Explain where your user name originated


ALexander meaning "Helper of People" = AREIJIN in Japanese Kanji. I got this name when I lived there as an exchange student from my Shodo (Japanese Caligraph) teacher. The best part about it is that I will never need to add number at the end of it


Might as well do mine....
D=The... I was 12 years old when I started using the net... and my chinese horoscope sign is monkey.... Hence D12monkey


New Member
when i was younger, a problem with speed, cars, cops, and of course tickets. hence the name TIKKIT. i've since changed! probably should change name to POKEY


Active Member
It's cool to read about where everyone got their names. It took me a long time to read through it, and I was about to tell you where mine came from until I noticed that I answered this post sometime last year. :happy:
But, I have to amend it. I have now written 6 fantasy novels based on the elven sorceress Dacia Mysteriata (me).


its how my frinds and i say shrimp( when we are referring to cocktail shrimp that you eat) kinda stupid i know, but i really like shrimp!!! ( to eat amd look at LOL)


I love this thread it's been here along time!
Kudos to this thread!
:happy: :happyfish


New Member
mine comes from the fact that i build and streetrace transams and i have never lost a race with my current car a 79 trans am that pumps about 520hp


might as well do mine....
My favorite band is lucky boys confusion. The lead singer is Indian and Masala is an Indian spice. It also means flavor, or style, and he sings "I've got much Masala" . 4080 is a code for bad drugs, and no, I dont do drugs. Pretty stupid.

who dey

Active Member
#1 Bengals fan!!! WHO DEY think gonna beat them Bengals!! it's a nati thing. Playoffs someday soon, in Marvin we trust!!!


Take a wild guess.
I grew up a Star Wars Fanatic. I still have all the original toys, books, etc. All in near perfect condition in a room built in my basement just for the collection.
Always been a fan of the"Jedi" philosophy, so that has been my user name on almost every board I post at.


Can't you guess???:jumping:
Actually, there is a story, but....it's boring. And...I hate to brag....
But, there really is a boring story. Goes like this......ah, na....no one would read it anywho.


Wow, long thread, I wonder how long its been here, I'll check later, anyways, let me say that I love all God's creation. My favorite things though are the animals(sorry to all you "humans" out there who think you're better than them):rolleyes:(jk, I love the humans too) My faves of them are horses, dogs, cats(including tigers), all of the fish I keep(and then some), and a few(hundred) more. So I just figured Tigerlover was accurate, if not general enough. Even though I love the animals the tiger eats just as much as the tiger:scared: :nope: That's one reason I don't want a tiger, among other things
I'm even thinking of making my dogs vegan, how much would a tiger not love me then?:rolleyes: :D


I've got a good one here...
In college I was a DJ. At my first regular nightclub spot, my manager was actually one of my older Fraternity brothers. He was kind of a joker and liked to start false rumors about his friends as a joke.
Turns out that before I started DJ'ing there, he told the entire staff that I only had one testicle. People still believe the rumor to this day. Therefore my local DJ name became...
DJ Minus One
Get it now?


Active Member

Originally posted by Loopy
Can't you guess???:jumping:
Actually, there is a story, but....it's boring. And...I hate to brag....
But, there really is a boring story. Goes like this......ah, na....no one would read it anywho.

fess up...


Active Member

Originally posted by ogdog30
I love this thread it's been here along time!
Kudos to this thread!
:happy: :happyfish



I've had the nickname Misty for a nickname from childhood. I find that there are many mistys in cyberland. After many failed attempts to register with different sites cause the "user name" was already taken. I then added 7850. My parents anniversary is 8/7 (backwards 78) and in 1978 they had 50 grandchildren... WOW LOL :jumping: