Getting to know you... getting to know all about you!


Active Member
Originally Posted by snailheave
please get a hold of yourself.
we already have an excitement bug among the ranks

You know eventually that board will break!!


ron, 50, philly pa, kept african cichlids for 8 yrs. moved and stopped fish keeping. was going through cold turkey and decided to go for a bigger challenge. always wanted a saltwater tank but wan't prepared to put out the money. don't have much stories 'bout my tank yet, but have plenty about the cichlids.
seeing everyones' tanks maks me look forwared to getting my corals and fish. i wasn't gonna get clowns but after seing pics on this sight, i may change my mind.
glad i wasn't born with first name of pete and last name of rick. can get into lots of touble with a screen name like that


Hello my name is Marcia...I'm a fishaholic,
I live in Wyoming. I met a friend thru a friend that gave me a 45(?) corner sw 2 years ago. The only thing that was in there was a convict, I have named him Dougy. Since, I have added liverock(only about 7lbs) 3 pj's, 1 coral beauty, Fridmani(with nine lives)a neon pseudochromis,and 2 clowns(1 dissapeared). I also have a 55 gal fresh. Have had fresh water fish for as long as I can remember, and that would be a very long time. I'm still learning Thank to All of You.
I probably would add more liverock but there are some really neat rock formation that were in the aquarium and I don't want to remove them. I am going very slowand can use lots of suggestion. I know this takes lots of time and $$$.
My daughter and two grandchildren live with us right now. I sit and watch Dougy and the gang with them on my lap....along with LB. He is a cat that one of my clients willed to me when he passed away. I knew he would.
I work for an oxygen company as a CSR. I also have a 55, 29, 10, 2gal fresh and a small hex with two bettas at my office. The clients and any visitors love them.
I would like to get some annemones, another clown and another sailfin blenny(lost one) but only have a 24' hood that a 18' bulb fits. I have been using a 50/50 in it. I have a lot of questions and thought I would sound dumb to some of you, but I know different now. You are all so knowledgeable and have helpped lots of newbies and in time I will get my questions out to you.
Nice to have met you.


Active Member
hello all, my name is Luke, 21, college student at Anderson....i'm about to get engaged in anywhere from 5-7 gf and i have a 75gallon freshwater that used to house a turtle(sam) who has ran away...that how we started the aquarium hobby....we also have a 10gallon saltwater, and another 75gallon tank either waiting to be connected to the freshwater, or setup into a saltwater, its hard not to want the saltwater...i'm gonna be so My 10g has some pulsing xenia that i loveeeeeee to watch, two damselfish, a blue yellowtail and a gold and black one....snails, crabs, and a peppermint shrimp to battle those crazy, that one trouble anemone,i cant spell it for the life of me. But anyways, I will be receive 4 new corals on this coming wed that i am absolutely pumped for...a zoo colony that has around 100 polyps of different colors....a small star polyp colony, and two mushrooms.....i can't wait i cant wait. i think i'm gonna have to upgrade past 10gallons...but maybe after i get my own place and have a bit of money to sit back on and not have to scrape,lol. Nice too meet you all!



Well, well, well... this is far less than the 4 pages i asked for... oh well, i guess you don't always get what you waannnt... you can't always get what you waaannnt, but if you try sometimes, you just might find, you get what you neeeeddd... lol. I'm kinda into music too.
Ron, Luke & Marcia, it's very nice to meet you!
Ok, for the first time, i'm at home and on the forum, so i'm gonna post some pics. This could take a while, but oh well, If you guys won't get this thread to 4 pages, i'll do it single-handedly.
Ok, here's a full shot of the tank:


The first is my black & white heniochus, Yuffie, and the second is my shrimpy, Pepe.



Active Member
Hi Jenn, tank is lookin great. Any reason on the 2 stacks in corners? Just curious, not seen that approach before. Whats your stock list lookin like?


Active Member
Originally Posted by jdragunas
The first is my black & white heniochus, Yuffie, and the second is my shrimpy, Pepe.
I'm soooooo jelous of the heniochus


The first is my YWG, tex, the second is my lawnmower, grandpa, and the third is my lawnmower, scooter.



good thread Jenn.
Brett here - aka Dxtr.
Currently have a 30 gallon fowlr running in kitchen. Pictures coming as soon as wife and I can figure new camera out... lol
Stock is as follows:
35lbs LR
30lbs LS
Skilter ( :mad: - bad LFS!)
1 maroon - Memo
1 yellow tail damsel
1 CBS, 1 cuke, 1 feather duster, 1 Condi, multiple cleaning crew members
Just purchased a 100Gallon with stand and canopy, drilled with the 4 return tank jets (i thought it was a great deal??
Will be getting 4 VHO's installed, sump and possibly a refugium.

