Do you believe in evolution?


Active Member
Originally Posted by Clown Boy
It is absolutely impossible for extra DNA to be accidentally added...
That is again completely false. The genetic machinery used to replicate DNA occationally messes up and repeats a sequence, this can result in duplicate genes being formed. Also a virus can insert their DNA into host DNA via use of reverse transcriptase.


Active Member
Originally Posted by 1journeyman
That's certainly a 2 way street.
Are you trying to imply that I have claimed to have proof of something and not given the information to back up my claim?


Active Member
this whole thread to me is makeing me laugh, we can go round and round for 1000 more pages and not acomplish a thing


Active Member
Originally Posted by reefreak29
this whole thread to me is makeing me laugh, we can go round and round for 1000 more pages and not acomplish a thing
This has already accomplished something. It got me to read the Bhagavad Gita again.


Originally Posted by Clown Boy
It is absolutely impossible for extra DNA to be accidentally added...
Speaking in absolutes is rarely a good idea, but here I will use one by stating that you are ABSOLUTELY wrong. I guess it depends on your definition of "accidentally", but DNA gets added all the time. If you'd like to claim god did it, fine, but it certainly happens.

clown boy

Active Member
Originally Posted by itom37
Speaking in absolutes is rarely a good idea, but here I will use one by stating that you are ABSOLUTELY wrong. I guess it depends on your definition of "accidentally", but DNA gets added all the time. If you'd like to claim god did it, fine, but it certainly happens.
Are you absolutely sure?

No, from the beginning of time, genetic code has been lost, corrupted, but never gained by "accident" or "random selection".


Active Member
Originally Posted by reefreak29
i would highly disagree with that statement, ive never read a book on evolution thats over 2200 pages long 50 generations and 1500 years of non contradictional facts
I seriously hope you're not talking about the Bible, a work of fiction written by men to control and manipulate an ignorant and superstitious populace? Can you prove that God exists? Where does he live? Do you have a picture of him? If He does exist, why are there a variety of religions that make various claims about Him, all of which believe their's to be the only true religion? I really wish God would show up, hold a press conference and set us all straight. Then again, He'd have to actually exist for that to happen...


Active Member
Originally Posted by rbaldino
I seriously hope you're not talking about the Bible, a work of fiction written by men to control and manipulate an ignorant and superstitious populace? Can you prove that God exists? Where does he live? Do you have a picture of him? If He does exist, why are there a variety of religions that make various claims about Him, all of which believe their's to be the only true religion? I really wish God would show up, hold a press conference and set us all straight. Then again, He'd have to actually exist for that to happen...
lol we have a huge difference of opinion on this . but he will come back some day, people didnt even believe in him when he was on earth and performed many miracles why should it be any different today


Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by Clown Boy
It is absolutely impossible for extra DNA to be accidentally added...
This one is completely, 100%, totally, and comprehensively incorrect. It happens all the time with a frequency that is astounding. How do you think that drug resistance crosses species - look in any microbiology book. We do this routinely in my laboratory. Human beings do it pretty frequently, too. Look up 21 trisomy, for example.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Clown Boy
Are you absolutely sure?

No, from the beginning of time, genetic code has been lost, corrupted, but never gained by "accident" or "random selection".
It is unfortunate that you have chosen to continue to make this completely inaccurate statements and that you refuse to believe the facts of genetic mutations. You have shown that you are completely unwilling to accept any information that you fear might call your beliefs into question. Hopefully some day you will be willing to learn something.
I will now attempt to ignore your outrageous claims and focus on discussing the matter with people who are willing to accept and discuss information.


Active Member
Originally Posted by GeriDoc
This one is completely, 100%, totally, and comprehensively incorrect. It happens all the time with a frequency that is astounding. How do you think that drug resistance crosses species - look in any microbiology book. We do this routinely in my laboratory. Human beings do it pretty frequently, too. Look up 21 trisomy, for example.
this is micro evolution, and it has been proven . i see it at work all the time.
i work in the microbiology world


Active Member
Originally Posted by reefreak29
this is micro evolution, and it has been proven . i see it at work all the time.
i work in a microbiology world
No matter what you wish to call it, it is the very building blocks required for any type of evolution and the problem is that Clown Boy has repeatedly made false statements claiming that genetic material cannot be gained.


Well-Known Member
Just to keep things moving, let me throw in something that may be more important than genetic mutation in evolution. If you read up on evo-devo you will see that it seems to be a very common strategy for a successful gene to be put to other uses over evolutionary time spans. A good example of this is the hox gene, which, with virtually no change, codes for wings, legs, feet, arms, hands, fingers, toes, club wings, etc in virtually all species. It all depends where in the genome and in what dose the gene exists. It is these kind of data that make Mike Behe's arguments about irreducible complexity so laughable.

clown boy

Active Member
Originally Posted by GeriDoc
This one is completely, 100%, totally, and comprehensively incorrect. It happens all the time with a frequency that is astounding. How do you think that drug resistance crosses species - look in any microbiology book. We do this routinely in my laboratory. Human beings do it pretty frequently, too. Look up 21 trisomy, for example.
Yes, this does happen. But it's not how life started millions of years before man existed...

clown boy

Active Member
Originally Posted by Jerthunter
No matter what you wish to call it, it is the very building blocks required for any type of evolution and the problem is that Clown Boy has repeatedly made false statements claiming that genetic material cannot be gained.
It can. But not accidentally.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Clown Boy
Yes, this does happen. But it's not how life started millions of years before man existed...
Are you saying the universe has been around for millions of years? Doesn't that fly in the face of creationism?


Active Member
Originally Posted by rbaldino
Are you saying the universe has been around for millions of years? Doesn't that fly in the face of creationism?
in the beginning there was god, god did not create the earth that day i figure he got bored and wanted something to nurture thus the heavens and the earth and man were created...tobin

clown boy

Active Member
Originally Posted by seasalt101
in the beginning there was god, god did not create the earth that day i figure he got bored and wanted something to nurture thus the heavens and the earth and man were created...tobin
Not quite... he wanted someone to love.

clown boy

Active Member
Originally Posted by rbaldino
Are you saying the universe has been around for millions of years? Doesn't that fly in the face of creationism?
No, I'm not... but that's what you believe, isn't it?