eel tank

salt life

Active Member
No pics he all i can see is his head, i was told to float him for 30 minutes and add tank water every 5, i was told to do this with all my other eels/fish that ive had in the tank too and the other eels are fine from doing it that way..

crypt keeper

Active Member
These animals get very very stressed out. I have never heard of Dragons eels being bred in captivity. So it had a very long trip here and then put in a tank. It probably had little time to settle down before you grabbed a hold of it threw it in your car drove around stressing it even more than adding it to your tank. Keep the lights off and just give it time.
My snowflake did the samething for almost 24 hours. Drove me nuts. I thought it died twice. It just hung its head from the rock is found and was barley breathing. I even went it to pull it out thinking it was dead and it moved. Scared me actually. Then a day or so later all was well. Didnt eat for 3 days now its a monster.

salt life

Active Member
Alright so just let it chill and do it's own thing? Im sure he will let me know when he is hungty..The other 2 eels don't seem to be bothered by him they are just hanging in the rock work, do i need to worry that when i wake up there is gonna be dead eels from a fight during the night or since they are good now i should be in the clear?


That's what I would do... You are probably in the clear as of now. At least, I wouldn't be waking up hourly to check throughout the night...

salt life

Active Member
Well im headin off to bed now and i checked one last time and the dragon is like spazzing its mouth and shaking its head and then starts to breathe weirdly when he sees me,idk if its because he is pretty big for the pipe that i have in there and when he breathes it just looks weird or he is actually weird and im not crazy.
I agree with the others on this one. When I get my SFM. and he was basically a hatchling, he acted in a similar fashion for 24-36 hours, then I just happened to look up and it he was swimming all over the tank.. he plays alot with my Dwarf Lion. Love to see some pics of your Dragon...
Also, I though of a Fimby for my 75g and was told, they are are extremely agressive, the one they had took out a Trigger and a several Fish Only Wrasses, but the are a beuit

salt life

Active Member
Alright so i dont have to worry about the spazzing of the head? When i looked this morning he was still kinda doing it, idk if it is because he saw me?my other eels do it but its when they are eating, the dragon is just laying in a pipe.the dragon and chain link are hanging out together and the spotted is on the other side of tank and seems fine..
I will get pics for you guys, do i just need to put them on my computer or do i need to do a photobucket account?


Probably not... When I got my SFE, for the first day or so, it was hangin' around upside down in the rockwork... Even now, it still hangs around in really weird positions... My eels do spaz every once in a while, but you're right, it is usually after feeding...
You can do either. If you get the photobucket account, you have to upload them to the website and copy-paste the link they have for your photo. It is easier to just put it on your computer and go down below the post window to manage attatchments and add it... If it says it needs to be resized, I would use IrfanView... Free and works perfectly.

salt life

Active Member
holy hell those are really big im sorry..
yes i have a bad aiptasia problem and the wires im trying to figure out because i just bought a new surge protector and i mounted it under the tank.
The dragon is in the pipe on the right side and won't come out but on the left side the pipe in front is where the other 2 are, not sure if you can see their heads or not..


Active Member
Looks like the Aiptasia are getting out of hand, I would suggest doing something about them now.

salt life

Active Member
yes sir, I agree they are getting out of hand and it has been an on going problem...
I made a threat about it and didn't get many responses, would you recommend Aiptasia-X?


Active Member
I have not had any experience with any of the Aiptasia removers, thankfully not had to. I have heard good things about the product you mentioned though. If you use the search button at the top of the page and type in aiptasia you will get more information from people that have had to deal with them though.

crypt keeper

Active Member
Are you trying to do Eels and coral? Different eels do better under different lights. I have been told by numerous people that if i got a tessalata not to run bright lights. Its bothers them. I dont know if that is the same for dragons.
If I may suggest. Is the rock on top of the sand or did you put the rock in first then add sand? I say because you have an Eel only tank and they dig and dig fast. When they dig they can knock over rocks that have been placed on top of sand and kill themselves or each other. Another thing. The pvc pipe. Its a great way to house the full body of a eel. But Hide it. Make the openings more realistic. Like where the opening of the pipe is make that come out of where rock work is instead of just the middle of the tank.
Build a small cave around it. More realistic looking. i wouldnt do it now. you may stress the Dragon even more. Id wait till he is eating and good to go. Then pull them out redo the rock work and make it more realistic and safer.

crypt keeper

Active Member
Those eels look great. Personally Id look into buying a bigger tank in the next 6 months or so. 125 would be fine for the life of those animals.

salt life

Active Member
Thank you for the suggestion and the compliment, The tank came with sand when i bought it and I was not so smart back then with the hobby and didn't think to buy new sand or anything to sturdy the rocks.. But the rocks on the sand i made sure i got down to as close as the bottom i could and so far the rock has stayed in place so hopefully they will continue to be ok..
My dad says the same thing about the PVC pipe because he hates seeing it, I don't mind it as much and kinda wish i didn't put it in there because they hide in it more then in the rocks, id rather have them hide in the rock work so atleast I can still see them..
My orginal plan on aquascaping the rock was to make like a big pile like a half oval or something that was centered but I am actually horrible with rock work and it didn't work out for me so i just spread it across the tank..And it never would be sturdy when i tried to do it.. Any suggestions on that?
I have been hoping to upgrade sooner than later because I know these eels get to a nice size and a 75g is pushing it, I love these eels and would love to give them a bigger tank, unfortunetly money is slow these days and im going to start college soon and Hopefully I can save up money for it, and also convince my parents as to why I need a bigger tank, lol.. But those are not excuses I know they would be happier in a bigger tank so when I get some extra cash and know I can follow through with it then I will for sure do it.
If I bought a 125g wouldn't I need to replace all my equipment?

salt life

Active Member
Originally Posted by spanko
I have not had any experience with any of the Aiptasia removers, thankfully not had to. I have heard good things about the product you mentioned though. If you use the search button at the top of the page and type in aiptasia you will get more information from people that have had to deal with them though.