DIY Live Rocks


Active Member
I just did another water change on my rock, this last batch got really good. I really like the mixture, I did not really follow any recipe, I just keept adding cement, sand, and CC till it looked good. This batch really looks like real LR. I did not take any pictures, stupid me, but I will next time I do a water change in 3 or 4 days. I wish I was better at making shapes, mine all kinda look the same, and this batch that I like the mixture, I made them for the 40 gallon, and these will go on the bottom of the tank, so I just made them on the floor, so the bottom is totaly flat. I will have to pratice making shapes in the sand, I just don't have all that good imagination.
Anyone else have an update of their rock?


New Member
yea i was wondering also about what cement to use i tried portland II-V with a 1:5 ratio of sand and a half cup shells they are still drying but i will post pics soon. also does anyone know if this cement is safe or they have used it?


Active Member
Originally Posted by bpreef
yea i was wondering also about what cement to use i tried portland II-V with a 1:5 ratio of sand and a half cup shells they are still drying but i will post pics soon. also does anyone know if this cement is safe or they have used it?
Am I reading this correctly...
1 cup cement
5 cups sand
1/2 cup shells
I used 1 cup of cement to 5 cups of crushed oyster shells that I bought from a feed store. The only thing I used sand for was to make little tunnels and the mold. They are still sitting in a tub trying to get the ph squared away. I beleive it is week 4....


New Member
yea and they are taking longer to dry because they have been outside and its been about 60 degrees out there. i will have pics shortly. also that recipe for rock comes straight from garf.
Hello, I was just reading this post and I was in the market for buying some live rock for my 125 gal,,,I was wondering if this type of rock would work for a "Live rock" structure??? If so how much would you charge me to make me some??? About 40-50 lbs.... I dont have the room to make my own,,,sounds crazy uh??


If people are willing to make this and sell it let me know because i have everything i need to set up my tank but rock and i would love some of these cool shapes that the diy rock lets you get. LMK!


I don't think I would make it for anyone else. It does take up space and is time consuming but well worth it. Plus it is freezing outside at the moment - brrrrr. I'm posting my updates. The first is a photo from a month ago, and the rest are from today. The coraline is really starting to take over and we have aquascaped the other rock around it.



Active Member
Does someone have a good formula/way of making them with crushed coral. I have crushed coral in my tank right now and dont feel like wasting it when I use the sand. I know that you use cement and water and let them sit in freshewater buckts for 6 weeks changing the water everyother day... ?


I had crushed coral left from pulling it out of my tank a couple years ago. I used the following recipe:
2 parts Portland Cement
4 parts Crushed Oyster Shells - you could use crushed coral instead
2 parts Aragonite Sand
1 part Crushed Coral
Everyone's recipe is a little different, not right or wrong - just different. I played around with the mix until I got the look I wanted. Just made really small rocks that could be used for frags. I found that with my recipe, you have to drop the mix into your sand mold. If you try & spread it out with your hand it is not as porous as I wanted it.


Active Member
Kayak, here is the formula I used...
5 parts crushed oysters
1 part portland cement
1 bag of crushed oysters (50 lbs) makes around 50 lbs of rock...Costs were:
Sand for mold ($3/50 lb bag) - 1 bag
Portland Cement (I think it was about $6/90 lb bag) 1 bag
Crushed Oysters ($8/50 lb bag) - 2 bags...
I only made a couple of rocks and still have tons of cement left along with one bag of oyster what....less than $20....and I had containers on hand .....
Cement and play sand I found at home depot..and the crushed oysters were at a local feed and supplies store...


i made 3 rocks this past week, i didnt have a formula really, i just kinda mixed up the portland cement and the crushed coral until i was happy with the mix.
i read somewhere that somebody also used rock salt to help it be more porous, im going to try this with my next batch of rocks


Active Member
Ok guys, I have made 3 batches of rock, and I am having trouble with making shapes. Even if I dig a mold in the sand, it seems to push flat when I put the rock mixture in. All my rocks seem flat, well, most of them. Anyways, any tips? Did anyone else come up with a good way to make shapes besides the sand way?


Originally Posted by BellaNavis
Ok guys, I have made 3 batches of rock, and I am having trouble with making shapes. Even if I dig a mold in the sand, it seems to push flat when I put the rock mixture in. All my rocks seem flat, well, most of them. Anyways, any tips? Did anyone else come up with a good way to make shapes besides the sand way?
cut out the shape in styrafoam and wrap it with plastic i think is one way that is talked about on previous pages.


Active Member
Ok, I will try that, but I think it would still be kinda flat, not bumpy like lr, there has to be a fail proof way to do this.


Originally Posted by BellaNavis
Ok, I will try that, but I think it would still be kinda flat, not bumpy like lr, there has to be a fail proof way to do this.
Oceana has the best way by far that I've seen.


OK i know that this is a saltwater forum but i have to ask... will this method of DIY rocks work with fresh water as well or not. i only ask cause i have a fresh water tank to andwould like to make some rocks for that as well