DSB revolt


Active Member
I joined a couple different boards about a year and half ago. I never ran a DSB in any of my systems that I have ever had. often I arguered against the advice that a DSB was a must. I never said that they where useless, just not a necessary item. lately I have noticed more and more theads on the other board against DSB. Makes me wonder if the DSB hype was more hype than actual great advice. I wonder if in another year the thing to do will be to take out your DSB and try something else.

bang guy

No sand sifters... none. And, it must be full of infauna. A dead sand bed is useless no matter how deep it is.


Active Member
Most sandsifters, especially the gobies, will eat the little critters that keep a DSB healthy. ALthough some sand sifters like nassarious snails and sand sifting cucumbers can be quite beneficial. A DSB is like any other aspect of reefkeeping, some will love it and stand behind it, some will hate it and try to talk you out of it, and others will be stuck in the middle with no idea what to do ;) I wont jump on the bandwagon for or against a DSB, but I will say Ive had DSBs in all my tanks for going on 4 years with no regrets, and I can honestly say its one of the best things that ever happend to my tanks ;) HTH


Active Member
Ok i said I wasnt going to jump on the bandwagon, but here we go ;)
So tell me what proof do you have to back this up, other than what dr.ron has imbeded in your head, it might interest you to know that he was once a big advocate of DSBs, anyone read Sand Bed Secrets? What now hes changed his mind? After listening to his talk at the last MACNA I am lead to believe that my tank and all others will crash in a matter of time due to toxins, introduced through feeding and water changes, building up over time and posioning the entire tank:rolleyes: The fact is every sandbed has the potential to crash, not work, or be very effective, it all depends on how the system is setup, and maintained. Im not saying my DSB wont crash, but I dont see any real info to back up your statement that it will other than some rumors of course ;) I aint doggin Dr.Ron, hes seems like a pretty smart guy, and his knowledge pertaining to inverts has been very helpfull, but just because hes a scientist dosnt mean hes right ;) There was a time when if you used anything other than an undergravel filter your tank was doomed :D
P.S. How long do i have until my sandbed causes my tank to crash?


It gets so confusing all of the different things that you hear. Some people say do water changes, some say don't. Some say do a DSB, some say dont. Seems like everyone does something different. Hopefully someday someone will have all the answers about this hobby and it will simplify this whole thing. Seems like nothing is set in stone.


Good, so maybe I am not doomed. I will read up on it. My sand bed is only about 3 inches deep, maybe 4 in some places.


I have two things to say. One thing to ask. Everything else has been said that I would have added.
1. I have a shallow sand bed
2. I am going to rate this thread with a 5 :D
mnreefman - any chance you can cut and past your proof without any ads or reference to other sites or would it be to long?



Originally posted by Kipass4130
hell... Bill Clinton had a ton of credentials... who believed anything he said

"I did not inhale on the marijuana cigarette." hehe.


Kip that might have been me, I read that Rob Toonen had a 16 year old sandbed. So wake up and find it. :) I still think I have that link somewhere but let me look to see if I can still find the thread.


Sorry but if I recall correctly Mr. Toonen was only mentiond in the article as having a DSB for the last 16 years. It was news to me. I still think they could crash after 5 years. Still looking.


Ok found the thread, found the article....Bad news.. URL not found.
Cons to a DSB and wet/dry prefilter
New Hobbyists
Look for the link in there.