Does anyone on here actually LIKE Palin?


Active Member
Originally Posted by bionicarm
OK. But for me who or what created the Earth is pointless. It is physically impossible to prove either theory, even with today's technology. If you believe in God, you believe in Faith. If that's what gets you through the day, good for you. But don't tell me you're a better person than I because I don't believe in your faith.
No, theres other reasons.


Active Member
Originally Posted by peef
If you go with a literal translation of creationism you will find that apparently the earth is around 6000 years old....give or take! Now I have never and never will read the bible so I couldn't tell you when or where it gives a timeline but trust me and look it up on the net. I had a creationism vs evolution class in college and the "literal" creationism theory is that the earth is appx 6000 yrs old.
Sorry got to head to dinner with my wife but I will be back later........
That's a pretty good class you took if you discussed Creationism but never read the Bible... Gee, wonder if that class was biased?
Let me help you out; Nowhere does the Bible say the world is 6,000 years old. Now, some people have a "theory" that the world is 6,000 years old. Like you said, however, that is a theory. The Bible does not say that. People simply try to interpret the extremely vague first two chapters of Genesis and that is one theory...
If you are going to call the beliefs of someone "stupid" you should make sure you understand the facts at hand.


Active Member
Originally Posted by peef
Bahahaha I agree! May the good lord save us.
So, do ya believe in the big guy or not?
Originally Posted by peef

Creationism states that there was nothing before god created the earth.....meaning that the earth is only a few thousand years old......uh DUMB......The creationism theory does not state that 400 billion years ago god created man. If it did then shoot I think it taking us 400+ billion years to

the earth up this bad isn't really that bad.....but it doesn't. I am not saying that believing in god is dumb or wrong or that there isn't a god, never said that. BUT I am saying if you believe the world is a couple of thousand years old your dumb as a brick.
Never said the world was 6000 years old. Simply tried to point out that if you believe in God, then you believe in Creationism. You cannot seperate the two.


Active Member
I will reiterate that I approve of Sarah Palin (sarahcuda) as VP.
If McCain would have chosen anyone else, the same dipwads that have something negative to say about Palin would be calling out and questioning Romney's religion and business successes, Huckabbes religion and general cookiness, Fred Thompson's acting ability, Guilliani's infidelities and wanting revenge on Muslim extremists.


Active Member
Originally Posted by 1journeyman
I'm not going to derail this thread by arguing Creationism with you, nor am I going to waste my time watching a two bit youtube video.You always preach about knowing all the should watch this.
You said the Bible says the world is 6,000 years old. I believe you even used the word "stupid". I said it was stupid to believe in the literal translation of the bible "creationism" whether god was real or not was not my arguement. If you do believe in the LITERAL translation of the bible ie. what is says word for word....then the timeline is that the world is around 6000 years old.Where does it say that? The Bible is broken down into tiny little sections. It should be very easy for you to tell me where exactly it says the world is 6,000 years old.

Originally Posted by GrouperGenius

So, do ya believe in the big guy or not?
I believe in something, not a named or understandable being or phenomenom....for lack of a better word
Never said the world was 6000 years old. Simply tried to point out that if you believe in God, then you believe in Creationism. You cannot seperate the two.
You really can though, look up the definetion of creationism is that you believe in the LITERAL translation of the bible. Meaning EVERY SINGLE THING IN THERE word for word EXACTLY as it was written....that is creationism.....


