Healthcare bill will pass the senate.

veni vidi vici

Active Member
Originally Posted by bionicarm
Already picked it up and left it on your mother's nightstand with her false teeth. Commend her for her abilities. I bet she could suck a bowling ball through a 50 foot hose.

Yeah she said you stopped by but i could barley make out what she was saying because she was laughing so hard. Something about a inverted pecker or something like that %%

veni vidi vici

Active Member
Originally Posted by SteveDave08
He probably hates Mexicans too, though. It would be funny though. They'd be the minority in Mexico.
I dont hate mexicans or anyone for that matter ,but i despise illegals stealing American jobs and Cubans and Hatians that turned south florida into a ghetto.


Originally Posted by Veni Vidi Vici
I dont hate mexicans or anyone for that matter ,but i despise illegals stealing American jobs and Cubans and Hatians that turned south florida into a ghetto.
South Florida is not a ghetto. Here is a history you apparently have no clue about.
"Dreams of economic expansion, that began in the thirties with the first air flights to the Caribbean, became a reality in the sixties and seventies, as exiled Cuban businessmen, building on old connections in the Caribbean, made Miami the acknowledged financial and trading center of the Caribbean."


Active Member
Originally Posted by Veni Vidi Vici
Yeah she said you stopped by but i could barley make out what she was saying because she was laughing so hard. Something about a inverted pecker or something like that

barley? No wonder she couldn't tell how big it was. She was too drunk from sniffing barley up her nose.


Active Member
Originally Posted by SteveDave08
South Florida is not a ghetto. Here is a history you apparently have no clue about.
"Dreams of economic expansion, that began in the thirties with the first air flights to the Caribbean, became a reality in the sixties and seventies, as exiled Cuban businessmen, building on old connections in the Caribbean, made Miami the acknowledged financial and trading center of the Caribbean."
What do you expect from a guy who lives in Illinois? He doesn't have to deal with illegals because none of them want to live there.


Active Member
Originally Posted by SteveDave08
South Florida is not a ghetto. Here is a history you apparently have no clue about.
"Dreams of economic expansion, that began in the thirties with the first air flights to the Caribbean, became a reality in the sixties and seventies, as exiled Cuban businessmen, building on old connections in the Caribbean, made Miami the acknowledged financial and trading center of the Caribbean."
LOL, Not that I agree with Veni but you don't suppose that website is providing a biased view do you


Originally Posted by reefraff
LOL, Not that I agree with Veni but you don't suppose that website is providing a biased view do you

That's was the first one I found and read through. You can find the same info anywhere else, I know what you mean though.
I found the list of the 2506 Brigade and my father and grandfather are #'s 2 and 3 on the list. I'm actually going to be writing a book/screenplay about my father's life as he's been through some pretty amazing, if not horrible things in his life.


Active Member
Originally Posted by SteveDave08
That's was the first one I found and read through. You can find the same info anywhere else, I know what you mean though.
I found the list of the 2506 Brigade and my father and grandfather are #'s 2 and 3 on the list. I'm actually going to be writing a book/screenplay about my father's life as he's been through some pretty amazing, if not horrible things in his life.
Sounds cool.
I think people tend to blame "Cubans" for the crime there as a result of the whole Mariel thing. Between the crooks Castro sent in as part of that, and the victimization that usually occurs with any large influx of immigrants I am sure you can point to stats that would indicate it's all you commie Cuban's fault


Originally Posted by reefraff
Sounds cool.
I think people tend to blame "Cubans" for the crime there as a result of the whole Mariel thing. Between the crooks Castro sent in as part of that, and the victimization that usually occurs with any large influx of immigrants I am sure you can point to stats that would indicate it's all you commie Cuban's fault

Yeah, the Mariel people came long after my family and many others were already exiled here. So, all the garbage that came over on the Mariel boat lift doesn't reflect the people as a whole. It's unfortunate, but I know the original Cubans that made it here, helped to make this city. I'm proud to be an American, but I'm also very proud of my Cuban heritage and take offense to what this tard, I'm gonna call him Vitchy from now on, posted about ghettos.


Active Member
Originally Posted by SteveDave08
Yeah, the Mariel people came long after my family and many others were already exiled here. So, all the garbage that came over on the Mariel boat lift doesn't reflect the people as a whole. It's unfortunate, but I know the original Cubans that made it here, helped to make this city. I'm proud to be an American, but I'm also very proud of my Cuban heritage and take offense to what this tard, I'm gonna call him Vitchy from now on, posted about ghettos.
I am proud of my Danish, German, Scottish, English, American Indian, ??? Heritage

Cuban and Hispanics in general tend to be conservative when it comes to family values. All my "greasy Mexican" friends I grew up with were scared to death to have their parents catch them doing something wrong, it just wasn't tolerated. Didn't keep them from messing up but did make them a lot less likely to do stuff.


Originally Posted by reefraff
I am proud of my Danish, German, Scottish, English, American Indian, ??? Heritage

Cuban and Hispanics in general tend to be conservative when it comes to family values. All my "greasy Mexican" friends I grew up with were scared to death to have their parents catch them doing something wrong, it just wasn't tolerated. Didn't keep them from messing up but did make them a lot less likely to do stuff.
Yeah, I know what you mean.
Back on track, I found that these are the main point of the bill passed in the senate today.
"The public option and expansion of Medicare have been much discussed. They did not make it in the forms many wanted — due partly to the intransigence of Joe Lieberman and Ben Nelson. According to the New York Times, this is the substance of what passed. The bill would:
Require that most Americans have health insurance.
Add 15 million to Medicaid.
Subsidize private coverage for low and middle income people (at a cost of $871bn over 10 years, according to the Congressional Budget Office).
Cover 31 million Americans who are not currently covered, but leave 23 million uninsured in 2019, according to the CBO.
Prevent insurers denying coverage because of a person's medical condition.
Prevent insurers discriminating on the basis of --- or health status.
Prevent insurers rescinding care when someone becomes sick or disabled.
Force insurers to include a summary of benefits that "does not exceed four pages in length and does not include print smaller than 12-point font."
Limit insurance company profits by forcing them to spend between 80 and 85 cents of every dollar on healthcare.
Set up healthcare exchanges — a kind of marketplace for insurance shoppers which feature tax credits — that are the last remnants of a public option."


