Do you believe in evolution?


Active Member
Originally Posted by Clown Boy
LOL it seems a part of that article was left out.. sorry, folks...
It seems like all the evidence you claimed to have was left out.
PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE share the knowledge with us, or atleast me.


Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by Clown Boy
LOL it seems a part of that article was left out.. sorry, folks...
If it deals with the impossibility of thrust plates, save the bandwidth please.

clown boy

Active Member
18. Minerals in the Oceans:
By measuring the amounts of various minerals that are present in the oceans and calculating the amounts of each that are added each year by river runoff, scientists can estimate how old the oceans are. When doing so the great majority of minerals yield young ages for the earth's oceans -- many of which are less than 5,000 years.

clown boy

Active Member
I honestly am quite busy right now... I think I will not post anymore until I have enough time to sit down and meet these requests satisfactorily.


Active Member
Originally Posted by reefreak29
your right the bible never disproved evolution it never talks about it at all and ive read the whole thing, evolution is a subject created by man to try and disprove the exsistance of God
Actually, man created God. And there's more evidence to support evolution than there is for the existence of God.

clown boy

Active Member
Folks, let me ask you all something. Can any of you give us some evidence for evolution? No, I don't mean fossils that support it... I mean evidence that evolution really took place and that the earth is as old as "experts" say it is.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Clown Boy
Folks, let me ask you all something. Can any of you give us some evidence for evolution? No, I don't mean fossils that support it... I mean evidence that evolution really took place and that the earth is as old as "experts" say it is.
If you won't listen to experts I doubt you will listen to me. If you will not look at the fossil record or the genetic facts behind mutation, then I have no idea what you will listen to.

clown boy

Active Member
Originally Posted by Jerthunter
the genetic facts behind mutation
A mutation is a loss of genetic code, not a gain.
Most mutations are Neutral.
Harmful mutations are rare.
Beneficial mutations do not exist.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Clown Boy
A mutation is a loss of genetic code, not a gain.
Most mutations are Neutral.
Harmful mutations are rare.
Beneficial mutations do not exist.
No, a mutation is a change in a genetic code, point mutations, insertions, and deletions are all type of mutation.
Please do not make false claims like this, it is unhelpful to the discussion and only shows that you do not have the background knowledge to understand genetics.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Jerthunter
It would appear his point is to keep cutting and pasting useless information in the hopes it will distract from the fact that he has yet to supply one bit of evidence he said he had.
can you supply me with evidence of macro evolution or evidence that God did not create the universe and man


Active Member
Originally Posted by rbaldino
Actually, man created God. And there's more evidence to support evolution than there is for the existence of God.
i would highly disagree with that statement, ive never read a book on evolution thats over 2200 pages long 50 generations and 1500 years of non contradictional facts

clown boy

Active Member
Originally Posted by Jerthunter
Please do not make false claims like this, it is unhelpful to the discussion and only shows that you do not have the background knowledge to understand genetics.
It's not a false claim... I did my research...


Active Member
Originally Posted by reefreak29
can you supply me with evidence of macro evolution or evidence that God did not create the universe and man
I cannot provide evidence that God did not create the universe and man, any claim to prove the existence or non-existence of a transcenent being is just absurd in my opinion. As far as evidence for macroevolution I have tried repeatedly to point people in the right direction for this information. I am not arrogant enough to believe that I have all the information. I already mentioned that I do not care to prove or disprove creation or evolution, I so however want to clarify people misunderstandings of what evolution is.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Clown Boy
It's not a false claim... I did my research...
Yes it is false. Any change in a DNA base sequence is a mutation.
This can be an insertion of DNA, a deletion of DNA or a change in base pairs.
I have no idea what research you did but you might want to do more since your claims are showing a clear lack of understanding of the subject matter.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Jerthunter
Many scientists today believe that mitochondria and chloroplasts started off as a symbiotic relationship between types of cells. Although this theory did not get much support initally it has become widely accepted due to the overwhelming similarities between mitochondria and types of bacteria.
Also, concerning the 'most mutations are bad' statement, often times mutations do not get expressed, perhaps the mutation is not in a gene, are DNA has huge sections of unexpressed repeating sequences that can mutate without showing any side effects. So several mutations can build up over time without being seen until perhaps a promoter region gets moved via transposons or maybe by a virus inserting its own DNA.
Ok, point 1: How then do symbiotic relationships evolve? How did a eukaryotic organism survive without mitochondria, cell nucleus, cell membranes, etc.? Forget the complexity of man, look at the tiniest multi-cellular organism and the complexity of it's cells versus those of single celled organisms. There is a wide, and I would argue, impossbile gap between the two.
Point 2: If a mutation is not expressed it then would be of no benefit to the host, which wouldn't allow it a competitive edge, which then would not lead to it rearing more offspring and displacing the population with it's offspring. So, while on the surface this argument sounds good, it doesn't take into account the real issue of the numerical impossiblity unguided mutations would need to go through to form life from nothing; much less complex and diverse ecosystems.

clown boy

Active Member
Originally Posted by Jerthunter
Yes it is false. Any change in a DNA base sequence is a mutation.
This can be an insertion of DNA, a deletion of DNA or a change in base pairs.
I have no idea what research you did but you might want to do more since your claims are showing a clear lack of understanding of the subject matter.
It is absolutely impossible for extra DNA to be accidentally added...


Active Member
Originally Posted by 1journeyman
Ok, point 1: How then do symbiotic relationships evolve? How did a eukaryotic organism survive without mitochondria, cell nucleus, cell membranes, etc.? Forget the complexity of man, look at the tiniest multi-cellular organism and the complexity of it's cells versus those of single celled organisms. There is a wide, and I would argue, impossbile gap between the two.
Point 2: If a mutation is not expressed it then would be of no benefit to the host, which wouldn't allow it a competitive edge, which then would not lead to it rearing more offspring and displacing the population with it's offspring. So, while on the surface this argument sounds good, it doesn't take into account the real issue of the numerical impossiblity unguided mutations would need to go through to form life from nothing; much less complex and diverse ecosystems.
On point 1, I do not have the necessary knowledge to explain how the symbiotic relationship evolved. I know there are people who have done plenty of research and have their theories. If you are truely interested I would recommend researching Dr. Lynn Margulis' work.
On to point 2, Mutations do not need to get an edge to an organism to survive. Lets say you have a mutation that changes the gene for the brown pigment in your eyes, this probably won't give you an edge in survival but if you pass this mutated gene along eventually there may be another mutation that changes the shape in a membrane protein that results in a resistence a virus. This resistence will probably give your offspring an edge and over time you could see a change in the population, not only in terms of viral resistence but also in eye color.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Jerthunter
I think it is an interesting fact to look at, for anyone. But I do agree that people should not be relying on incorrect information, however there seem to be a lot of people making claims about having knowledge of something who when questioned do not produce that knowledge....
That's certainly a 2 way street.