Fish of the week - Pteragon kauderni

bang guy

I have been asked to write a guest article on Banggai Cardinalfish for today’s Fish Of the Week.
Banggai Cardinal, Banner Cardinal, Bengai Cardinal, Buddha Cardinal, or Hi-fin Cardinal are all referring to one of the heartiest marine fish in the hobby. They can survive weeks without food, heal injuries quickly and rarely fall victim to disease. They don’t require spacious environments, special salinity or temperatures. What they do require is a varied meaty diet. Very few will accept flaked foods. Frozen Mysis, Minced Scallops, etc. makes for healthy Banggai.
These fish originate in the waters off the remote Banggai island in the Indonesian archipelago where their numbers are reportedly dwindling rapidly. They normally hunt at twilight for planktonic crustaceans they can pluck from the water column from the calm waters of a rocky ledge of rock crevices.
Mated Banggai Pair
Cardinalfish are mouth brooders and the offspring of Banggai are quite large as far as marine fish go. Nearly 1/4" once released from the males mouth. This makes it rather easy to raise they fry as they are able to eat Artemia nauplii within seconds of their birth.
New Born Banggai
These fish are very peaceful members of the aquarium community and extremely reef safe. The only quarrel can be between other Cardinalfish or the female chasing fish away from the male while he is carrying.
Male Showing off a Mouthful of Eggs
It has been my experience that most humans, myself included, are not adept at identifying the characteristics between immature male and female Banggai. Male Banggai seem to have a knack for instantly identifying another male and they will normally fight until only one male is left. I have also discovered that females that have bred in the past will chase away other females when a male is present.
The Mating Dance
Let's hear from all of you who have or who have had Banggai in the past. Post your good or bad experiences and of course, some awesome pictures would be icing on the cake.


That is the coolest pick, of the babies, is that from your personall stock?


Active Member
Holy sweet moses......that is one of the coolest pics I have ever seen!!!!!!:) Are they in there for protection? Are urchins often used in nature?


Active Member
how do you telll the difference between the male and female when the babies are born do you have to remove them from the tank and put them in a seperate tank


definitely my favorite fish, however I could never keep them alive more than a week because they wouldnt eat anything but live brine shrimp. any ideas? i believe i was getting wild caught banggai, next time i setup a tank i'm going try and locate tank raised. Maybe BangGuy International Breeding LLC will be open by then ;)


Active Member
This guy (no pun intended) will eat any meaty and all flake. He is lighting fast when I drop some flake in the tank. Unfortunatly he is camera shy.


Hi All, I love my Banggai, he glows like crazy with my blue lights :D
Hey BangGuy what would be the best way to introduce more of them into my tank. Currently i have 1 banggai and 2 PJ's...


Active Member
The proper way to tell male from female is quite simple really.......
Here is a photo of a female Banggai Cardinal ~ Notice the bored, glazed-over look in her eye indicating that she is longing for something better in life. She will often tell you that she is fatter than when you first met her even if it is not a true statement (Never agree that she is plumper). The last way to see that she is female is the easiest.............lift her tail and see what is there, if she slaps you silly then it is a sure bet it's a lady.

Here is a photo of a male Banggai Cardinal ~ Not a very challenging ID at all since he spends all of his time trying to get into the female Banggais underoos. (Notice, even though the male's photo is smaller it does not bother him........he just buys larger toys to compensate for his lacking features)
:eek: :eek: :eek:


That is great.
Anyone have bad experiances. I have been considering these but I have been hesitant. I am not sure about adding a pair to a 29 gallon, especially with an agressive maroon.
Do you sell these?

bang guy


Originally posted by Thomas712
That is the coolest pick, of the babies, is that from your personall stock?

Yes, the pictures are all mine.

bang guy


Originally posted by sammystingray
Are they in there for protection? Are urchins often used in nature?

Yep. In the wild they often use Long-Spine Urchins for protection, both Babies and adults.

bang guy


Originally posted by flamingkingofhe
how do you telll the difference between the male and female when the babies are born do you have to remove them from the tank and put them in a seperate tank

Once they are 6 months old I can place one with a known male. If the male goes after it then it's another male, if not then it's female.
The parents and every other fish and most inverts look at Banggai fry as food. If you don't remove them from the tank most will be quickly eaten.

bang guy


Originally posted by Wrassecal
If you buy a pair and they are not male and female will they still hang out together?

Two males will not hang out together. It has been my experience that two males will eventually fight to the death.
Two females may or may not hang out. If one has bred in the past it will probably look at another female as competition, not companionship.

bang guy


Originally posted by BigEyedFish
definitely my favorite fish, however I could never keep them alive more than a week because they wouldnt eat anything but live brine shrimp. any ideas? i believe i was getting wild caught banggai, next time i setup a tank i'm going try and locate tank raised. Maybe BangGuy International Breeding LLC will be open by then ;)

I suggest tank bred Banggai just for that reason. I believe these fish are close to becoming endangered in the wild.

bang guy


Originally posted by MarineMarty
Hey BangGuy what would be the best way to introduce more of them into my tank. Currently i have 1 banggai and 2 PJ's...

I don't recommend keeping Banggai with any other Cardinalfish.
I don't recommend keeping more than two Banggai in the same tank.