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It was a desperate man's blind stab at getting Hillary's PUMA voters and I don't see where any thought was put into this pick at all. The logical choice woud've been Romney, but word is that McCain doesn't like Romney. probably because of the fact that if Huckabee, Thompson, Giuliani, Paul, John Boy, Larry, Moe, and Curly would've stayed out of the primary, Romney would've destroyed McCain. but, the pool gets diluted down and McCain backs into the nomination and we get a firsthand look at his decision making process by his choice in VP runningmate.
don't get me wrong, I'm a registered Republican who does NOT want to see Obama as president. but McCain has made himself look like quite the moron with this pick.
Why would Romney be the logical choice, you know he would be vilified for his religion, he did back tracked on several key issues in the primary. Ignoring her gender why don't you think she was a good choice. What do you think about her politics?