reign once again!! LOL


Originally Posted by Farmboy
Golly TIzz, I thought you were happy on another thread. Something about a scallop?

Very happy about my scallop!!!! :jumping:
Very unhappy about the individual, uneducated, consequenceless ideas that people have...mostly in retrospect.
Monday morning quarterbacks, I guess you could say...
Happy about the scallop though!! WOOHOO!!!


Active Member
Originally Posted by Jer4916
doesn't say anything in there about a president being voted in by the supreme court... in there... doesnt speak of a president have the rights our president does...doesn't speak of taxation without representation in there......
The last time I looked, there are flights that leave this country everyday going anywhere else in the world you care to go. It seems that so many people want to complain about our country but won't take advantage of the many flights that depart from here everyday. They do offer one way tickets also so you never have to come back and worry about the sad state of our country again.
If you want to talk about taxes, lets talk. I paid over $40,000 in personal income taxes last year that went for God knows what. I look at it like this. I pretty sure the Government funded some grants last year toward finding cures for childhood cancer. I'm sure it was in the millions of dollars also. So, the $40,000+ I paid in all went toward that as far as I'm concerned. My $40,000 well spent. I still have my garage full of toys so in the grand scheme of things, I'm still doing fine after paying my taxes.


40 thousand!! Wow, that's more than a lot of people make!! Just think, you prolly completely funded somebody to go to college. Somebody who otherwise may have been a bum with his hand out waiting for a welfare check. Thanks to you Tang, potentially, somebody out there is (will be) a doctor or a vet or an electronics engineer. They never talk about THAT on the news... :rolleyes:


Active Member
consequenceless-I like that word TIZZO! Seriously though, THANK YOU FOR YOUR SERVICE!! I didn't know you were "Gung ho" :joy:
Heads up tang-I used 100 dollars so everything would come out as a straight percentage from 2004.


Active Member
abotion should be illegal, i agree. i follow your example of not doing anything. I dont have --- nor do i think people out side of marriage should. its for the bonds of marriage as the bible states clearly.
also ..whom every paid $40,000 in dont mind paying it in because you make over $200k a year, and you have money to give, those of us who make around $50k to $70k are the ones who are really hurt by the whole take taxes and give it to the poor situation. we're middle classed we need to focus on ourselves and taking care of our familys proplerly ...before we help out bob down the street with his problems....and odds are bob caused his own problems.....


Active Member
also note i was in the navy and i did serve our country i was in iraq for 3 months...and i hated every minute of it...lame. we shouldn't be there


I would have a lot more respect for people if they just said
"I don't agree with abortion" and left out the "because the bible says no" part.
I respect your religious beliefs, but I think religion and polictics have become too interconnected. Just say you do not agree with it and leave the bible stuff out. I understand that there is a large majority of people in the country that share the same religious beliefs, but you have to respect those who do not share your beliefs.


also note i was in the navy and i did serve our country i was in iraq for 3 months...and i hated every minute of it...lame. we shouldn't be there
No offense but why did you sign up if you didn't want to fulfill the job requirements?
And Bob down the street... A usual case scenario is after the Bob ransacks the house and takes everything worth anythig, the victems first words following are, "If only he woulda just asked me for it. He didn't need to steal it, I woulda gave it to him..."
You are right tough, people usually put their self in their own unfortunate circumstances with bad choices. But once they are there, I think this rich country can spare a few bucks to get him outa the rut.
This thread can go nowhere positive... hasn't that been mentioned??