I am in a very bad mood today and if someone can please help me I apreciate it. The dragon has been coming out more and tonight I noticed that his eyes are foggy with white dots above the eye lid, his head is not normal and the stuff spread on top, and he has a parasite hanging outside of his mouth.
I call the fish store and all I get is atitude, I asked one guy what I should do, he said put the eel in a 5g bucket with an airstone till tomrrow, I said ok can I talk to your manager( who I know better) and I told him what the other guy said and the manager says to me, that is a horrible idea he would never say to do that. LIKE WTH?! Then he went on to say that I keep asking the same questions so people are just going to say what I want to hear. First off I ask one time and then I talk to the owner to make sure what they say is legit. But they always give me different answers so how would I know. The guy said that the owner would help me out since the eel was obviously in poor health at the store, and then the manager said there is no garuntees so he doubts he will help me, WHICH ONE IS IT YA KNOW? Im either out 60 bucks or they are going to help me out which they need to because this is ridiculous, they give a kid atitude and don't want to be a fish store and help out with a fish problem.
Can someone on here help me please because I am very agrivated and I don't want my other eels to get what this dragon eel has. advice?help?