Did Palin want Alaska to Sucede from the Nation?


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Originally Posted by reefraff
Yeah, right. I just hope the media keeps up with the smears on Palin. She may end up with enough coat tails to let the Republicans maintain their levels in congress. My wife works with a woman who is a pretty committed Obamite and even she said she almost feels like voting for McCain just to slap the press in the face

that's the way to show them....


Active Member
Originally Posted by stdreb27
What? His tax arguments were excellent. And simplified it to a way a moron could understand.
These aren't valid question, the only reason these are being asked is because of the (R) behind her name and because she is a she.
If these were valid, why aren't they being raised about obama and his kids? JFK has YOUNG kids too. And we are talking two different things, president and someone running for president.
On a side note what do you think the veep actually does? Not that much, preside over the senate, votes in case of a tie, and give a few speeches, reads the news, attends the important meetings, does some stateman traveling. This isn't like being the president, and speaking of Obama and his fathers should take care of the kids. What do you think Mr. Palin will do? Work in alaska on the northern slopes, I doubt it. He's probably going to be a Mr. Mom. Obama and his hechmen aught to be praising the father...

I think it is a valid question... having a kid w/ special needs requires a lot... and its a question I think is fair that the media ask... As far as Obama... I think he will be true to his word and stay away from the family issues... Will the media... no... but that is the nature of the media... its all about the story.
Third, I just think that is a heavy strain on any family... could she succeed... maybe
What does a VP do... I think their role is much more than that... if it isn't it should be...


Active Member
Originally Posted by Rylan1
His whole tax explanation was way off...
America -- America needs a president who understands the nature of the world we live in, a president who feels no need to apologize for the United States of America. (Cheers, applause.) We need a president -- we need a president who understands that you don't make citizens prosperous by making Washington richer -- (cheers, applause) -- and you don't -- and you don't lift an economic downturn by imposing one of the largest tax increases in American history.
ow, our opponents tell us not to worry about their tax increases. They tell you they're not going to tax your family. (Laughter.) No, they're just going to tax "businesses." So, unless you buy something from a business, like groceries or clothes or gasoline -- (laughter) -- or unless you get a paycheck from a business, a big business or a small business, don't worry, it's not going to affect you! (Laughter, cheers, applause.) They say they're not going to take any water out of your side of the bucket, just the other side of the bucket! (Laughter.) That's their idea of tax reform.
This makes sense. This is the way it works. If as a business your costs go up, they will pass along those increases in costs to you...
I know this may not make sense to someone who says that an increase in cap gains tax would make people hold their stock longer. But this is simple market economics.
Unless you want to argue that obama isn't proposing tax increases on Big business like oil...


Active Member
Originally Posted by Rylan1
I think it is a valid question... having a kid w/ special needs requires a lot... and its a question I think is fair that the media ask... As far as Obama... I think he will be true to his word and stay away from the family issues... Will the media... no... but that is the nature of the media... its all about the story.
Third, I just think that is a heavy strain on any family... could she succeed... maybe
What does a VP do... I think their role is much more than that... if it isn't it should be...
Let me ask you this, (now I don't think I'll get an honest answer but) what would be your reaction, if obama had a young special needs kid? Would you say he should stay home and take care of his kid?
What about with Biden, his wife was killed in a car wreck, and he as a single dad raised his kids while serving in congress...


Active Member
Originally Posted by stdreb27
America -- America needs a president who understands the nature of the world we live in, a president who feels no need to apologize for the United States of America. (Cheers, applause.) We need a president -- we need a president who understands that you don't make citizens prosperous by making Washington richer -- (cheers, applause) -- and you don't -- and you don't lift an economic downturn by imposing one of the largest tax increases in American history.
ow, our opponents tell us not to worry about their tax increases. They tell you they're not going to tax your family. (Laughter.) No, they're just going to tax "businesses." So, unless you buy something from a business, like groceries or clothes or gasoline -- (laughter) -- or unless you get a paycheck from a business, a big business or a small business, don't worry, it's not going to affect you! (Laughter, cheers, applause.) They say they're not going to take any water out of your side of the bucket, just the other side of the bucket! (Laughter.) That's their idea of tax reform.
This makes sense. This is the way it works. If as a business your costs go up, they will pass along those increases in costs to you...
I know this may not make sense to someone who says that an increase in cap gains tax would make people hold their stock longer. But this is simple market economics.
Unless you want to argue that obama isn't proposing tax increases on Big business like oil...
lets look at the individual tax plans then... I posted a link comparing them a while ago... it is a non biased analysis of pros and cons of both plans.. But who would you trust most with a struggling economy and defecit? I'd go with a democrat.


Active Member
Originally Posted by stdreb27
Let me ask you this, (now I don't think I'll get an honest answer but) what would be your reaction, if obama had a young special needs kid? Would you say he should stay home and take care of his kid?
What about with Biden, his wife was killed in a car wreck, and he as a single dad raised his kids while serving in congress...
the point about Biden is a good point... kids were older... For Obama... it wouldn't be an issue for me...
She has what 4 or 5 kids? One is a baby and one is a teenage soon to be mother... I think this raises the difficulty level... I think its a valid question... and as I said its up to her and a family decision... I am not going to base my vote on it... but its a question I think for the media to ask...


