Does anyone on here actually LIKE Palin?


Active Member
Originally Posted by Darthtang AW
Pay attention. The particle accelerator is playing the part of GOD. With out an entity these particles would not accelorate would they? Scientifically explain otherwise. Particles do not accelorate by themselves. SOMETHING CAUSES this.
The creation of a new star...what formed and moved that massive energy? Explain it scientifically.....
If you can not do this, then one must believe in some form of entity to cause these things to occur.
I can scientifically explain the formation of a tree.....up until the point the creation of the seed for the first tree....What formed the first seed and how?
What came first, the chicken or the egg? That's the problem with creationists. If it can't been completely explained scientifcally, then some supreme being must be behind it. Like I said at the beginning, if this Almighty of yours truly exists, show me physical proof. Have him/her/it make itself known PHYSICALLY, a tangible object that can be seen and spoken to. If you can't do this, then one must believe this form of entity of yours is just in your mind, and has no bearing on how anyone lives, or how something came to being.
I'm not a scientist. Look up how a star is created. I believe it is well documented.
You listen closely. The particle accelerator is playing the role of SCIENTIST. It's being used to prove/disprove a hypothesis. No religion is involved with their experiments.


Active Member
Scientists cannot prove the origins of the universe any more than theologists can prove the existence of God.
What was here before the universe was created?
What led the conditions that led to the creation of the universe?
WHen did time begin?
If God created the Universe what/who created God?

darthtang aw

Active Member
Originally Posted by Rotarymagic
I'm not well learned in the field of particle acceleration, but from what I understand the use of electric fields is made so that electrically charged particles travel at high speeds and collide. A simple example of a particle acceleration is a CRT televsion set. Are you saying God is in the tv?

No. I am saying the TV and the particle accelarator are the cause. Man had to make these. Without them, how do particles accelerate on their own? The big bang theory suggestion rapid particle acceleration, well what caused the particles to accelerate? without a man made object what causes this to happen? That is my whole point....with out man creating these objects this would not happen without a force to do it...what is the force since there was no particle accelerator created during the big bang that made the particles accelerate?


Active Member
Haven't followed this thread much but regarding the original topic, I though Palin was a pretty good sport on SNL last night. The rap about her was hilarious.


Active Member
What the heck does particle accelleration religion got to do with the hottness that is...Sarah Palin??
C'mon folks, let's get this back on track. Jeez.


Active Member
Originally Posted by reefraff
Scientists cannot prove the origins of the universe any more than theologists can prove the existence of God.
What was here before the universe was created?
What led the conditions that led to the creation of the universe?
WHen did time begin?
If God created the Universe what/who created God?
Man created god.........
Originally Posted by GrouperGenius

What the heck does particle accelleration religion got to do with the hottness that is...Sarah Palin??
C'mon folks, let's get this back on track. Jeez.

Oh the hotness! Bahahaha!


Active Member
I like Palin for a couple of reasons...first, she won't draw many independants to the McCain camp and she's easy to make fun of. I will say this about her, with a little seasoning I think she could be a very strong VP but at this point she is far too green.
Side note, how in the world can anyone attend 4 colleges in 5 years to obtain a degree in journalism?


Active Member
Originally Posted by Jmick
I like Palin for a couple of reasons...first, she won't draw many independants to the McCain camp and she's easy to make fun of. I will say this about her, with a little seasoning I think she could be a very strong VP but at this point she is far too green.
Side note, how in the world can anyone attend 4 colleges in 5 years to obtain a degree in journalism?
4 in 5 years? Did she do that? I was unaware of that!


Active Member
Originally Posted by peef
4 in 5 years? Did she do that? I was unaware of that!
Actually, it may have been 5 or 6 colleges/universities...different sources have varying information.
In any event, I wonder if she had problems fitting in, academic issues, had some emotional issues or possibly a party girl? I'd be curious to see what her GPA was...6 years to get your BA is a long time.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Jmick
Actually, it may have been 5 or 6 colleges/universities...different sources have varying information.
In any event, I wonder if she had problems fitting in, academic issues, had some emotional issues or possibly a party girl? I'd be curious to see what her GPA was...6 years to get your BA is a long time.
If Obama did that, he would be regarded as "well rounded".


