Squidd I'm a bit confused on the baffle height vs skimmer. Does this mean set the backwash room and if the skimmer is set to deep than raise it on a platform?
It's a balancing act..and partly depends on the height of the sump tank in question..
I would like to see as much additional water volume added (as much tank depth used as possible) as long as your going this farr to set one up...Let's say your skimmer runs best at 6" to 9" of water (mfg reccomendations) so you set you first baffle top 8" and then water has to flow or drop down to return chamber..which might be say 6"... but the pump inlet is 4 1/2" off the floor, so you only have 1 1/2" of water over the top of pump and not much room for top off and evap differences and may be sucking air thru a vortec..You also probably have a 16" tall tank, so almost half the tank is "wasted" space..(you don't need that much room for backwash)
But now say you figure you need 2 1/2" off the top for back wash...set your skimmer chamber baffle to 13 1/2" (with the skimmer on a shelf so it runs at 8") and then you can have 12" of water over your return pump and a decent amount in the fuge chamber...without the huge "waterfalls" that add bubblesto the mix...
I'm concerned that with the 180 MT the back wash will have to be hefty. What happens if the baffle depth doesn't allow for proper skimmer depth?
The "math" will tell you if you need 2 1/2" or 3" or 4" for backwash rom and even that can be "sectioned off" over the various chambers (see drawing below) maximize the space you using...