Holy Crap, Holy Crap, Holy Crap!!!!!!


Active Member
Originally Posted by SpiderWoman
Twins are fun! Our identical girls are 3 and they really give us the run for our money. If I were you and can speak from experience, start stocking on diapers now. You will not have enough of them as the first few months you'll be using an average of 10 diapers/baby/day. Newborn diaper pack has 44 diapers in it, so you can easily see how long that pack lasts.
We wanted to know sexes as soon as it was possible, so that we could start getting clothing, decorating etc. First we were told that we were having a boy and a girl, but at 23 week 3D ultrasound showed that it was clearly 2 girls. We were sure they'd be fraternal because the membrane between the 2 sacks was thick and they had their amonios and chronios separate too. We had them tested when they were 6 months old and sure enough they are identical. :)
How old is your wife?
PS Looks like neither of your family history affects your chances of having twins. Only fraternal twins on your wife's mother's side would do that. Your side doesn't matter either.

My wife is 36, I am 35. The membrane between the 2 was barely visible which is why they were thinking that they are identical, but I see from what everyone here is saying that that doesnt neccesarily mean anything!
We are already talking about starting to stock up on diapers. We're actually up in New Hampshire visiting my father in law this weekend and there is no sales tax here so we may pick up a couple of packs to start us off!


Active Member
Originally Posted by renogaw
spidey i didn't kjnow that.
well, unless there was help involved, aren't the chances of identical twins high?
Only about 1/3 of twins are identical. It's more rare for the egg to divide into 2 separate embrios than 2 follicles to release and both of those get fertilized.
:) sorry for too much details :D
Here's more info on twins in general and differences between ID and fraternal.
Forgot to say that identical twins are sort of a freak of nature if you don't mind me saying so. No family history, no fertility treatments etc. cause it to happen.


Active Member
Originally Posted by DragonZim
My wife is 36, I am 35. The membrane between the 2 was barely visible which is why they were thinking that they are identical, but I see from what everyone here is saying that that doesnt neccesarily mean anything!
At 12 weeks the membraine is still going to be thin. And like I mentioned, the membraine is not going to mean they are fraternal. If there is NO membraine and the fetuses are in the same sack, then they are 99% sure identical.
Does your wife have 1 or 2 placentas? 2 doesn't mean they are fraternal automatically.
I rented a fetal monitor around 14 weeks and heard the faint heartbeats with it around 15 or 16 weeks and I would keep checking throughout the pregnancy to give me a peace of mind.


Active Member
Get either a Costco or Sams club membership. You can get major boxes of diapers wipes and Formula there. A box of size 3 diapers there has 216 diapers in it. A box of size 2 has 240 in it so you cna SEE were I am going with this. Formula is CHEAP there for Imfmamil or Simalac unless you want your wife to feel like a daiary cow.


Active Member
Originally Posted by ironeagle2006
Get either a Costco or Sams club membership. You can get major boxes of diapers wipes and Formula there. A box of size 3 diapers there has 216 diapers in it. A box of size 2 has 240 in it so you cna SEE were I am going with this. Formula is CHEAP there for Imfmamil or Simalac unless you want your wife to feel like a daiary cow.
Feeling like a dairy cow is not a bad thing at all and I doubt your wife would like you to call her that either. I was one of those *cows* for over 11 months and I contribute our girls staying healthy the first year to that.
If she can produce milk, then by all means go that way as you'll save a LOT of $$$$. Also it's healthier for your babies too. No formula can mimics mother's milk 100%. Formula is NOT cheap, no matter where you buy it from. You can start counting how much formula will cost you, but estimating an average of 30-35oz of milk/formula/day/child through the first year. The first few months they don't consume that much, but the amount increases quickly.
Easy formula for counting the amount is multiply your baby's weight by 2.5oz and that is how much they'll consume per day.


Active Member
Originally Posted by SpiderWoman
Does your wife have 1 or 2 placentas? 2 doesn't mean they are fraternal automatically.
Only one placenta according to the sonogram tech.
My wife is absolutely planning on breastfeeding for as long as she can. We are both firm believers that it is not only the best possible food for babies but that it is also the best thing for their immune systems.


Active Member
OMG! They are adorable. That third one is awesome! I like that they are looking in 2 different directions. Now you need one where the "focus" is on the one to the left. Wall art!
Just don't be breastfeeding hippy freaks! We had parents the other day that insisted on talking with the Neonatologist. They wanted to feed breastmilk only, mom was producing NO milk, it was 24 hours and the child was screaming.... what should we do?? No, forumla is not an option. ??!!
Why are you calling me? Go hug a tree!