Active Member
Originally Posted by Jmick
I like Palin for a couple of reasons...first, she won't draw many independants to the McCain camp and she's easy to make fun of. I will say this about her, with a little seasoning I think she could be a very strong VP but at this point she is far too green.
Unfortunately thats how I feel about Obama. Afraid its going to be a rough 4 years.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Jmick
Actually, it may have been 5 or 6 colleges/universities...different sources have varying information.
In any event, I wonder if she had problems fitting in, academic issues, had some emotional issues or possibly a party girl? I'd be curious to see what her GPA was...6 years to get your BA is a long time.
Six years isn't that much longer. I think you need 126 - 128 hours for a BA these days. If she only took a 12 hour load each semester, and no school in the summer, it'd take close to 6 years.
If her and McCain make it in, she'll be the Laurel to the Hardy. They'll both have fitting nicknames - McCaint and Qualyin.


Active Member
Originally Posted by GrouperGenius
If Obama did that, he would be regarded as "well rounded".
No doubt. Obama went to school for 6 years to be a lawyer yet he only practiced law for how long? I think he spent more time in school than practicing law


Active Member
Originally Posted by bionicarm
Six years isn't that much longer. I think you need 126 - 128 hours for a BA these days. If she only took a 12 hour load each semester, and no school in the summer, it'd take close to 6 years.
If her and McCain make it in, she'll be the Laurel to the Hardy. They'll both have fitting nicknames - McCaint and Qualyin.
Just curious...
do you log on and throw out some asinine statement, then log back off?? I never see your "online" status light as green.....Are ya skeered the right wing war machine will get a lock on you or something??
Mind you, I'm not calling you a freak or nothing, just curious,


Active Member
Originally Posted by GrouperGenius
Just curious...
do you log on and throw out some asinine statement, then log back off?? I never see your "online" status light as green.....Are ya skeered the right wing war machine will get a lock on you or something??
Mind you, I'm not calling you a freak or nothing, just curious,

I don't have a clue what you're talking about. What green and red light? You mean that dot by my nickanme? Never knew what it was for. I actually never log on. When I come here, I'm already logged in I suppose. It says I am. You are one paranoid individual. Do you live on this site or something?


Active Member
Originally Posted by bionicarm
I don't have a clue what you're talking about. What green and red light? You mean that dot by my nickanme? Never knew what it was for. I actually never log on. When I come here, I'm already logged in I suppose. It says I am. You are one paranoid individual. Do you live on this site or something?
You one funny guy....if you are a guy....
What surprises me is, why do some folks hang on a site, that never really contribute to the site.
What I mean is, if one looks at what time a person has been on a site, and how many actual posts they put on a site.
How many of those posts have actually been about that site??
You know what I mean? Is that person actually a helpful member to the site, or just a yakker?
Jus' sayin'


Originally Posted by 1journeyman
So, let me ask for a third time, where does the Bible say this?
You are confusing theory with Scripture.
because the bible says the earth was created in 6 days and on the 7th day God rested. 2Peter 3:8 Says one day with God is as a thousand years, so many people feel creation took 6 thousand years


Active Member
Originally Posted by jeanheckle
because the bible says the earth was created in 6 days and on the 7th day God rested. 2Peter 3:8 Says one day with God is as a thousand years, so many people feel creation took 6 thousand years
But what reality of time did they have then?? How many days did God think about what he was going to do before he did it??


I'm not saying that is a factual amount of time I was just answering where the 6 thousand year concept came from. How could any of us know the actual amount of time.


Active Member
Originally Posted by GrouperGenius
You one funny guy....if you are a guy....
What surprises me is, why do some folks hang on a site, that never really contribute to the site.
What I mean is, if one looks at what time a person has been on a site, and how many actual posts they put on a site.
How many of those posts have actually been about that site??
You know what I mean? Is that person actually a helpful member to the site, or just a yakker?
Jus' sayin'

Actually, I look through practically all the different forums once a day. But all I see in those are same repeating questions- Which fish can I add to my tank? My fish has little white spots on in, is this ich? How do you get rid of cyano? Can I put a Blue Hippo in my 20 gallon nano? What size lights, and what type, are good for growing hard and/or soft corals? Plus the other 20 or 30 similar questions that appear. Before I can post a response, lifer's like you, journey, reefraff, and all the other old timers have already covered the bases. So why repeat what perfection has already provided? (That's a compliment if you didn't realize it).
Besides, it's more fun tweaking you about your fantasy of living in the Ever After...