Gun Suggestion(for protection)?


Active Member
Originally Posted by SaltyCrab
They don't have the traditional safety lever that you see on many guns which means that once a round is chambered all you need to do is pull the trigger to fire. It is an extremely safe and reliable gun though. It will not fire unless the trigger is puller, period.
Explain to me how that is really all that safe..Usually guns wont fire unless the trigger is pulled. I havnt heard of to many that just go off.
I personally think glocks are VERY unsafe. You have NO idea if there is anyting in the chamber or if its cocked. So you could at any time pick it up after a long time and forget and pull the trigger then BANG..accidental shooting.


You guys can keep your AR-15s and AKs. This is the ultimate home defense gun if you are willing to pay for the $200 tax stamp.


Originally Posted by 05xrunner
Explain to me how that is really all that safe..Usually guns wont fire unless the trigger is pulled. I havnt heard of to many that just go off.
I personally think glocks are VERY unsafe. You have NO idea if there is anyting in the chamber or if its cocked. So you could at any time pick it up after a long time and forget and pull the trigger then BANG..accidental shooting.
First of all Glocks have an indicator on the slide that shows if there is one in the chamber, even if the person doesn't pull back the slide to look. Basic gun safety is remove the magazine and cycle the gun (pull back slide) before you start handling it. At the very least partially pull back the slide to check the chamber without ejecting the round. If someone is going to pick up a gun and pull the trigger without knowing if it is chambered or not then they should never handle any gun. BTW glocks are never "cocked" as in a hammer or striking pin is pulled back under pressure ready to strike the primer. This is one reason why I consider them exceedingly safe. The striking pin is pulled back and released in one motion when the trigger is pulled.


Active Member
Originally Posted by SaltyCrab
First of all Glocks have an indicator on the slide that shows if there is one in the chamber, even if the person doesn't pull back the slide to look. Basic gun safety is remove the magazine and cycle the gun (pull back slide) before you start handling it. At the very least partially pull back the slide to check the chamber without ejecting the round. If someone is going to pick up a gun and pull the trigger without knowing if it is chambered or not then they should never handle any gun. BTW glocks are never "cocked" as in a hammer or striking pin is pulled back under pressure ready to strike the primer. This is one reason why I consider them exceedingly safe. The striking pin is pulled back and released in one motion when the trigger is pulled.
the XD is the hammer but it lets you know if it is cocked.
See thats why things are called accidents. What if someone broke in and you went to grab the gun really fast and might have put to much pressure on the trigger without having in your hands properly. then you can have it go of and a bullet going wild.
I personally think glocks lack alot in the safety area.


My finger never goes near the trigger until I'm about to let a round go. Thats also basic gun safety. Don't put your finger on the trigger until ready to fire (basically keep it outside of the trigger guard).
If I wanted a gun with a safety lever I would opt for a 1911 anyways. I've had one pointed at me before and the only thing you think is if the trigger is pulled and that .45 goes into me at close range I am going to die. They are an extremely menacing looking gun.
BTW nice AR. The M203 looks like a good time.


Originally Posted by GNorman
some say the 38 or 38 special will take down a guy but i want to be sure, so im going with the 45. also, cops now use the 9MM but it shows by the way they are taught to shoot. they are taught to put 2 rounds in the chest then one round in the head.. repeatedly until the clip is out; or until the guy the threat is no more a thread.
I've shot with alot of LEOs and have never encountered this notion. They all go for center mass, the idea is simply to eliminate the threat, period, and the easiest method is via center mass.
The .38 is quite capable of taking a man down and was standard issue for many departments for close to 60 yrs. The .45 is nice but offers little penetration compared to many others, even the 9mm.
As for Glock safeties, if you don't like them - try a SiderLock (, I've put this on 2 of mine and they are quite nice. AFAIK all of the Glocks made in the last 15yrs or so have a chamber indicator. My original Austrian does not, but it was one of the original models from way back when. Then again, basic gun safety dictates that you keep your finger off the trigger until ready to fire.


