Does anyone on here actually LIKE Palin?


Active Member
Anyone else find it interesting that Palin will not release her medical records, you'd think a young woman such as Palin should have nothing to hide. My guess would be that there has been an abortion in the past, Trig isn't her kid, a possible std or a heart made of pure darkness (same as Cheney)


Active Member
Originally Posted by bionicarm
Actually, I look through practically all the different forums once a day. But all I see in those are same repeating questions- Which fish can I add to my tank? My fish has little white spots on in, is this ich? How do you get rid of cyano? Can I put a Blue Hippo in my 20 gallon nano? What size lights, and what type, are good for growing hard and/or soft corals? Plus the other 20 or 30 similar questions that appear. Before I can post a response, lifer's like you, journey, reefraff, and all the other old timers have already covered the bases. So why repeat what perfection has already provided? (That's a compliment if you didn't realize it).
Besides, it's more fun tweaking you about your fantasy of living in the Ever After...

Uhhhh....and your not constantly in repeating topics here in The Aquarium???

darthtang aw

Active Member
Originally Posted by Jmick
Anyone else find it interesting that Palin will not release her medical records, you'd think a young woman such as Palin should have nothing to hide. My guess would be that there has been an abortion in the past, Trig isn't her kid, a possible std or a heart made of pure darkness (same as Cheney)

How many candidates in the past released their medical records? Are you seriously kidding me?


Active Member
Originally Posted by GrouperGenius
Uhhhh....and your not constantly in repeating topics here in The Aquarium???
Yea, but you never have to answer the question the same way in here. It's like a box of chocolates, you never know what you're gonna get...


Active Member
Originally Posted by Darthtang AW
How many candidates in the past released their medical records? Are you seriously kidding me?
Obama wont release his medical records either. He allowed a doctor to look at them and the doc said he was in excellent health. Of course that doc also donated to the Obama campaign


Active Member

Originally Posted by jeanheckle
because the bible says the earth was created in 6 days and on the 7th day God rested. 2Peter 3:8 Says one day with God is as a thousand years, so many people feel creation took 6 thousand years
No, no, and no...
You are misquoting 2 Peter and
taking it out of context. Further, the argument is that the some literal Creationists believe the Earth is 6,000 years old, not that Creation took 6,000 years.


Active Member

Originally Posted by 1journeyman
No, no, and no...
You are misquoting 2 Peter and
taking it out of context. Further, the argument is that the some literal Creationists believe the Earth is 6,000 years old, not that Creation took 6,000 years.
Give up on the religious debate journey. That got outvoted in favor of discussing PIE (yummmmm).


Active Member

Originally Posted by 1journeyman
No, no, and no...
You are misquoting 2 Peter and
taking it out of context. Further, the argument is that the some literal Creationists believe the Earth is 6,000 years old, not that Creation took 6,000 years.
I know people who look at it either way. I know other people who parse up the hebrew between vs 1 and 2 and take some word (don't remember which one and say that there was a HUGE gap between one and two and postulate that vs 1 happened then there was the fall of lucifer and that killed basically everything and had to restart from scratch in vs 2. They say the earth is as old as they say it is. Based on this.


Active Member
My brother is an ordained minister in the Universal Life Church (Sounds like an insurance company)
His deity is Bernice.
She is a very self confident deity and financially secure so you don't gotta be thanking her all the time or sending her money.
I don't make em up, I just tell the story

My little sister of the bible thumping persuasion passed little green apples when she found out my brother could perform marriage ceremonies.


Active Member
Originally Posted by reefraff
My brother is an ordained minister in the Universal Life Church (Sounds like an insurance company)
His deity is Bernice.
She is a very self confident deity and financially secure so you don't gotta be thanking her all the time or sending her money.
I don't make em up, I just tell the story

My little sister of the bible thumping persuasion passed little green apples when she found out my brother could perform marriage ceremonies.
lol I was wondering if it was the "church" I was thinking about, so I googled it. And this is the description of the first link.
Universal Life Church become an ordained minister, learn how to perform and officiate weddings.
I'm going to start a church, the Universal Faith Church, and call it the UFC for short...


Active Member
Originally Posted by stdreb27
lol I was wondering if it was the "church" I was thinking about, so I googled it. And this is the description of the first link.
Universal Life Church become an ordained minister, learn how to perform and officiate weddings.
I'm going to start a church, the Universal Faith Church, and call it the UFC for short...
I think the thing is set up as a tax dodge. My brother did it as a joke but he's done several weddings since. He looks like a super sized version of CHarlie Daniels and his personality is a cross between George Carlin and John Wayne. He wears his Sunday Go to Meeting gun when officiating.


Active Member
Originally Posted by bionicarm
At least Obama can keep Biden in line with his policies and views. Looks like John needs to reel Caribou Barbie in a little. She's even disagreeing with his hard stance on gay marriages..

Isn't it nice that a presidential candidate didn't expect their running mate to check their opinions at the door. Pretty well known Palin differs with McCain on ANWARE too.

bang guy

I like her. I like Biden as well.
I like anyone better than Hillary so I can't really lose in this election.
I like McCain/Palin better than Obama/Biden but if McCain wins then Hillary has another chance 4 years from now and I find that to be a lot more scarey than Obama.
I'm thinking there's a good chance that Hillary will resign from the Senate if Obama wins, that would be awesome!!