so far there is 1 mexican turbo, 5 margaritas, and two blue leg hermits and one purpple psuedochromis. i just placed an order for 1 red mithrax crab, its just like an emarald but its red, 2 stocky ceriths, 3 sand sifting crabs, and 5 nass snails
nice..i bought 1 emerald crab, 3 turbo snails, and 1 turtle sand conch yesterday and it cost me like 25$....and im still not even close to dont with my cleaner crew...
haha honestly it kinda makes me feel better that some one has a bubble coral they bought looking worse then mine. but, they rehabilitate so quickly with good lights.
how much did it cost you.
wahh ur lr is 3 $ a pound it must not be that good then....idk then it doesnt matter you might just have to take everything out and let it cycle again, but ask bang guy or beth