Gun Suggestion(for protection)?


Active Member
Here's a link to some info on ranges.
Try some on for size. Many ranges offer classes as well. Make sure you are happy with the way the gun fits your hand. I have .22s that I use recreationally because they are cheap and easy to shoot making it easier to stay in practice. I chose the Walther P-99 (in 9mm) because I have short fingers and the grips are comfy. My P-22 is what I plink with. A handgun that you intend to use for home defense is like a life insurance policy so you may want to spend a little more money and know that, if you need it, your weapon will perform.


Well-Known Member
I don't want to start a flame war, but the best gun for self defense is a Glock in the hands of a cop. The least useful self defense weapon is any gun properly locked up in a gun safe so that your (or a neighbor's) kid doesn't get to it. Any other gun is a potential disaster just waiting to happen.


Active Member
now i dont know a lot about guns but i do go shooting with a guy who is a gun nutso. we go skeet shooting a ton with his 12gauges and i use my 4/10, he has a mouser as his own gun, his dad has a mini 14, and his dad also has a bunch of handguns. i dont know the make or model but he has a .45, and 2 9MMs. he comes from a family with a military background which is prob why he feels that this gun would be best to protect your family at home. the M1911 .45
now, i cant even remember who its mad by but i do know the history of the gun..kinda.
the reason he feels this is a great gun is because first of all its caliber is a .45 so if u hit the guy hes going down b.c of the punch this gun has. u said u live in a house so there will be no problem ( i wouldnt suggest this gun if u lived in an apartment ). i am going to get a handgun when i get home from my mission ( ill be 21 then) and with whatever handgun i choose it will be a .45. some say the 38 or 38 special will take down a guy but i want to be sure, so im going with the 45. also, cops now use the 9MM but it shows by the way they are taught to shoot. they are taught to put 2 rounds in the chest then one round in the head.. repeatedly until the clip is out; or until the guy the threat is no more a thread ( s0 until the guy is down out cold on the ground) good way to be taught to shoot but i dont know if i will have enough time to unload an entire clip. i want to be able to fire a few rounds and be able to take him out with one or two rounds hitting him. so for me i would recommend getting a .45. it will be way heavier than say a 9MM would. hope this helped a bit.

salty blues

Active Member
Originally Posted by GeriDoc
I don't want to start a flame war, but the best gun for self defense is a Glock in the hands of a cop. The least useful self defense weapon is any gun properly locked up in a gun safe so that your (or a neighbor's) kid doesn't get to it. Any other gun is a potential disaster just waiting to happen.
Best for the cop's defense, not mine.


Active Member
Originally Posted by GeriDoc
I don't want to start a flame war, but the best gun for self defense is a Glock in the hands of a cop. The least useful self defense weapon is any gun properly locked up in a gun safe so that your (or a neighbor's) kid doesn't get to it. Any other gun is a potential disaster just waiting to happen.
4-10 minutes is a very, very, very long time to wait for police when you or a family member is in danger in your own home....
A loaded gun is no more of a threat than a kitchen knife. Neither can leap off the shelf and kill you while you sleep.


My home defense and concealed carry is the glock 27 (40 cal.). Nice and compact.
My suggestion for you and you girl....maybe a Ruger GP100 .357 mag. Nice stopping power in a reliable revolver. You can also shoot .38 out of it if you feel the .357 are a bit much.


Active Member
thanks guys, there is a range that is just 5 minutes from us so i'm going to call and see if they have some i can try out and go from there and let you know


Active Member
Originally Posted by 1journeyman
A loaded gun is no more of a threat than a kitchen knife. Neither can leap off the shelf and kill you while you sleep.
To bad there are not more people out there who understand this. I hate here the Gun Kills crap.
No gun has ever shot someone on its own. Someone has to pull the trigger. They are no more dangerous then a knife, a car, or anything in the wrong hands.
I have a Springfield XD 40 and its a nice gun, balanced well, Nice trigger, accurate, very very easy breakdown for cleaning. 2 safeties. The dovetail and trigger. both have to be depressed for the gun to fire. Plus there are 2 indicators to let you know a bullet is in the chamber and when its cocked.
I personally do not like glocks, they have no safeties, you have no idea if its cocked or not. If you ever shoot lead wad bullets. the barrel has been known to fail with lead exposed to it.


