Good Luck in Baghdad Journeyman!!


Active Member
Good luck journeyman! It will be interesting to hear your views while you are over there.
So how long is your stay?


Wow intense thread really. People coming back from Iraq, going to Iraq, dying in Iraq. Perspective is a wonderful thing. I love this country. Thanks to all who fight or support those that fight....and I was getting frustrated with my job
. GL Journey man


Active Member
I cant believe I didnt notice this thread till page 2... wow.
Anyway, best of luck, stay safe, I too will be interested in what you have to say about being there.


Active Member
Good luck Journy. I spent a year in Ballad and 7 months in Mosul not long ago as a contractor and 6 months in Kandahar when i was still an active duty Marine. The living conditions suck, the dust sucks, the random RPG and mortar explosions suck.
But like i tell everyone i meet heading to the sand box " take 2 buckets with you fill 1 with poop the other with money and when one of them fills up come home"
Take care.


have a safe trip. one of my football coaches died in iraq he was in a truck that ran over a road mine and he flew out and was ran over:(


Holy cow-cat, JM!! GL over there, and stay safe, guy!
Who knows... I may pass by you in a few months and never know it was you!