Dumbest thing you dropped in your tank?


Active Member
When I first set up my 37gal, it was still cycling and I decided that there was something I wanted to rearrange in there...with the rock, I think. I got in there, took care of what I wanted to and went sit down on the couch and admire my work. Then I looked and saw that one of my acrylic nails...thumb nail, no less, was missing. I went over to look in the tank, yep, there it was looking kinda morbid really... At least it was easy to catch

Lisa :happyfish


It's been a while, but my cell phone went for a swim in with the clowns. Never keep a cell in a t-shirt pocket.
CaN yOu HeAr Me nOw <<<<<<<



Originally Posted by surfinusa
that is a sick joke or it better be a joke :scared:
May be sick, but I laughed for minutes.

I had my rat, Molly, on my shoulder as usual. Then I went to feed the fish, she got spooked for some reason and dove straight in
rats are hilarious swimmers.


I had my Blackberry phone clipped to my short pockets while I was working on a large water change. In these particular shorts, my phone would occasionally flip out of the pocket when I would spend a lot of time moving up, down and around. Needless to say, it fell right in a large Rubbermaid of new saltwater
Had to buy a new phone which turned out to be a 300 dollar lesson.


Active Member
Hmmm I dropped my dinning room floor into my tank, which is quite a task to fit all that into a 29 Gal Bio Cube. Needless to say it all didnt fit and the tank shattered all over the place......
OK that was a joke, I dropped my brand new tank on my dinning room floor upon entering my house with it about 1/2 hr after I bought it. Display model got a discount on it. Good thing cuz I basically bought 2 that day.


a hippo tang that wedged himself into a piece of live rock and got stuck. had to take apart my whole setup to get him out. died day later to much stress.


Active Member
sorry chevs but the hippo was fine. they do that when they are scared and can get themselves out. you most likely killed it by taking it out.


ive got a bad one...i was drunk and was looking at my led's on my pc and the center two leds didnt hit the tank. (center brace) so i get snips and cut the center brace.....the next day im like what did i do????.........heres a pic.



i had too much to drink and my cup full of skoal spit fell in, not a good time


we didnt drop in...but had to get a squirrel out of our tank. it came in throug our chimminy this spring and ran amuck in our house till it died...
we also dropped our bird in once


I was stoned on percocets (legally) but kinda misread the directions for Reef Bugs and dumped an entire cup of prepared into my 47 gallon. Nothing but haze for hours and the same day the water temp shot up to 85.0 F from 76.0 F. Nitrates for everyone!
no fish loss though.


I dropped a rag with pledge all over it, I was cleaning all the wooden book shelves. Grabbed the rag so fast slung water all over the DVD player and me. DVD player bit it but all the fish were saved


When my husband and I got our first FW tank (10 gallons) we had it on a low table in living room. All was fine for months, then one day our sheltie decided to drop his nose into the tank. He ate 3 of my swordtail guppies, and left two injured in the tank. Water everywhere, of course, Only 2 swordtails lived through this and they later went on to have a lot of fry. After his snack of fish, Riley (the sheltie) decided to eat the flake food, too - chewed through the can and licked it clean. I wonder if he was thinking about that tank for weeks before taking the plunge?


Originally Posted by sooz
When my husband and I got our first FW tank (10 gallons) we had it on a low table in living room. All was fine for months, then one day our sheltie decided to drop his nose into the tank. He ate 3 of my swordtail guppies, and left two injured in the tank. Water everywhere, of course, Only 2 swordtails lived through this and they later went on to have a lot of fry. After his snack of fish, Riley (the sheltie) decided to eat the flake food, too - chewed through the can and licked it clean. I wonder if he was thinking about that tank for weeks before taking the plunge?
my cats eat flake food too!!!


Our FW tank is now high above his head, but he still sniffs around on the carpet below the tank and sometimes he finds a few flakes to snack on - hee hee. Of course, Riley will eat anything - when he was younger he would drag dried poop from the backyard into the house, settle down with it between his paws, and start munching - ergh!
If he still snacks on poop, I don't want to know about it! But at least we cured him of bringing it in to the house!
Anyhow I am quite sure flake food is tastier!


In my little 2 gallon gold fish tank my 4 year old poured in half a gallon of soy milk. The water was all cloudy (obviously) but i never found the bottle...


not really what i dropped but my friend dropped a can of the purple pvc glue in his tank. thank god it just filmed over the surface of the tank and he scooped it out and did water change.
i used yellow tail damsels to cycly my 60 gal which is now a qt along with ls and 90pounds of lr,so when it came time to get the guys out they hid in a rock and i couldn't get a flame angel untill they were out
,so i kept buggin my dad to get them out until one day he was pissed and when the guys hid in a rock, my dad took them and the rock out(they were fine and were given to my friend and his lionfish)