Active Member
Originally Posted by 05xrunner
Explain to me how that is really all that safe..Usually guns wont fire unless the trigger is pulled. I havnt heard of to many that just go off.
I personally think glocks are VERY unsafe. You have NO idea if there is anyting in the chamber or if its cocked. So you could at any time pick it up after a long time and forget and pull the trigger then BANG..accidental shooting.
Always assume a gun is loaded. I don't know many responsible gun owners that randomly pick up a gun and pull the trigger


Active Member
Originally Posted by 1journeyman
Always assume a gun is loaded. I don't know many responsible gun owners that randomly pick up a gun and pull the trigger

its easy to say all this.
Thats why accidents happen. In the heat of things if someone breaks in the middle of the night. something might just go wrong. NO gun is fool proof. its just nicer to have more safeties on it
yes this guy is a dolt..It shows that an accident can happen at anytime


Originally Posted by 05xrunner
its easy to say all this.
Thats why accidents happen. In the heat of things if someone breaks in the middle of the night. something might just go wrong. NO gun is fool proof. its just nicer to have more safeties on it
yes this guy is a dolt..It shows that an accident can happen at anytime
Whats funny is I knew the exact video you posted before I even looked at the link.


Active Member
Originally Posted by SaltyCrab
Lol someone used to be in the Marines. .408 is the new round replacing the .50 right? BTW has their ever been a confirmed kill at over 1.5 miles?

Heh . . .
yes the .408 is in a good position to replace the .50 . And rumor is that down range there have been kills made out to the 2000 meter area . There is a lot to take into consideration though with a shot at a mile + . I still believe that a well trained scout/sniper team can get close enough to make a shot that is less chancy and more reliable in the long run .


I bought a glock 21 myself when i was in a similar positionto the OP.(with the exeption i knew a bit about guns and my girlfriend at the time was all for it) Most reliable and comfortable gun i have ever shot. Hands down my favorite and i have and do trust it to protect my family. My next gun is an AR15 but total overkill for home defence.


Originally Posted by Crashbandicoot
Heh . . .
yes the .408 is in a good position to replace the .50 . And rumor is that down range there have been kills made out to the 2000 meter area . There is a lot to take into consideration though with a shot at a mile + . I still believe that a well trained scout/sniper team can get close enough to make a shot that is less chancy and more reliable in the long run .

I have heard of 2k+ shots with the barret 50cal. Granted i don't know what the longest confirmed kill is but from what i hear Its been pretty succesfull in Afganistan. I have heard talk of the .408 but not much about replacing the 50cal. That personally i dont get as the 50cal is still getting better and better.(at the same time i dont know much about the .408)


Active Member
If you are still looking... check out Taurus...go to I would recommend perhaps a 40 caliber or smaller. I would also recommend one with a hammer... these are safer. I've seen them for >$300. You could also look for a used one. From all I've heard... these are lower in cost but are built well and are a great value and reliable.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Chano
I have heard of 2k+ shots with the barret 50cal. Granted i don't know what the longest confirmed kill is but from what i hear Its been pretty succesfull in Afganistan. I have heard talk of the .408 but not much about replacing the 50cal. That personally i dont get as the 50cal is still getting better and better.(at the same time i dont know much about the .408)

The .408 holds the record for the best group shot with 3 out of 6 rounds hitting on a human size target at 2313 meters . The M200 weighs in at 27 pounds where as the barret weighs close to 29 pounds . The 408. is mainily an anti personel type sniper rifle where as the 50. Cal is better as an anti armor sniper rifle . Its hard to say which one has a longer confirmed kill as tall tails grow the further from the front the make their way .


everythings good here too. im glad your house is going good, i know how tough it can be trying to get in a new house. looks like your post is getting off track a little, but thats kind of the norm for gun posts huh. mace is a great alternative for your girl. but if you have any questions for your gun jusr email me if you still got it. if not, just let me know. i'll be glad to help ya out.


Active Member
gun nuts, what is to be expected,lol...i think i may have lost your email, or i'll to do some super digging...we have some pepper spray in the house and in her car and purse already...i was going to bring it up last night but she was already pissed about other things so not quite the best time to talk about it...she thinks she may actually have shingles(sp) again which sucks...last time she got that afterwards she became allergic to milk and everything else under the sun.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Rylan1
Isn't this for his girlfriend?
its for both of us, but most likely more for me..i think i may get her a taser gun


ouch, the shingles. that sucks man, i hope shes ok. scubanoah24@yahoo. let me know if ya need anything. email me and let me know what zoos you have. i just set up a new tank so i need some new ones. maybe we can do a little trade again or something.