Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by reefreak29
sorry but this is just false. to believe that we evolved from an ape takes much more faith then to believe we were created by God . theres at least proof of Gods exsistance. ive never seen any evidence that we evolved from an ape just theory
Then you need to take a look at post 675 - this is the point. Your concept of "proof" is firmly rooted in the first century, and has not changed in more than 2000 years. If it works for you, then fine. But proof has a very different meaning then "I believe, therefore it is". Proof, in the modern usage, refers to objective, measurable events. By that standard, the theory of evolution is the best fit to the observations, short of "then a miracle happened". BTW, if you are going to debate about evolution, you should at least understand evolutionary theory, which does not say that mankind evolved from apes, but that mankind and apes evolved from some common ancestor.
sorry but this is just false. to believe that we evolved from an ape takes much more faith then to believe we were created by God . theres at least proof of Gods exsistance. ive never seen any evidence that we evolved from an ape just theory
Then you need to take a look at post 675 - this is the point. Your concept of "proof" is firmly rooted in the first century, and has not changed in more than 2000 years. If it works for you, then fine. But proof has a very different meaning then "I believe, therefore it is". Proof, in the modern usage, refers to objective, measurable events. By that standard, the theory of evolution is the best fit to the observations, short of "then a miracle happened". BTW, if you are going to debate about evolution, you should at least understand evolutionary theory, which does not say that mankind evolved from apes, but that mankind and apes evolved from some common ancestor.