Originally Posted by LexLuethar
Apples falling from trees.
You cannot create something out of nothingCarbon dating showing the world is much older then some religions believe
I could go on...
I realize there is some misconceptions between theory and fact, but I believe the point of his post was that most science is based upon some concrete evidence. Although i do no dispute the fact that there was a man named Jesus 2000 years ago, what observable facts do you have that he walked on water, used two fish to feed thousands, or his father (god) created the world. I think he is saying religion is based off more of faith (which is obviously b/c that is the definition of religion) than fact.
The bold statement is the one that, for me, causes me to scratch my head the most regarding science. We know matter cannot be created or destroyed. We further know that all things tend towards disoprder unless acted upon by an outside force; Yet our scientific community is willing to accept everything occured from nothing and has lead to a more and more complicated system over time.
Removing my religious views, I still would have a difficult time with that; to me it seems like a rather large contradiction. A scientific "theory" is not supposed to contradict known scientific "laws".
We have no scientific evidence whatsoever that Jesus did what the Bible says He did. What we do have, however, is the historical evidence of a Church springing up, after His death, in the face of increasing persecution. What we do have is evidence of His followers spreading His teachings after He died.
Many people unwillingly die for a lie. Few people, however, are willing to give up everything and die knowing they are dying for a lie.