METRONIDAZOLE Dosage and Preparation Instructions for Deworming
Active Ingredient: Metronidazole
Indication: flagellates and other internal parasites
Brand Names: Metro+, Metro-Pro, Metronidazole, Metro-MS, Flagyl. Flagyl is available by prescription
from your local veterinarian.
One day each week, feed two meals of adult brine shrimp gut-loaded with Metronidazole to the Seahorse.
Repeat for a total of 3 weeks.
• If using tablets, crush one tablet into a fine powder. If using powder, dose 1/4tsp.
• Add the Metronidazole to one gallon (~4 liters) of water and mix thoroughly.
• Place the amount of adult brine shrimp needed for one feeding into the mixture. Leave them in the
mixture for at least 2hrs.
• Remove the adult brine shrimp from the mixture and add them to the quarantine tank.
• Observe the Seahorse to be certain it is eating the adult brine shrimp.
PRAZIQUANTEL Dosage and Preparation Instructions for Deworming
Active Ingredient: Praziquantel
Indication: worms and other internal parasites
Brand Names: PraziPro, Praz-Tastic, Praziquantel
One day each week, feed two meals of adult brine shrimp gut-loaded with Praziquantel to the Seahorse.
Repeat for a total of 3 weeks.
• Add 10ml (~2tsp) of Praziquantel to one gallon (~4 liters) of water and mix thoroughly.
• Place the amount of adult brine shrimp needed for one feeding into the mixture. Leave them in the
mixture for at least 2hrs.
• Remove the adult brine shrimp from the mixture and add them to the quarantine tank.
• Observe the Seahorse to be certain it is eating the adult brine shrimp.
Different companies label their doses differently. Noga recommends for prolonged immersion, 2 to 10 mg/L (7.6 to 38 mg/gallon) X 24 hours for dgenean metaceraria. 2 mg/L (7.6 mg/gallon) for monogeneans. I would go with the 2 mg/L. Depending upon what type of systems you have will dictate your exact procedure. Make sure skimmers and UV are off, charcoal is removed. After 24 hours, if treating a system, either flush or add charcoal and turn on the skimmers. Watch you skimmer overflows though, as prazi will make them foam like crazy. A friend in aquaculture recommended repeating this every week for a total of 3 treatments. If you are using barebottom systems, you should siphon the bottoms and concentrate the dirty water to take a sample and examine microscopically. This should help give you an idea of how much of an infestation you have and how the treatment is going. Also prazi can act as an appetite suppressant so watch your feedings and their appetite for the next 48 hours.
End of Ann83's directions.
I'm with Teresa as well on the taller hitches. Last night I was just complaining to my husband that my comes had so many nice hitches and what did they choose to hitch to????? The electrical cords to my powerheads!! Just goes to show you that the fancy stuff is just for us, they like anything.
Once your boy starts to grow, you may need to get a taller tank for him. Watch for local tanks on sale like at garage sales and other internet sites. Something nice and tall, they'll need the space for their courtship dance.