Originally Posted by Cranberry
OMG! They are adorable. That third one is awesome! I like that they are looking in 2 different directions. Now you need one where the "focus" is on the one to the left. Wall art!
Just don't be breastfeeding hippy freaks! We had parents the other day that insisted on talking with the Neonatologist. They wanted to feed breastmilk only, mom was producing NO milk, it was 24 hours and the child was screaming.... what should we do?? No, forumla is not an option. ??!!
Why are you calling me? Go hug a tree!
First of all, congratulations Dragon that is great news! I wouldn't wish it on myself
....but good for you

Now to the breastfeeding hippy freak comment. I really should let it go, but since I breastfed EXCLUSIVELY for 14 months until my son selfweaned (yes, I let him decide when he didn't want it anymore.) I take offense to that comment. Formula would not be an option for me either. I think it is borderline child abuse to rob your baby of nature's perfect food and instead feed them synthetic garbage that most infants can't even digest! It takes a few days for milk to come in. That is what you should have told them. Some babies have to learn how to feed, my did. Next time refer them to a lactation consultant instead of calling them hippy freaks! They were just trying to do what is best for their baby.
I realize this is not the point of this thread. I'm sorry if I hijacked Dragon. Again congratulations, and keep us updated.


Active Member
I love your thread title.

Congrats and best wishes.
SpiderWoman, your girls are just darling!!!! So stinkin' cute. Twins amaze me.


Active Member
nina&noah, I seriously doubt Cranberry meant anything offensive by it. What she was referring to is the fact that the particular baby was in NICU where especially premies NEED to be fed every 2-3 hours, some more frequently and waiting for the milk to come in for 48 hours can be detremental to the baby.


Active Member
Originally Posted by SpiderWoman
nina&noah, I seriously doubt Cranberry meant anything offensive by it. What she was referring to is the fact that the particular baby was in NICU where especially premies NEED to be fed every 2-3 hours, some more frequently and waiting for the milk to come in for 48 hours can be detremental to the baby.
I agree. I am sure Renee didnt mean anything by it other then if a mother has no milk and a baby is in the nicu and hungry, then it should be fed.
I dont know how you can say its child abuse to feed formula. come on.

Lots of babies are raised on formula.


I raised all 4 of mine on formula...not cause I didn't have milk....cause my eating habits sucked....I smoked cigarettes, drank coffee, and ate one lousy meal a day....i figured the babies had a better chance of nutrition from formula....than me


Active Member
Having worked on a child abuse floor and as a SANE (Se.xual Abuse Nurse Examiner) nurse on a pediatric hospital, I can assure you, forumla does not what-so-ever have any resemblance to child abuse..... that's just ridiculous. I'm not talking about a baby in our unit.... I was talking about a chub chub on the regular nursery side. They didn't want formula, mom's milk had not come in AT ALL, the baby is screaming, healthy babies don't go to the nursery anymore, they stay screaming in their parents rooms. They wanted us to fix it. There's only one "natural" way to fix it.... to feed the baby. That one days worth of formula is gonna ruin the baby? They are still going to get all the bennies of the colostrum... just 3 days later.
But they had a better solution...to take the baby back to the unit for IV hydration until mom's milk kicked in... huh? wha?.... yaaaaaaaa.
A baby CAN become dehydrated waiting for the milk to come in. I've seen babies admitted to my unit with a bilirubin level of 30 from dehydration requiring total blood exchanges... all from a mom not wanting to give anything but breastmilk. THAT'S child abuse. (not really.... but it should be slappable. Most times the parents don't realize what the consequences are).
But I certainly don't need a lecture about the benefits of breastmilk. I'll call you every three hours to remind you to pump if I have to. A woman's body was made for having babies. If you have a 24 weeker, the milk that will be produced will be the composition compatible for a 24 weeker. At 25 weeks it changes. At 26 weeks it changes. It's all crazy amazing.


Active Member
Originally Posted by SpiderWoman
Here is some sibling love for you taken earlier today :)

Congrats DragonZim...
For all of those wanting to know what Spiderwoman looks like...Take a good look at the twin on the left....
Iv'e met her, and that is a spitting image as I recall.
, adorable girls.


Active Member
Originally Posted by T316
For all of those wanting to know what Spiderwoman looks like...Take a good look at the twin on the left....


they look ALIKE!!!

formula=child abuse..............

both my kids were formula and they are healthier than my neice and nephew who were both bre-st fed for 2 plus years. Those 2 kids have more sickness/illness/whatever it is crazy.