(regarding bioballs...)
Originally Posted by fishieness
ithey absorb nitrates and things and can let them seep out into your tank. .
Huh??? :notsure:
I would really encourage everyone to look up some of the recent posts on bioballs (and biowheels). :yes: This is misleading, as is the whole darn "nitrate factory" stuff. But they do not absorb nitrates and let them seep out into your tank. LIKE BITS OF LR, they are surfaces for bacteria to grow. That bacteria, LIKE ON LR, converts ammonia, to nitrite, to nitrate. Same deal. The potential "issues" with them would also occur with bits of LR if you are overfeeding, and do not have any filter floss etc to capture any detritus.
The "problem" is that bioballs are TOO efficient at this conversion to nitrate, and it can be a further issue because nitrate is now thought to be reduced to nitrogen in deep parts of rock and a deep sand bed (which is of marginal use in smaller tanks) and that these bacteria act preferentially on nitrate produced nearby in upper layers of a sand bed and rock.
Bioballs work very very well in many tanks. I don't like people to misunderstand the issue. :yes: I am quite a fan actually of the "insurance" they provide.