Active Member
"Creationism is the religious belief that humanity, life, the Earth, and the universe were created in their original form by a deity (often the Abrahamic God of Judaism, Christianity and Islam) or deities.[1] In relation to the creation-evolution controversy the term creationism (or strict creationism) is commonly used to refer to religiously-motivated rejection of evolution as an explanation of origins.[2]
Such beliefs include young Earth creationism, proponents of which believe that the earth is thousands rather than billions of years old. They believe the days in Genesis Chapter 1 are 24 hours in length, while Old Earth creationism accepts geological findings and other methods of dating the earth and believes that these findings do not contradict the Genesis account, but reject evolution. The term theistic evolution has been coined to refer to beliefs in creation which are more compatible with the scientific view of evolution and the age of the Earth. Alternately, there are other religious people who support creation, but in terms of allegorical interpretations of Genesis.
Creationism in the West is usually based on creation according to Genesis, and in its broad sense covers a wide range of beliefs and interpretations. Through the 19th century the term most commonly referred to direct creation of individual souls, in contrast to traducianism. However, by 1929 in the United States the term became particularly associated with Christian fundamentalist opposition to human evolution and belief in a young Earth.[2] Several U.S. states passed laws against the teaching of evolution in public schools, as upheld in the Scopes Trial. Evolution was omitted entirely from school textbooks in much of the United States until the 1960s. Since then, renewed efforts to introduce teaching creationism in American public schools in the form of flood geology, creation science, and intelligent design have been consistently held to contravene the constitutional separation of Church and State by a succession of legal judgements.[3] The meaning of the term creationism was contested, but by the 1980s it had been co-opted by proponents of creation science and flood geology.[2]"

darthtang aw

Active Member
Originally Posted by bionicarm
Sorry, that theory has been used too many times to prove a PHYSICAL god exists. You're talking about FAITH. A mental belief there's some All Seeing, All Knowing being that lives in this euphoric place and looks down on us controlling our lives and our fate. I can't disprove this Almighty Power of yours created atoms, and you can't prove He did. It's called The Universe. No one really knows where it came from, or how it was created. So if this god of your is real, where has he been for the last 300 billion years? Why doesn't he pop up every now and then to let us know he exists?
He has been watching...The bottomline is science relates to cause and effect. The beginning of the universe has to have a cause. That cause has to be an entity. Be it allah,god,buddha, jehova, messiah, zues,Isis, AO, Paladine,Mother nature, or a slew of other names for godlike figures. That entity had to start this whole thing in motion. There is no other explanation. Regardless of what religion...that is not my point. My point is an entity started all this. Has to have, otherwise the basic principle in science of cause and effect is flawed. To argue there is no such Entity is to also argue the basic foundation of science is wrong. And if this foundation is wrong, then we actually know nothing that we think we know. See I believe they go hand in hand.
As for creationism, this is just the belief an entity created this universe. You are arguing against a purely christian standpoint. You can not do this because your argument loses footholds if one pulls from another religion. That is what I am not arguing. I am just arguing the existance of a "higher being".
Originally Posted by bionicarm

But that has nothing to do with how you treat your fellow man. Just because you don't believe in god, you're unable to respect, love, and care for another human being? You're unable to be this 'good person' you speak of just because you don't believe god exists? What kind of logic is that?
Sorry, but there are millions of compassionate and caring atheists and agnosticts. I'm one of them. It's pretty pathetic if you think you're above me just because I don't believe in this god of yours. I do work hard for what I have. I do have a multitude of family and friends that I love and care for, and do whatever it takes to help them in a time of crisis. I just don't have to justify my life by saying 'God is great, God is good. God tells me everything is OK'. If that's what gets you through each day, to believe that when you die you'll end up in this Eternity flying around with wings on your back, good for you. For me, there's only one true Cycle Of Life...
You're Born, **not needed** , You Die, Then The Worms Eat You....
I never said you CAN'T be compassionate or work hard or love, respect other people. I asked what is the point if there is no potential reward in the "next life"?
Because if there is no next life, Be damned to everyone else and I am going to get mine, Forget the rest of you.


Active Member
Originally Posted by peef
So your telling me that you believe the planet earth is 6000 years old like the bible says..........................
So, let me ask for a third time, where does the Bible say this?
You are confusing theory with Scripture.


Originally Posted by addicted2
I am a democrat and not once have I considered voting for Obama. I have listened to every debate. I do not take much stock in the commentary news channels...after all...they are in the business of ratings. I made my decision on what I have heard both candidates say from their own mouths. Which leads to this very important statement: I can honestly say without any doubt that I TRUST McCain. I cannot say that about Obama. There are just too many unanswered questions about him and I have listened to him change his words to suit the crowd he was talking to. McCain, on the other hand, has been the same man whether he was talking in California or Pennsylvania.
Even back when it was Obama and Clinton vying for the ticket, my gut feeling was the same. Obama is not the one.
As for sarah Palin? I like her and I respect her. I believe she will be good for this country. And as for her experience? I think she'll do just fine. She has guts and she has no problem standing up for what she believes.
This voting republican on Nov. 4th

It's ok closet racist.
Originally Posted by addicted2

you don't think Obama picked Biden for votes?.... why do you think he picked him?,,,because they have such a long history?...

