Democrat or Republican?


Damn... I've created a monster. lol.
Anyway, I think the flat tax is not fair. The rich need to be taxed more, and the "trickle down" effect is a myth. I am also pro choice and gay marriage. Just putting that out there.


Active Member
It's hard to keep politics from religion and visa versa!!
I don't think Democrats or Republicans are evil. I think some are wiser than others.
For the good of our country, the MIX and debate of the different views is what has guided our laws and made us great.
" I cringe to think you'd be OK letting a person with a child nonetheless, stay out in the cold or heat just because "they got themselves into that situation" "
No, no Tizzo! I said,"99% of the people don't want to see little children starving-there are just different visions on how to prevent it."
I'm well within the 99% Tizzo. I'm a realist too. I believe some money could be taken because I give anyway. I also know Goverment programs can be abused. (Don't throw the baby out with the bath water.)


Calm down Farmboy that was actually a hypothetical. I didn't pull it from anything you said, LOL.
And Nikolai, :yes:


Active Member
Im not a a fundamental Christian who takes the bible literally...and doesn't make acceptions or bend just so someone feels comfortable. I also personally believe our government should be the same way.


Any religion taken to its extreme is not a good thing. There is another group of "fundimentalists" that we fear in this country . . .


Originally Posted by Jer4916
I also personally believe our government should be the same way.
It can't work like that... If the gov enforces what the bible teaches then that removes our free will. You can't remove the free will aspect. It's kinda like...I would cheat on my spouse if I wasn't hand cuffed to this wall. I would!! Nothing would stop me if I were not literally bound by these handcuffs.
Now am I sincere because I am not cheating on my spouse?? I WOULD, but I can't, and the end result is that I am not, so is that sincere?? I don't think it is. I think if you hafta force people to act a certain way that God is NOT up there smiling because you are behaving. I think if you can have an abortion or cheat on your spouse and you CHOOSE not to THEN He smiles...
I think easy availability of these services shows peoples true colors.

darth tang

Active Member
Hold on, going off topic. Something is extremely wrong here.
Working on a second Doctrine.
A minor in Government
Well versed in the bible
Served in the Navy and spent three months in Iraq
Holds down a Job
Mother held three jobs with no father around.
All of this by the age of 21?!?!?!!?!?
Jer4916, Doogie Howser has nothing on you. Can you give us a timeline on how this is remotely possible. I am sorry, I base people's opinions on their credibility. This doesn't seem credible or possible to me, so it is difficult for myself to take any arguement or stance you present seriously. Especially, since you claim to use defenses and examples in your own life to make your point.
Did I just do a political manuever?

darth tang

Active Member
Ok, back on subject.
im a fundamental Christian who takes the bible literally
Do you take the New Testament or the Old Testament Literally? One, is what are to be the rules and guidelines of todays Chritianity, the other is a history.
Mainy take scriptures and throw them in the face of Christians, trying to point out a contradiction without realizing which is which, and think they have proved something by doing so. That is the main problem with those that attack the religious groups today. They don't truly understand the religion and it's ideals, basics, and histories as a whole.


Active Member
if you want a back tracking here we go
Finished high school 13/started college
Took class's in theology,Religion,Divinity
Had interests in Government and English
Took 3 years of both government and english
Recieved my bach in Theology, Received my Doctorate in Divinity. (masters/dr. one degree where i went)
Working on my DMIN (Doctorate of the Ministry).
Along with my first Degrees i speak: Greek,Hebrew,Latin (Used for studying texts)
Along side that i take the Greek text for NT as literal. I take the Hebrew texts as literal for OT ...In english i use the King James Bible.
Joined the navy at 18 to be a Chaplin. My heart was Not in good enough condition (i've always had heart problems) I was dismissed with a medical discharge 8 months after enrolling.
That clear up your time table?
Hopefully this doesn't come off as an ego war, because i honestly dont want it to.


Active Member
If you want school ref.
Abeka for my grade school/high school
Great Plains Divinity for my Bach (Local Church College)
Pensacola Christian College for my Masters/Doctorate Which also happens to run Abeka Books