Active Member
Originally Posted by Rylan1
lets look at the individual tax plans then... I posted a link comparing them a while ago... it is a non biased analysis of pros and cons of both plans.. But who would you trust most with a struggling economy and defecit? I'd go with a democrat.
If it was the link I remember wasn't it just a link to a liberal think tank?
I'm for who-ever is a free trader, and doesn't believe in market controls and market manipulation. Because that historically has aided the economy...
You'd go with a democrat, but you knowledge of economics is extremely limited at best.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Rylan1
the point about Biden is a good point... kids were older... For Obama... it wouldn't be an issue for me...
She has what 4 or 5 kids? One is a baby and one is a teenage soon to be mother... I think this raises the difficulty level... I think its a valid question... and as I said its up to her and a family decision... I am not going to base my vote on it... but its a question I think for the media to ask...
Simple fact is these issues weren't raised until her...
This is a problem in a nutshell. The organized argument against her is based on gender rolls. And based on her daughter's indiscretion.
In a equality society, any arguments based on gender rolls have no place...
And well if we talk about indiscretion that opens up a lot of worms for the democrats.


Active Member
Originally Posted by stdreb27
If it was the link I remember wasn't it just a link to a liberal think tank?
I'm for who-ever is a free trader, and doesn't believe in market controls and market manipulation. Because that historically has aided the economy...
You'd go with a democrat, but you knowledge of economics is extremely limited at best.
Your own candidate says his knowledge is limited at best, and if he goes with the party people.... it will continue another 4 years of failed ecomomics... I do understand the idea that costs are passed to consumer... I don't believe that small business will have increased taxes... I also know that 95% of americans will see additional tax decreases... You would be better off under an Obama tax policy... Of the remaining 5%... half will pay more half will pay the same.


Active Member
Originally Posted by stdreb27
Simple fact is these issues weren't raised until her...
why would they... she brings a new set of issues to the table... If it were Romney the questions would be about religion...


Active Member
Originally Posted by Rylan1
Your own candidate says his knowledge is limited at best, and if he goes with the party people.... it will continue another 4 years of failed ecomomics... I do understand the idea that costs are passed to consumer... I don't believe that small business will have increased taxes... I also know that 95% of americans will see additional tax decreases... You would be better off under an Obama tax policy... Of the remaining 5%... half will pay more half will pay the same.
You blame the President solely for "failed economics"? How about our outstanding Democratic majority in the Congress taking some responsibility?


Active Member
Originally Posted by Rylan1
Your own candidate says his knowledge is limited at best, and if he goes with the party people.... it will continue another 4 years of failed ecomomics... I do understand the idea that costs are passed to consumer... I don't believe that small business will have increased taxes... I also know that 95% of americans will see additional tax decreases... You would be better off under an Obama tax policy... Of the remaining 5%... half will pay more half will pay the same.
See here is the thing, this isn't a failed economy. In no way has it failed. Things that are struggling are items that are HEAVILY FEDERALLY REGULATED like fanny and freddy. (quazi-government entities) Or things like the auto industry where they are heavily labor regulated. Then you get the fed (an unbiased entity) dumping money into the money supply and inflation goes up. You have government saying we can't drill limiting supply raising prices.
But as a whole our economy is fine.
As for taxes reread the bucket analogy! Costs including taxes gets passed along!


Active Member
Originally Posted by Rylan1
A must read analysis of tax plans

You are missing the point, that Thompson was trying to make. He wasn't talking about direct taxes. (which shall I point to the last democrat president who "promised" middle class tax cuts) And how he delivered. But how raising taxes to businesses and corps increase your costs. And an indirect tax on you.

Do you not think business's charge you cost + their percentage of profit?


Active Member
Originally Posted by stdreb27
You are missing the point, that Thompson was trying to make. He wasn't talking about direct taxes. (which shall I point to the last democrat president who "promised" middle class tax cuts) And how he delivered. But how raising taxes to businesses and corps increase your costs. And an indirect tax on you.

Do you not think business's charge you cost + their percentage of profit?
Did most businesses do better or worse prior to Bush cuts? Also Obama capital gains would be 20... not the huge stretch mentioned by some... Also.. point out where businesses will pay more in taxes...
From what I've seen/heard... business for the most part will see a tax decrease.. and recieve incentive for keeping jobs in america.. as opposed to the tax cuts recieved bt those who ship jobs overseas. As far as windfall taxes... oil could probably get around this by developing alternatives.


Active Member
Speaking of the RNC being boring, what did you expect?
Perhaps they should have had a crazy little guy jumping up and down yelling at the top of your lungs..... That might be entertaining...
Of course some might argue that our leaders should be leaders and not entertainers.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Rylan1
I think it is a valid question... having a kid w/ special needs requires a lot... and its a question I think is fair that the media ask... As far as Obama... I think he will be true to his word and stay away from the family issues... Will the media... no... but that is the nature of the media... its all about the story.
Third, I just think that is a heavy strain on any family... could she succeed... maybe
What does a VP do... I think their role is much more than that... if it isn't it should be...
What on earth are you trying to say? We shouldn't elect someone with young children or someone with young children that you don't consider 'normal'? Or maybe you just don't think women with children should be elected? Or is it just women that you don't think should be elected?

darthtang aw

Active Member
everyone did better under the tax cuts, how else would you explain the average adjusted gross tax income filed with the Irs was the highest in history in 2006 at $58,029 per person. in 2000 under clinton at his peak it was at $55,000. Then 9/11 happenned and the economy spiralled down, bush's tax cuts went into place...and by 2006 families had surpassed on average where they were 6 years prior.


Active Member
Originally Posted by stdreb27
I know this may not make sense to someone who says that an increase in cap gains tax would make people hold their stock longer. But this is simple market economics.
Unless you want to argue that obama isn't proposing tax increases on Big business like oil...
I still LMAO when I read that.


alright guys and gals enough of the language abreviated words and se-xual overtones in the posts. If you want to keep the political debates and discussions going the rules have to be followed and abided by. I would hate to ask admin to stop all political debates because people cant post with atleast alittle restrant and choose their words better.
This topic is closed yet again for posting misconduct!!!