Help with tongue coral :(


OK...late last night I noticed a small white spot on the edge of my tongue coral :( Got home tonight and the spot was bigger...I have 2 pics attached....What can I do? Can it be cut? suggestions please...I thought it was doing great....till now :(


scott t

Active Member
Thats a nice piece of Coral too.. Its a shame.. could something in your tank be picking at it??

scott t

Active Member
Hmm I wish I was a Coral Expert, but that I am not.. LOL I dont even have a tank set up yet.
It almost looks like something has been chewing on it..

shrimpy brains

Had a tongue coral forever, till it got covered in sand. After that, I couldn't save it. I don't think that is your problem though. I also think something is nipping at it. You could try a coral dip or coral restore. The restore can be put in a syringe and targeted to the effected area. Also, I've heard people have "painted" coral dip or iodine on the area. Or you can just wait and see if it heals on its own.


Originally Posted by Shrimpy Brains http:///forum/thread/381462/help-with-tongue-coral#post_3322895
Had a tongue coral forever, till it got covered in sand. After that, I couldn't save it. I don't think that is your problem though. I also think something is nipping at it. You could try a coral dip or coral restore. The restore can be put in a syringe and targeted to the effected area. Also, I've heard people have "painted" coral dip or iodine on the area. Or you can just wait and see if it heals on its own.
LOL...well Shrimpy...Now I really know what to do

I'm so upset about this :(

scott t

Active Member
Oh I would totally be upset about it to Meowzer.. That is a very nice coral, You have every right to be upset about it.. It really does look like something is nipping at it to me.
You dont think one of the fish you have in the tank could be nipping at it do you?? Or maybe you have a Hitchhiker that you dont know about? That is the best suggestion I can give you.. Sorry about the coral...

gill again68

Active Member
Well that stinks. Watching this cause I was looking at getting one myself. The LFS has one. Keep us up to date. If I can I will try to help search answers.


Do you have another tank you can move it to? In every case I have seen involving a tongue coral, something has been irritating it, they are very sensitive, I have heard stories of hermits and shrimp hanging on them destroying them over time. I'm not sure how large yours is but I was able to use a plastic strawberry basket over mine weighted with a rock and it did recover. Depending on size you could use a pvc ring to protect it.
Looking at it, I would say with confidence that something is irritating it physically. I wouldn't frag it......yet.
I would do something and see if the area stabilizes. Personally, I would use iodine on it, can't hurt. If the area didn't stabilize, I would frag off the dead area, being generously away from the effected area.
Sorry, it's a nice piece.


I have Iodide, Lugols, and Reef Dip...coral disinfectant

How would I treat it? squirt it on it?
The only tank with adequate lighting would be the 29G....
It's almost 5" 3-4" WIDE.....the weird thing is .. except for that spot. it looks great
..tentacles are out and flowing ....
I have very few hermits in this tank, 1 cleaner shrimp, and 2 peps (I

shrimpy brains

You can take a clean container(that it will fit in 5 gallon bucket would be great) add 1 gallon of tank water and appropriate dose from label of the iodide OR lugols. Put the coral in there for about 10 minutes, then return it to the tank.
Also, you can frag it. (or maybe your hubby can)


I would pull out some tank water into a bucket or bowl put the coral in and allow it to sit in a diluted lugols bath for a few minutes. The label should help you on proper dilution, I haven't used it in ages and don't want to steer you wrong.
I would watch it super close and if there is any more growth of the effected area, I would move it out of that tank and observe it in another, then if it continued, you could rule out physical irritation and figure something else underfoot. At that point, I would frag it.
Did you dip this coral when you got it? What does it look like when it recedes? Can you give it a good once over even under to see if you can see any not welcome critters.
Again, this is what I would do if it was mine. Take that with a grain of salt.


Paint it with Iodide or Lugol's (they're the same thing).
Try to quarantine the area that is irritated. My guess is a hermit crab or a fish is picking at it.


Originally Posted by Shrimpy Brains http:///forum/thread/381462/help-with-tongue-coral#post_3322915
You can take a clean container(that it will fit in 5 gallon bucket would be great) add 1 gallon of tank water and appropriate dose from label of the iodide OR lugols. Put the coral in there for about 10 minutes, then return it to the tank.
Also, you can frag it. (or maybe your hubby can)
Yes, he can frag it if needed....I'm just scared :(
I may have to wait until tomorow to do this.....I'm gonna make up 5g's of fresh SW
Originally Posted by smartorl
I would pull out some tank water into a bucket or bowl put the coral in and allow it to sit in a diluted lugols bath for a few minutes. The label should help you on proper dilution, I haven't used it in ages and don't want to steer you wrong.
I would watch it super close and if there is any more growth of the effected area, I would move it out of that tank and observe it in another, then if it continued, you could rule out physical irritation and figure something else underfoot. At that point, I would frag it.
Did you dip this coral when you got it? What does it look like when it recedes? Can you give it a good once over even under to see if you can see any not welcome critters.
Again, this is what I would do if it was mine. Take that with a grain of salt.
No I did not dip it :( I have had it since August though. Recede???? it really doesn't...every so often the tentacles will pull back, and it just looks like a coral with the tentacles pulled back LOL....BUT IT almost always has flowing tentacles
I checked it out late last night, saw nothing on it, and the rest of the coral is so puffy and healthy looking

Do you think it will be ok if I wait till tomorrow....I get home a little earlier from work on Wednesdays, and I can have some fresh sw ready too


Originally Posted by BTLDreef http:///forum/thread/381462/help-with-tongue-coral#post_3322923
Yes or bring it to the surface and do it.
I don't like dipping the entire coral unless it looks really bad. Yours still looks good, so try to just get that spot to heal. If it gets worse, dip the entire coral, and if that doesn't help, then you'll have to frag it.
OK...I took it out...Looked all sides underneath, I see nothing out of the ordinary....actually it looks great..except for that spot

Then I placed it on the top of tank....dripped lugols on and just around that area....let it sit out of the water for a couple of minutes....and now put it back in.....I guess I will see how it looks tomorrow when I get home