Hefner's 180 Thread


Originally Posted by Hefner413
Thanks Truefishman.
And thanks sep..
yeah, doing great! I'll get a pic over the weekend.
Really the only areas left is some lateral line it seems. Just above and below the eye are two areas that the scales still have not re-grown yet.. the area is still pale compared to the rest of her. But no redness or active sore areas. She's eating like a champ still and has even started shooting to the one side of the tank each time I walk downstairs - in anticipation of feeding time, I guess.
That is excellent news! Her marks will heal and fade. Renogaw had a Kole with the worst case of HLLE I have ever seen. He nursed that fish back to health and you cannot tell that she ever had it. I look forward to pics of your girl feeling much better!


Hey! I haven't posted here in a while but I have been following.... How are the angels doin'?


Active Member
Hey arlene, thanks for asking.
Doing quite well! Still have some healing to do... but getting there!
Here's some pics from tonight's feeding...
The spot on the dorsal fin of the emperor is gone.. but there still is a gap at this point.

Left side of queen. Still some hlle.

Right side. More hlle.

Here you can see how much the fin has re-grown. The red highlighting is new fin! I was quite surprised at how quickly these heal. Compare to the pic below.

Old pic from 2 weeks ago.


Wow! You've done an excellent job at bringing these guys back to health... Keep it up!


Active Member
Thanks guys!
Regarding the lion - Doing good. It still doesn't eat as well as I would like it to. I still give 'gut-loaded' ghost shrimp every once in a while to get it more vitamins, etc. Have you guys ever had problems with transitioning volitans to entirely frozen?


Active Member
Originally Posted by Hefner413
Thanks guys!
Regarding the lion - Doing good. It still doesn't eat as well as I would like it to. I still give 'gut-loaded' ghost shrimp every once in a while to get it more vitamins, etc. Have you guys ever had problems with transitioning volitans to entirely frozen?
Some animals that are primarily piscovores don't "play ball" very easily. A friend of mine has a purple hairy rhinopias that took close a year to eat frozen silversides off a feeding stick consistently.


Glad to hear ! The rocks in the tank are from my old 175, so the cycle has started. I'll check the readings tonight. Thanks !


Active Member
Well, while I've been waiting to finish the QT treatment, I decided to try out a idea presented by Santamonica on his Turf algae filter thread There TONS of info regarding theory, design, etc on his thread if you want to read about it. I just wanted to post some pics and keep you updated on my progress while it runs on my 180.
It was quite easy to build. Main parts were a plastic rubbermaid container, some plumbing, a leftover pump, a plastic canvas, and 2 lights.
Hose adapter, coupling, and pvc.

Plastic canvas in pvc.


Makeshift bulkhead :eek:)

Light fixture.

Bulb - 5000K Full Spectrum compact fluorescent


Dang! That looks good! Can't wait to see how well it works...!


Yea I want to try it too. No room above my current tank (that would be appealing to the wife) maybe on the next one. Looks great!


Active Member
Hey guys... it's been 3 wks since prazipro treatment. The angels seem to be doing great - eating like champs, very active, etc. Only unresolved problem = the queen still has HLLE (severity is the same now as pics above taken on 10/28). Do you all think I should wait a while longer before adding them to the DT? Will that HLLE take a while to recover? Once again, thanks a million for everyone's help with this.
Also, how do you recommend feeding after moving to the DT? Currently I feed the 180 every 2 or 3 days. They do great with that schedule - all growing, healthy, etc. How do I add the angels, which are being fed daily? My others, especially the puffer and wrasse will likely compete for the food.


Sorry, I can't help with the HLLE since I never had to deal with it. But everywhere I read it says to feed Juvi Queen Angels twice a day. So I think every 2 or 3 days is not enough.


Active Member
Right, I plan to continue feeding the juvi's twice a day like I am currently - but I'm just not sure how to prevent the others from stealing the food.
Like with your queen, I assume you're feeding it twice a day. Do you have problems with getting her the food without the others taking it?