So this whole situation has been freaking me out.... I've cleaned everthing, checked everything, thought of everything.... I finally gave up today...
I decided to let the tank temp climb just to see how far it would go... It got to 89 degrees today and the coral looked......wonderful.
That's when I decided to check one last piece of equipment...
I pulled out my "big digital temp alert" and let it sit outside of the tank...
After an hour I looked at the temp readings...
The inside (room) temp was: 72 degrees.
The in tank (which is out of the tank) temp is: 82.4 degrees.
So this seems to be my problem....
My other "big digital temp alert" in my 46 gallon (not really up and running yet) says that the in tank temp is 54 degrees but has a correct outside temp...
Apparently these things go bad after a while!