Active Member
yes her...LOL...i think its going to be funny if she runs...i'd get a good laugh...what about Tom Dashle...i think he might run next for pres.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Tizzo
40 thousand!! Wow, that's more than a lot of people make!! Just think, you prolly completely funded somebody to go to college. Somebody who otherwise may have been a bum with his hand out waiting for a welfare check. Thanks to you Tang, potentially, somebody out there is (will be) a doctor or a vet or an electronics engineer. They never talk about THAT on the news... :rolleyes:
I like to think that it goes to something good. Do I like paying taxes? Of course not but I know there is nothing I can do about it so why waste any of the short time we have here worrying about it. I would rather keep it and my accountant makes sure I keep every dollar I can. I also donate to the United Way that gives money to a local childrens cancer charity and the Red Cross. I like to see my money go toward helping others.
I don't give money to beggers on the street. I once told a man holding a "will work for food" sign that I had some work he could do and he told me his calander was all full for the next 2 weeks.
I don't attend or give money to churches either. I personally have no use for organized religion of any type. I have gone to many churches in the past of all denominations and noticed that they all one thing in common. They want you to give till it hurts. I worked in Law Enforcement many years ago and did interogations for a short time and learned ways to talk to people to make them want to follow your lead. Some of the ministers I've seen stand in front of people are the biggest con-artists in the world and I just sat in wonder wathching people eat this up. Now I know there are many good churces out there, but these days I'd go as far to say that 90% of them are businesses and business is really good. Now read what I wrote very carefully. I never said I did not believe in a higher power. I just don't believe in religion. My Opinion only.
The SOB Evangalists on TV really take the cake. Spend a little time looking into their personal life and see where your money is going. These guys are the scum of the earth. I place them right below lawyers and just above dog crap.
Now I'm ranting, but like was mentioned, this is only a discussion and please don't take me too seriously. I don't mean to offend anyone and if I did, sorry. It just my honest opinion.


Active Member
Just like you i've been to ALOT of churches that are out in left field, and i've also met alot of so called " pastors " that are as anti-god as a murder..they just have different uses of there own evil...goes hand in hand with " be watchful of false prophets for they come in sheeps clothing but are inwardly ravening wolves." .... i wouldn't let some bad ministers ruin your relationship with Christ, i would say you need to sit down with your Bible and no one else and just read. Then after your studied ....find a church...odds are if yo uread your bible you will continue to find HORRIBLE churchs...someday you'll find a bible beliving church...but again...thats why there are HUGE differences between baptists,lutherans,catholics,meth, etc. they all have different doctrines. I would be considered a Fundamental Baptist. I've studied other " christian " religions ...some have good points others dont...but fact of the matter is with out Christ, your lost my friend...and you'll deal with eternity in hell thinking about it...i would atleast read your bible before you send yourself to hell....
Saying this out of love, not to argue.
Email me if you ever need someone to show you some verses.


Active Member
Originally Posted by nikolai
Anyway, I think the flat tax is not fair. The rich need to be taxed more, and the "trickle down" effect is a myth. I am also pro choice and gay marriage. Just putting that out there.
The rich do pay more.
And my feelings are hurt, Tizzo.
This is a "sheepish" grin - :D You got me with the hypothetical. . .thing. . .Where's Ross Perot when ya need him??


OK Jer, I gotta stop you, or slow you down rather... Lemme be honest with you here, if your going to be a pastor you really need to hone your people skills. Tangman said he doesn't give to churches because he believes most of them to be ill intentioned. A better response would have been something like, what the church does with the money is not our concern. We give as a way of saying thanks for our blessings and once it's out of our hands we put it in God's hands. What different "religions" believe is not our concern. Our relationship with God whether it involves money or not is OUR relationship. We should go to church to worship, praise, give thanks and if you have something in common with the people around you, great but if not then remember they are not the reason you go to begin with.
He also said he "doesn't believe in 'religion'", a statement I believe you can understand. Religion is a tradition. It's a customary justification that we are raised with but half of us don't understand, therefore deeming it about as insincere as one can get.
I give (or rather we give) 10% to not a church, but a christian radio station, since we are not members of a church. But once the check is in the mail, my part is done. Not my part as in my obligated part, but my part as in, I said thanks, that's it. Where it goes after it leaves my mailbox is not something I worry about. If it's being illused, it doesn't change why I gave it and the fact that I gave it. OK, that's just me.
I am very recently a christian so I remember what I thought when people would try to tell me what I had to do, what I had to change, I was goin' to hell, etc etc... Makes me kinda nauseaus how the actual christians are the ones who push everybody else away... I am hoping to not be like that. I am trying to remember my thought process not to long ago...


Originally Posted by Farmboy
The rich do pay more.
This is a "sheepish" grin - :D You got me with the hypothetical. . .thing. .

Yeah, I think they do pay more also because when I was working my rinky dink jobs, I got back every penny I paid in taxes with that "earned income credit thing". I am not complaining mind you, but it's true when it was really hard to make ends meet, the govdidn't take from me. I had forgotten about that.
You wanna debate too, dontcha Farmboy? LOL!!