Originally Posted by
Darthtang AW
He has been watching...The bottomline is science relates to cause and effect. The beginning of the universe has to have a cause. That cause has to be an entity. Be it allah,god,buddha, jehova, messiah, zues,Isis, AO, Paladine,Mother nature, or a slew of other names for godlike figures. That entity had to start this whole thing in motion. There is no other explanation. Regardless of what religion...that is not my point. My point is an entity started all this. Has to have, otherwise the basic principle in science of cause and effect is flawed. To argue there is no such Entity is to also argue the basic foundation of science is wrong. And if this foundation is wrong, then we actually know nothing that we think we know. See I believe they go hand in hand.
As for creationism, this is just the belief an entity created this universe. You are arguing against a purely christian standpoint. You can not do this because your argument loses footholds if one pulls from another religion. That is what I am not arguing. I am just arguing the existance of a "higher being".
I never said you CAN'T be compassionate or work hard or love, respect other people. I asked what is the point if there is no potential reward in the "next life"?
Because if there is no next life, Be damned to everyone else and I am going to get mine, Forget the rest of you.
Look up the Big Bang Theory. Didn't they just build a new partical accelerator in Europe for this reason? Ever see how a new star is created? Is that god out there with his big hands pressing the energy together to form a new star?
That's the falacy of religion. You have this dire belief that there's this afterlife you're going to once you die. No one can prove that one either. So you can't have a meaningful life if you don't believe there's this place in the clouds where you live in peace and harmony for eternity? If the afterlife is so great, and what living for is all about, why doesn't everyone just kill themselves and get there as soon as they can? Oh that's right. If you kill yourself, then you are sent to the 'other side', the place with the down elevator. That's where they get you. Scare you into thinking if you harm yourself or fellow man, you will live you're eternity in your worst nightmare. If that weren't the case, the population on this world would be rather small...