"The bottom line seems to be that it's not perfect, but it is something. The thorny issue of abortion — many old men without wombs in both houses would like to deny it to women — will be dealt with when the House and Senate bills are reconciled. Here are some views from Senators, taken from the Times piece:
Senator Sherrod Brown, Democrat of Ohio, said insurance companies were often "just one step ahead of the sheriff."
Senator Dianne Feinstein, Democrat of California, said the industry "lacks a moral compass."
"Premiums are out of hand," Mrs. Feinstein said. "Chief executive salaries are out of hand. Administrative costs are out of hand. My bottom-line belief is that the health insurance industry should be nonprofit."
And Senator Sheldon Whitehouse, Democrat of Rhode Island, said the business model of the health insurance industry deserved to die.
"It deserves a stake through its cold and greedy heart," Mr. Whitehouse said.
The stake seems to have missed its target. But it may have wounded the insurance industry enough to make it more manageable."


In essence, I believe the removal or "killing" of the public option just made this into a big win for insurance companies. They are going to make money off of tax-payers for all the millions of people that are now going to have to get health insurance, but not going to have any way of bringing the premium costs down by having a lower cost option and having competition for this private companies.

darthtang aw

Active Member
Originally Posted by SteveDave08
In essence, I believe the removal or "killing" of the public option just made this into a big win for insurance companies. They are going to make money off of tax-payers for all the millions of people that are now going to have to get health insurance, but not going to have any way of bringing the premium costs down by having a lower cost option and having competition for this private companies.
I disagree, since from what I read the insurance companies will be able to operate outside of their state. Meaning more competition as many states only have 2-3 there will be a slew of options creating more competition.
I still don't like this bill for other reasons but this is one aspect I gives the market a chance to regulate price instead of the government.


Originally Posted by Darthtang AW
I disagree, since from what I read the insurance companies will be able to operate outside of their state. Meaning more competition as many states only have 2-3 there will be a slew of options creating more competition.
I still don't like this bill for other reasons but this is one aspect I gives the market a chance to regulate price instead of the government.
Yea, I guess I see what you mean if you factor in the no out of state coverage.


Active Member
And now for the rest of the story.
500 billion in Medicare cuts which is mysteriously going to be used to make medicare better but at the same time also be used to pay for additional services provided under the bill and pay down the deficit. The head of the Congressional Budget office says "I don't think so Tim"
Government dictating profit margins for private business, yeah, thats gonna work well.
You tell them 85% of revenues has to go into health care what do you suppose they will do? Just increase the revenue aka raise premiums.
Requiring everyone to have insurance I like but suspect will be struck down by the supreme court. The auto insurance analogy doesn't fit in this situation. It is no different than if the government were to fine you for not having car insurance even though you don't drive or even have a car. They are fining you for not having insurance to pay for services you may or may not need and be able to pay for.
Expansion of Medicaid which is already going bankrupt. Even assuming the government can find 500 Billion in Medicare it can cut without making that system even worse, and 15 million of that money could be added to medicaid it isn't doing a thing to resolve the financial imbalance that will throw the system into the red in just a few years
Denying coverage because of medical condition or pre existing is great in theory but shouldn't insurers be allowed to charge rates somewhat higher (within reason) for people who have pre existing conditions or live a lifestyle that will lead to the need for more medical care at some point, Drinking, smoking, overweight, rather than adding those costs to the premiums of those who lead a healthy lifestyle.
The obvious flaw in this bill is the lack of any substantial steps to reduce costs unrelated to medical care, Tort reform and some aspects of HIPPA would handle that. Also allowing health insurance to be bought across state lines. What happens is every state requires different procedures to be covered as a condition of selling health insurance there. Maybe you have no need or desire to have 8 kids ala Octobich. Why should you be required to subsidize that?
I am still hoping someone will develop a sense of integrity on the Democrat side and send this disaster packing and start over.


Active Member
Originally Posted by SteveDave08
In essence, I believe the removal or "killing" of the public option just made this into a big win for insurance companies. They are going to make money off of tax-payers for all the millions of people that are now going to have to get health insurance, but not going to have any way of bringing the premium costs down by having a lower cost option and having competition for this private companies.
There is a video of a Congressman admitting the public option was designed to drive private insurance out of business and bragging about it.
For all the talk of competition driving down costs the Dems absolutely rejected any talk of opening up the insurance market across state lines which would have been the most widespread competition you could create.
Wait until all these people with individual policies and pre existing conditions find out they wont be covered until 2014. In the mean time the insurance companies will just jack the rates up until them. A buddy of mine with Asthma which is a pre existing had his rates just jacked up from 330 and change to over 440 per month.
About the only positive thing I see coming out of this is the insurance exchanges.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Darthtang AW
I disagree, since from what I read the insurance companies will be able to operate outside of their state. Meaning more competition as many states only have 2-3 there will be a slew of options creating more competition.
I still don't like this bill for other reasons but this is one aspect I gives the market a chance to regulate price instead of the government.
I believe that they are not allowing insurance to be bought across state lines. If you buy as part of the exchange you are still purchasing a policy based on the state you live in.