Started this addiction on father's day and have been hooked like a baitfish since! I just can't stop spending $$ on it!!!
Best thing is that my wife and son absolutely love it, so it makes it ALOT eaisier to purchase stuff.

Now that Hurricane season is winding down (hopefully :thinking: ) i will be on here a lil more and look forward to chatting, sharing and posting some pics soon of my 30 and 100 gallon! woohooo

Dxtr -


The first one is my nemo, kissing himself... lol, the second is my chinese water dragon, and the third is my doggy, myah... she's at my parents house.
I currently have:
1 perc
1 b&w heniochus
2 lawnmower blennies
1 skunk cleaner
10 nassarius snails
6 turbo snails
3 hermies
I had the rocks all stacked in the middle, but i wanted to give my B&W more room to swim. I also wanted a lot of room on the bottom for when i get anemones and whatnot.
Ok, i'm done now, and gonna go watch smallville!



Hi we are Pam and Chris just started in Jan.2005 with 120 reef now have 29 corals powder blue. yellow tang, mandrin with lots of purchased copepods which are reproducing in our fuge, that was stated for mandrin police. Orange spotted goby, flame angle and 3 green chromis. 3 months ago added 12 gal. nano to get clowns away from corals they shouldn't host and a month and a half ago we started an agressive tank with 1 porcupine puffer, stars and striprs puffer, piccaso trigger. lion, and green bird wrass which are all babies and will move to 200 gal within the next year. Growing up never had pets now we have 3 tanks and 2 3 yr old malteese dogs. By the way we are 38 and 49, old for this post.
Nice meeting you all.


Bronco, yeah, he does that all the time. My stupid LFS said "oh yeah, if you put them upside down on your hand, they fall asleep!" lol, it's just a defense mechanism. He plays dead. He's actually really lively for a water dragon. He's pretty skiddish, so i have to chase him around the tank to actually be able to hold him. :hilarious lol
Hi Pam & Chris, welcome to the thread! I love your tanks!!! I want a 200 gallon agressive tank with a picasso trigger, 2 porcupine puffers, blue tang, and voltanis lionfish (hubby fell in love with it and won't let me get another kind, i personally like the fu manchu). I've always wanted sharks, and i saw bamboo sharks at my LFS! They're awesome, and they only need 180 gallon tank, so i should be ok with the tank size, but i'm not sure if i can put them in with the other fish i wanted... any opinions would be great! ok i just read that the triggers and puffers will actually pick on it!!! Well i'd much rather have sharks than puffers any day... or this is just another reason to eventually have 3 tanks!!!


Hey im also a fishocholic! My name is David and im only 13...I have started saltwater when i was 10 and freshwater when 6-7. I have two is a 29 with a niger trigger (will be upgraded soon), a coral beauty, 2 damsels, mandarin and a clown...the other one is a 30 with 4 snowflakes for breeding (trying to at least- soon will be in a bigger tank also- they are only about 5").


Well Hellllllllllllllllllo to all! I am Eric and I'm the proud reef keeper to a 180gal. I've been trying my hand with saltwater for about 4 years now. I started with a 75 gal and then eventually bought a 55 and 180 and now I'm down to just the 180. Too much maintenance involved keeping 3 tanks...that and Hurricanes play a big role when everything gets wiped out

I am 33 going on 12 only because of my 6 almost 7 kids (1 more coming in Nov :jumping: :joy:
). I've been married to the greatest wife for almost 13 years now. She has been a huge help with the tanks, especially during my 2 deployments to the desert in the past 2 years. I am in the Air Force as an Air Traffic Controller and have been in for 13 years. Only 7 more to go and then retirement.
As far as inhabitants in my ochin, well here goes,
sailfin tang
hippo tang
5 yellow tail damsels
2 blue chromis
2 cleaner shrimp
watchman goby
sixline wrasse
lyretail anthia
royal gramma
2 brittle stars
numerous snails, hermits, and emerald crabs
zoos, zoos and more zoos
toadstool leather
finger leather
rose anenome
a few digitata
open brain
acro colony
star polyps
And I'm sure I've forgot a lot... but better yet let me just share a pic.
Glad to meet everyone
