Help Lots Of Questions & Pics!


Active Member
airforce hes not doing a reef tank really, so he can have the specific gravity a lil lower then that like 1.022 or 1.023


Active Member
Maybe. My new 40 is at 1.024 - 1.025 now. Its gonna be a reef tank, I'm gonna go test it right now lol. Brb.


fishman, what test kit do you use? and mine doesnt come with a salinity tester, how do i test that? and what do u think about the pics?


Active Member
Originally Posted by Reefman22
fishman, what test kit do you use? and mine doesnt come with a salinity tester, how do i test that? and what do u think about the pics?
pics look great, tank is too small for a skimmer, a salinity tester you can get a cheap one called a hydrometer. Its clear plastic thing with a white arrow in it and you put the water in it and then the arrow raises to what the salinity (how much salt is in the tank) is. And i use hagen as well.


Active Member
Oh, you need to get at least a hydrometer ASAP. If you can get the money, get a refractometer. Salinity should be around 31-33 or Specific Gravity should be between 1.023 and 1.025 IMO.


ok does it show both of those on the hydrometer? and also, how long does it usually take for the amonia to spike, then how long for the nitrites?


Active Member
All swing arm hydrometers have SG and some have Salinity but it is hard to read. The main difference is the price. Hydrometers are $8 and refractometers are $70. Hydrometers break very easily and aren't very acurate but they can get the job done if money is tight.


Active Member
About 12 hours after you place the shrimp in the tank, you will start to see an ammonia increase. It should spike after about 3-4 days....maybe sooner for your small tank.


Active Member
3 days later: 0.3 - 0.6
Ammonia -
Nitrate - 5
pH - 8.1
Salinity - 1.022 (guess the dude at the fish store lied to me, ill have to raise it)
Nitrite - i don't know what happend to my tester, gonna have to get one today do'h
I'll get a dead shrimp today too
How do you measure alkilinity?


Hey reef man...if you search that big auction site, there is a guy in Davie that sells live rock for $2.50 a pound. He has some pretty good pieces...lots of growth. Get like 20 lps of that and then get like 5-10 from the barrier reef for addtional seeing. His is from the carribean, so its not the bright reds and purples....but I added it to the rock I got from the barrier reef and the coraline took for like crazy....just an idea...Good luck!


wow bret u live around here? thats pretty cool. what do i search for on the auction site? live rock? ill try. other than that how long until amonia spikes? then how long for nitrites? any ideas?


i have about 10 pounds of live rock in the tank now (without coraline alge) and 2 pounds with. how long will it take to spread on the other rock?


Active Member
Be careful on that is pretty pricy to ship it. You will need to do either overnight or 2 day air in order to keep your rock alive. It comes out to about $8 a pound for me in the mid west so I'm better off just getting it at my LFS. Plus he has Marshal Island for $7 a lb.


Active Member
If your Calcium/Alk/pH is perfect, you shoud have pretty steady coraline growth. All rocks should be covered within 6 months.


Yeah, I live in Ft Laud....right now it looks like he only has the haitian rock on there...I didn't see that, he had it at his store front. but his name on tehre is "liverockboy" send him a msg on there asking if he still has the other or when he is gonna get it back in. Mine has some small green zoos on it and even a pink ricordea! Also Fish Paradise in Hallendale has similar rock for 3.99 a pound...pretty decent aswell. I got most of mine for my 55G there. But get a few pounds at Barrier reef! their rock seeds the others great! much better colors...and look for the ones with all the fun little corals! good luck!!