Let's see, Biden is QUALIFIED unlike palin who's the most ridiculous VP pick of all time. She's basically bush jr. with lipstick.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Darthtang AW
He has been watching...The bottomline is science relates to cause and effect. The beginning of the universe has to have a cause. That cause has to be an entity. Be it allah,god,buddha, jehova, messiah, zues,Isis, AO, Paladine,Mother nature, or a slew of other names for godlike figures. That entity had to start this whole thing in motion. There is no other explanation. Regardless of what religion...that is not my point. My point is an entity started all this. Has to have, otherwise the basic principle in science of cause and effect is flawed. To argue there is no such Entity is to also argue the basic foundation of science is wrong. And if this foundation is wrong, then we actually know nothing that we think we know. See I believe they go hand in hand.
As for creationism, this is just the belief an entity created this universe. You are arguing against a purely christian standpoint. You can not do this because your argument loses footholds if one pulls from another religion. That is what I am not arguing. I am just arguing the existance of a "higher being".
I never said you CAN'T be compassionate or work hard or love, respect other people. I asked what is the point if there is no potential reward in the "next life"?
Because if there is no next life, Be damned to everyone else and I am going to get mine, Forget the rest of you.
Look up the Big Bang Theory. Didn't they just build a new partical accelerator in Europe for this reason? Ever see how a new star is created? Is that god out there with his big hands pressing the energy together to form a new star?
That's the falacy of religion. You have this dire belief that there's this afterlife you're going to once you die. No one can prove that one either. So you can't have a meaningful life if you don't believe there's this place in the clouds where you live in peace and harmony for eternity? If the afterlife is so great, and what living for is all about, why doesn't everyone just kill themselves and get there as soon as they can? Oh that's right. If you kill yourself, then you are sent to the 'other side', the place with the down elevator. That's where they get you. Scare you into thinking if you harm yourself or fellow man, you will live you're eternity in your worst nightmare. If that weren't the case, the population on this world would be rather small...


Active Member
Originally Posted by bionicarm
Look up the Big Bang Theory. Didn't they just build a new partical accelerator in Europe for this reason? Ever see how a new star is created? Is that god out there with his big hands pressing the energy together to form a new star?
That's the falacy of religion. You have this dire belief that there's this afterlife you're going to once you die. No one can prove that one either. So you can't have a meaningful life if you don't believe there's this place in the clouds where you live in peace and harmony for eternity? If the afterlife is so great, and what living for is all about, why doesn't everyone just kill themselves and get there as soon as they can? Oh that's right. If you kill yourself, then you are sent to the 'other side', the place with the down elevator. That's where they get you. Scare you into thinking if you harm yourself or fellow man, you will live you're eternity in your worst nightmare. If that weren't the case, the population on this world would be rather small...
Hmm... ok. New question;
Show me where the Bible says murder and suicide are not forgivable...

darthtang aw

Active Member
Originally Posted by bionicarm
Look up the Big Bang Theory. Didn't they just build a new partical accelerator in Europe for this reason? Ever see how a new star is created? Is that god out there with his big hands pressing the energy together to form a new star?

You just proved my point. Thank you, end of debate. The particle accelarator is the how do particles accelorate on their own? Something/one had to cause that. Since there was no man to build a particle accelarator logic leads one to a "higher being"....unless you have another idea...cause and effect, you can't get around it.


Active Member
Originally Posted by 1journeyman
Hmm... ok. New question;
Show me where the Bible says murder and suicide are not forgivable...
Well, first you have to believe the Bible is factual, and not just a bunch of fables written by philosophers a few thousand years ago. But if you want to go with what is written in that book, then who cares if murder and suicide are forgiveable? That right there gives you the justification to kill yourself now to get to that euphoric paradise you so dire to get to. What are you waiting for? I'm waiting for someone to come back from the dead to tell me Heaven really exists. If it does, and it's as great as it sounds, I might join them. The state the world is in at this time, why wouldn't everyone want to go?

darthtang aw

Active Member
Originally Posted by bionicarm
Scare you into thinking if you harm yourself or fellow man, you will live you're eternity in your worst nightmare. If that weren't the case, the population on this world would be rather small...

