(First Reef Tank Ever) **** 600gal Display **** 1300gal System


OMG..pimp my fishtank. I was laughing so hard my little one asked why I was crying.
Can I be the second one to get an overhaul
. I think this tank is awesome and the detail you have put into it. I would love to know the books you have used to research the set up. Heck I think its better then the local aquarium has. Keep up the hard work.


Originally Posted by maxalmon
Thats a very good point about evaporation, any idea on how much to you'll need for topoff each day. Somewhere around 10g a day?
thanks, ultra precise auto top off new item coming mid june will be in charge and yes 10-15gal easy a day.


cbui2 man I wish I was your next door neighbor because I would kill to help you with that project! I'd be that guy you hate as I sat in your drive way waiting for you to come home. Great post man. I watch your thread more than any other project thread on here.


Originally Posted by cbui2
thanks, and yes this is big display tank. i figure this out all on my owed with the help of reading and of course asking around and getting quick answer from the forum like --, wetwebmedia and reefkeeping. i didnt know where to start myself few months ago but all i did was took everyones great ideas and incorporated with mine and came up with all this just 3months works so far invested. all of the wookworking came from the experience from my job as custom builder and fiberglass work in car audio and video. similar to pimp my ride

I agree that line of work helps a lot. I have been doing car audio custom work for approx 9 yrs and it makes this kind of stuff much for interesting because u have the know-how, experience, and tools to make it more extravagant. I said my tank would have linear actuators motorizing the hood and now Iv seen one idea. Very impressed. Im more proud of my tank stands, hoods, etc than I am of the tank itself sometimes. especially with my damn hair algae right now.
Where do u work out of curiousity and have I ever seen ur work in a show or magazine? anyway, ur post has been completely amazing and I look forward to attempting my own one day. Good work


Originally Posted by gregghia
cbui2 man I wish I was your next door neighbor because I would kill to help you with that project! I'd be that guy you hate as I sat in your drive way waiting for you to come home. Great post man. I watch your thread more than any other project thread on here.
thanks, but only my two neighbor which is my friends know what i am doing to my garage. if i knew you was waiting in my driveway i would turn around and sleep at my friends until i know its clear..


Originally Posted by maxalmon
Is this a bare bottom tank? If not, what type of substate are you going to use?
i have 1000lbs caribesea live bahamas oolite already, going with 5-6" DSB.


Originally Posted by townsdp
I agree that line of work helps a lot. I have been doing car audio custom work for approx 9 yrs and it makes this kind of stuff much for interesting because u have the know-how, experience, and tools to make it more extravagant. I said my tank would have linear actuators motorizing the hood and now Iv seen one idea. Very impressed. Im more proud of my tank stands, hoods, etc than I am of the tank itself sometimes. especially with my damn hair algae right now.
Where do u work out of curiousity and have I ever seen ur work in a show or magazine? anyway, ur post has been completely amazing and I look forward to attempting my own one day. Good work
thanks, liner actuator will be installed down the line since i want the tank up and running. my deadline is this friday which i have book a flight going to florida picking up 600lbs haitan live rocks and taking them with me on the flight going home since 2 days shipping time wasnt in my mind and not only that i wanted to hand picked the pieces. the last time i enter my vehicle in the car show was when hot import nights came to new orleans and few local shows here, but my 91 nissan 300zx t/t was taking from me during katrina and left me with no more toys. so i started a new hobby instead of working on my car again. i think what i did was pretty simply and hard in some ways, but mainly details of work was the mainly important to me.


Originally Posted by curryfishman
Ok About How Much Was This Project!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
i stop counting after i purchased the tank, but you can always check the internet to see all the prices. thanks


gees 1000lbs.!!!
id hate to see that shipping bill!
well any new pics?? also are you goiing to do a web cam, for the whole world to see your hard work and effort not to mention smaller and smaller wallet??
well good luck where all watching!


Originally Posted by bpaul1201
gees 1000lbs.!!!
id hate to see that shipping bill!
well any new pics?? also are you goiing to do a web cam, for the whole world to see your hard work and effort not to mention smaller and smaller wallet??
well good luck where all watching!
thanks, LFS had gave me a deal and couldnt pass it up. Free freight
. i have 4 waterproof camera to be mounted in the display tank and 6 more around the fish room and i will be able to moniter at all times when i am not present and will be recorded 24hrs a day which will be tied into my main house system.


ok here are some more updates, yesterday was prep day moving 30 bags concrete, mixer, water and etc. i need to do the job site which made it so much easier then trying to accomplished it all in one day.
started sunday morning 8am mixing 2 bags at a time then pouring the concrete in placed and spread it out evenly to the end.

finished 10:30am

got a chance to uncrate chiller, here are some pic's.
Tradewind 1.5hp 18,000BTU



Active Member
I love the idea of 4 underwater cameras. That would be a sweet screen saver to have live video of your DT on your computer.
Good luck with the rest of your project.


wow i think your going to give goodwin and justforfun a run for there money!!!
that is one huge chiller hope i never have to have one that big!!
nice work on the pad, but did you vibrate the concrete to make sure all the air was out of the mix? i like your idea of all the camera's thats going to be awesome!!! i guess if your going to do it, pull out all the stops and go for broke! i dont see one thing that was not thought out or skipped over! i wish i had your money and patenice, not the mention brains!!
goodluck were all watching!


Active Member
Originally Posted by theappe3
wow. Ive never seen a chiller that big before!!
I have...its called the AC unit for my 3 story house.