How addicted are you?


Active Member
Originally Posted by wattsupdoc
Addicted??? I'm not an addict! I'm just ummmm :notsure: Why are all you people here anyway? What??? What's an intervention? Cant I have a cup of salt first? OK< OK just pass me the salt shacker then. Jacket? I'm not wearin that stupid jacket. :scared:


Originally Posted by My Way
Where is it in relation to the Delware Water Gap?
Email me your about 1 to 1.5 hour away. I go through there every sunday when im on my way to jfk to pickup fish.


Im an addict and im only 16...I started with a 30g salt. then a 90, then a 10.
I then got into betta's and now have 3 males and 3 females in 2 gallon bowls all around my room.
This moved me into fresh water. I now have a 2.5, a 10 and a 20 fresh
My salt water tanks have these fish:
IN THE 30:
2 eel gobies
a silver side
a jack knife fish
5 high hats
bicolor fox (newly added)
1 coco damsel
my ten
1 pair of saddle clowns
and my fresh 20 has a blue ram
2 male gupies
3 female guppies
3 african killy fish
2 dwarf grammis (saved from a petsmart where they were half dead)
3 bumble bee gobies
and a tad pole that the cats dragged in (so sad but a true story)
has a pair of mudskippers
empty for now...


10) I moved into a smaller appartment, paid an electrician to install a new breaker box for the tanks and sold the couch and entertainment center.
worlds under of Fayetteville, Arkansas
9) Retirement?!?! Who needs retirement? I have started three IRAs and not one has lasted for a year or more. Everytime I get enough in the account and think I am doing well, I see something at the LFS or online that I know my aquarium will love to have. There goes that IRA!!!
vareefer4life of Virginia
8) I sold a dime bag of oregano to my cousin so I could put gas in my car to drive to the LFS, and then smoked the dime bag of oregano with my cousin and acted stoned so he would buy another bag.
okinawafish of Oki
7) I pulled my wife's IV equipment out of the trash because they make great kalkwasser dosers! Hey, they just would have gone to waste otherwise, right?
Fishbulb2 of La Jolla, CA
6) I awoke at three o'clock in the morning to sneak a new apparatus into the house.
batguano of Riverhead, New York
5) I took out a second

BLockamon of Unknown, Whereabouts
4) I've convinced myself that Ramen noodles taste good.
Mish of South Carolina
3) I have sold my blood plasma to raise money for my reef.
Carman34L of Lake Elmo, Minnesota
2) I purchased a purchased a $75.00 coral after promising not buy anything else and used a supermaket receipt to "prove" to my wife that I only paid $2.99. The $2.99 was for a box of Chewy Chips Ahoys, and I covered the top of the receipt with my finger.
leoskee of NJ/NY
1) Without my wife's permission, I got a 55-gallon tank when I needed a brake job on my truck. Then, the next day I hit a car when I couldn't stop!
thefuture of Unknown, Whereabouts


New Member
Yep, I'm an addict. I admit it. I started with a betta fish. Well, then it became 2 betta. And then a 30 gallon goldfish tank, a 55 gallon saltwater and a 10 gallon seahorse tank (only 2 horses). Our next project will be a 150-200 gallon saltwater in the basement, but that's a long way off right now!


HI...My name is Robert and I'm an addict. I cannot think of a week going by without visiting the LFS or picking up frags from someone. I might be better off moving since the LFS is on the way home from work.......


You know your addicted when your using your ORP readings as a pick 3.


You know when you're an addict when:
10. You always surf the internet for something that you might need.
9. You're on the message board 24/7.

8. You watch at your tank longer than you look at your wife.

7. You think "why have an HDTV when i have my REEF?" ahhahaha

6. You were just at the LFS yesterday, and found yourself being there again TODAY! :notsure:
5. You look at your tank and say, "Wow! That's my $2000 tank!" :scared:
4. You found yourself always sleeping beside the aquarium.
3. Your bank statement is ready to swim with your fishes! :happyfish

Now, i left #2 so everybody can put their own confession on the stand!!! CHEERS! :cheer:


completely hooked, when i started this hobby 4 years ago i started with a 20 high, then 2 weeks later a 29g, then 2 weeks later i bought a 55g. then i got rid of the 29g and bought a 44 pentagon. then that 44 started leaking so i went straight out and bought a 75 gallon. so i had the 55 and the 75 for a while until i met someone who was selling a 180 for 100 bucks. so now i got that, but i had to reseal the whole thing which was a pain. now i spend almost all my money after i pay my bills on fish.


Active Member
Addicted enough to take a job at the warehouse counting out platies and swords for lfs from 8pm till 6am just so I could get stuff wholesale. Well and also, when they discovered I could identify more species than anyone else I was put in charge of incoming marine shipments. I got to see the incoming marine stuff before the zoo or Seaworld or any stores. You know how cool it is to be at lfs when the stuff comes in, picture that for about 500 stores and 2 zoos.
Heres the pros and cons
horrible hours
87 deg, 90% humidity
You are constantly pruney, even your ankles from your pants being wet.
You cant wear shorts because peeling a carpet anemone off your thigh is so much worse than the heat.
Peeling a carpet anemone off your thigh, inner forearm, well anywhere really.
Scrapes, cuts, puncture wounds, bites, poisonings.
All of the above dipped in saltwater for many hours.
The smell of a box of 100 dead anemones that have been sitting at an airport in Sri lanka in the summer.
Trying to get a really mad 14" Queen Angel's gill spikes unstuck from a net.
Consequently getting them out of the tip of your thumb without scraping the bone too much.
Getting reprimanded for bending said gill barb.
Getting real nice tomato clowns for $3.
Being able to get a couple gallons of water out of the filter system for a 20 year old 15000 gallon reef tank at a zoo
In reality since the actual curator of the public aquarium would come instead of sending some flunky, the practical and theoretical knowledge available to me was priceles.


Active Member
hooked enough to be reading everybodies bullsh*$ and bashing of eachother
there are plenty of good things on the forum but for some reason the bashing (expressing feelings to be politically correct) threads seam to be longer and sometimes more interesting
love the site love the forum


I waited in a line for 2 hours (from 11) and got rained on just to by one fish. Was up till 4 getting the fish ready. I <3 my new jack knife fish!!!!!!!!


I'm 2 mos and 1 week in and I just bought my second tank because I couldn't pass up the deal on it. My wife really regrets getting me hooked.
I want to learn all I can so I can own my own aquarium business one day, or maybe atleast get hooked in with one of the better places around here as a second job.
Love the site, love the board!


addicted, yes!!!
1. 55 gal large aggressive freshwater ( w/ 10 gal for feeders.)
2. 20 gal high goldfish
3. 29 gal freshwater african cichlid
4. 20 gal long saltwater.(latest addition and learning much)
5. about eight different variations of bettas.
Pretty bad when the LFS calls me when they have someone that has fish that need rescueing!!!!!!
My friends all think i'm looney!!!!! :help: :joy: