Good Luck in Baghdad Journeyman!!


Active Member
Originally Posted by EL GUAPO
Keep your head down buddy . I will keep you in my prayers .
Remember that anybody wearing this should not be called a squid , sissy, pansie , or any other derogitory term .

Unless they like stirring up trouble with SEALS...
Never met one I didnt get along with.


Active Member

Originally Posted by Bang Guy
Keep your head down, your spirits up, and keep in touch when you can. I'll be thinking of you and praying for your safety.
I'm sure he'll feel right at home in the worlds biggest DSB

We'll keep you in prayer, Journey.


Active Member
Originally Posted by DeltaBlack22
USMC, just returned from Fallujah 11 days ago... I think I took care of the freedom thing myself.

Glad you made it home safe DeltaBlack22 .... and THANKS to you and all the people who serve or served.

el guapo

Active Member
Originally Posted by DeltaBlack22
Unless they like stirring up trouble with SEALS...
Never met one I didnt get along with.

As long as you can fight and drink you don't usually have a problem with the SEALs.


Active Member
Originally Posted by armywife1314
good luck. my husband leaves for iraq in a few weeks. he'll be in mosul, close to baghdad. (of course he'll be fighting)
Your both still in danger so keep safe, and come home!
My kid is near Mosul. It's been fairly mellow since he's been there. Of course he doesn't have to leave the base.


Active Member
Thanks all.
It's just so anti-climatic... I keep thinking I'm on my way out of town, then another delay... I did "graduate" from training, my security clearance has been approved, and I'm getting my CAC tomorrow, so any day now I should be on a commercial flight east.
Thanks Crimzy for quickly clearing up any misconceptions; I am going as a civilian contractor. I respect our men/women in uniform too much to let anyone confuse me with them.
That said, I'm not really going for business opportunities either. I'm 35 and single with no kids. No better time than right now to head overseas and be a part of an historic event. It should be a great experience with a great company, working for a US Department, while broadening my horizons considerably. Don't get me wrong, I'll be getting paid well. I won't deny or try to hide that. Plus this job opportunity should go a long way in buffering my resume if I decide to pursue a career as a Foreign Service Officer with the SD.
As for the political discussions, I hope this job gives me more credibility when it comes to discussing Iraq. I'm looking forward to learning Arabic, talking with locals (in the Green Zone of course), and getting a first hand take on events in the Middle East.
Anyway, thanks for all of the well-wishes and prayers
. I'll have regular access to the internet, so I'll be around as usual. I won't be able to discuss my job, but I will certainly discuss the state of Baghdad as I see it.


Active Member
GOOD LUCK, STAY SAFE, AND TELL US SOME COOL STORIES!! this may sound stupid but are you trained to use a gun or anything in case there is an unexpected raid or whatnot


Active Member
Originally Posted by ClownFiSH11
GOOD LUCK, STAY SAFE, AND TELL US SOME COOL STORIES!! this may sound stupid but are you trained to use a gun or anything in case there is an unexpected raid or whatnot
I'm a Texan

I'll be in the Green Zone, near the Embassy. If I need to use a firearm things have really gone bad for the Alliance.... That said, I have been trained to deal with that situation.


Active Member
Originally Posted by 1journeyman
I'm a Texan

I'll be in the Green Zone, near the Embassy. If I need to use a firearm things have really gone bad for the Alliance.... That said, I have been trained to deal with that situation.
What is going on with your tanks while you are gone?