Active Member
Originally Posted by 05xrunner
To bad there are not more people out there who understand this. I hate here the Gun Kills crap.
No gun has ever shot someone on its own. Someone has to pull the trigger. They are no more dangerous then a knife, a car, or anything in the wrong hands.
I have a Springfield XD 40 and its a nice gun, balanced well, Nice trigger, accurate, very very easy breakdown for cleaning. 2 safeties. The dovetail and trigger. both have to be depressed for the gun to fire. Plus there are 2 indicators to let you know a bullet is in the chamber and when its cocked.
I personally do not like glocks, they have no safeties, you have no idea if its cocked or not. If you ever shoot lead wad bullets. the barrel has been known to fail with lead exposed to it.

what are the indicators for the chamber?


Active Member
IMO I like the Glock 40, my brothers duty weapon is a phenominal piece to shoot. Tons of stopping power, but its not a fast projectile. IMO I would stay away from the small caliber hand guns for home defense like a .22. The projectile is very fast and they tend not to have a lot of stopping power. As mentioned a shot gun although cumbersome is a proximity weapon so you dont need fantastic aim to hit what you want. I have Smith and Wesson 9mm semi auto for home protection but its in a lock box safe at all times. My favorite hand gun would have to be a 1911 though, fantastic all around pistol. Tons of stopping power feels great to hold, some of the 40's can be wide and its tough to get your hand around them. Research all your interested in and if possible test fire any you can. Some have quite a different feel than others even though they may look the same. And I dont believe it was answered, but to my knowledge no revolvers do not have safty's.


Active Member
Originally Posted by 05xrunner
on the very top of the XD there is a little indicator that pops up right behind the eject port.
When its cocked there is a little plunger that pops out the back so you know.
This shows your everything

that looks like a pretty nice gun and has good safety features to ease leia's mind as well...the grip safety of course i assume you have to push it in to shoot, would that be hard for her you think?


Active Member
it has really no resistance. it has enough to keep itself out. but as soon as you put it in your hand properly holding it pushes in. its not like you have to grip the gun any harder to make it push in.


hey luke, whats up buddy. me and my girlfriend have already gone through exactly the same thing you are about to. I have always been an avid gun enthusiast and she was not. as soon as ohio passed the carry law we both took the course. i have always been a member of the local range. she didnt really like the whole gun idea just because she had no experience or knowledge of them. my advice is for you to each have your own gun. trust me she will be much more educated and comfortable with her own. it is also very tough for a man and woman to find a gun that both fits them. i have always owned many handguns, but none of them would be comfortable or as safe to shoot for her. so i would get her involved with everything from the purchase and testing to see what she is most comfortable with. i carry a springfield XD 40 and love it. we bought her a bersa 380. it is a great gun, not too small but small enough for her to handle safely. if it is not in the budget for u to buy each your own I would highly recommend the bursa. under 200 bucks too! let me know if you need anything bud.


Active Member
hey bud havent seen you around lately! too hurt by your loss in the fantasy league? lol
the thing is i'm not sure she could use it, i think i could no it dangerous to have a gun in a safe locked if she is not willing to use it either? I think maybe under the conditions she would but I dont know...but I'd like to have something at least..we're home most of the time together because we work close to the same schedule...


Active Member
I have to agree with 05xrunner on the Springfield Armory XD Series. My carry weapon is an XD-9. As he mentioned it's extremely well balanced and has a great recoil system as well. Even the 45 caliber model shoots as smooth as butter!!!


Active Member
Originally Posted by 05xrunner
well if you just want home protection and are kinda worried about the gun..these are 2 more options

I looked at some tasers around the sites and just nto sure i like the idea, maybe if i got her a taser and me a gun? i just dont like the idea of using a taser and he can still get up after a little while and keep going..a gun is so much more...i shoot your nuts off and youll think twice about it.


Active Member
Originally Posted by shogun323
I have to agree with 05xrunner on the Springfield Armory XD Series. My carry weapon is an XD-9. As he mentioned it's extremely well balanced and has a great recoil system as well. Even the 45 caliber model shoots as smooth as butter!!!
thanks, i really like the XD safety features...any other recommendations that have those type of features?