And you just proved my point. According to you, religion "scares people into being good people because they go to heaven. You just proved my point and never answered my question. Without an afterlife and something to look better towards, what is the point of being "good"? Answer this before you continue this. What do you get out of being good? What benefit is there? Being good is the cause, what is the "effect"?


Active Member
Originally Posted by Darthtang AW
You just proved my point. Thank you, end of debate. The particle accelarator is the how do particles accelorate on their own? Something/one had to cause that. Since there was no man to build a particle accelarator logic leads one to a "higher being"....unless you have another idea...cause and effect, you can't get around it.
How did I prove you're point? A particle accelerator is just a simulator of how it's done in the universe. That's why they built it. To try an figure out how it's done. You think there's some machine out in space generating the massive energy required to create a new star? Go search the web for instances where the Hubble has picked up the actual creation of a new star. You can actually watch it. That's how the Milky Way was created. I guess the next thing you'll tell me is that we're the only intelligent lifeforms in the entire universe.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Darthtang AW
And you just proved my point. According to you, religion "scares people into being good people because they go to heaven. You just proved my point and never answered my question. Without an afterlife and something to look better towards, what is the point of being "good"? Answer this before you continue this. What do you get out of being good? What benefit is there? Being good is the cause, what is the "effect"?
No, I said religion scares you with going to h-e-double hockey sticks if you aren't good. Point of being good is to make yourself feel better. Has nothing to do with wanting to go to Heaven. Happiness is what keeps you wanting to stay alive. Why do you think people with depression kill themselves?


Active Member
I think as a whole people who attend church regularly tend to behave in a more moral manner than the population in general. You can attribute that to whatever motive you want. Fear/Love of God, not wanting to be embarrassed within their social circle or whatever.

darthtang aw

Active Member
Originally Posted by bionicarm
No, I said religion scares you with going to h-e-double hockey sticks if you aren't good. Point of being good is to make yourself feel better. Has nothing to do with wanting to go to Heaven. Happiness is what keeps you wanting to stay alive. Why do you think people with depression kill themselves?
What makes one happy? The acquiring of physical things. Be they women, goods, or services. At what better way to ensure my happiness than to TAKE these things instead of earn them. I would be happier if I never had to work for anything and could just take them.

darthtang aw

Active Member
Originally Posted by bionicarm
How did I prove you're point? A particle accelerator is just a simulator of how it's done in the universe. That's why they built it. To try an figure out how it's done. You think there's some machine out in space generating the massive energy required to create a new star? Go search the web for instances where the Hubble has picked up the actual creation of a new star. You can actually watch it. That's how the Milky Way was created. I guess the next thing you'll tell me is that we're the only intelligent lifeforms in the entire universe.
Pay attention. The particle accelerator is playing the part of GOD. With out an entity these particles would not accelorate would they? Scientifically explain otherwise. Particles do not accelorate by themselves. SOMETHING CAUSES this.
The creation of a new star...what formed and moved that massive energy? Explain it scientifically.....
If you can not do this, then one must believe in some form of entity to cause these things to occur.
I can scientifically explain the formation of a tree.....up until the point the creation of the seed for the first tree....What formed the first seed and how?


Active Member
Originally Posted by Darthtang AW
Pay attention. The particle accelerator is playing the part of GOD. With out an entity these particles would not accelorate would they? Scientifically explain otherwise. Particles do not accelorate by themselves. SOMETHING CAUSES this.
The creation of a new star...what formed and moved that massive energy? Explain it scientifically.....
If you can not do this, then one must believe in some form of entity to cause these things to occur.
I can scientifically explain the formation of a tree.....up until the point the creation of the seed for the first tree....What formed the first seed and how?
I'm not well learned in the field of particle acceleration, but from what I understand the use of electric fields is made so that electrically charged particles travel at high speeds and collide. A simple example of a particle acceleration is a CRT televsion set. Are you saying God is in the tv?