1.) How many times a day to you think about your reef tank?
a.) 0
b.) 2-4
c.) 4-8
d.) 10-20
e.) drawing construcitons plans to eventually turn your house into a
home version of Sea World.
My answer is "e"
2.) Does your reef aquarium cause finacial squabbles between you and your spouse?
a.) my spouse loves my SW tank he/she lets me buy anything anytime
b.) discuss tank expenditures at least 8 times a month
c.) have serious weekly discussions about buying bread or mysis shrimp
d.) have had to use all your home owners insurance to cover water damaged when your largest salt water tank sprung a leak instead of getting a new furnace
e.) spouse threatens to serve up sushi for dinner
My answer is "e"
3.) How much time do you spend chatting on Saltwater Fish Forum?
a.) Check 3 times a month
b.) Check once a week
c.) Check daily
d.) Spend at least 2 hours a day online
e.) Your spouse and children wonder who you are when you get off line
My answer is "e"
4.)How much time do you spend with your tank and it's occupants?
a.) Pay for basic care services and view for relaxation
b.) 1 hour a day spent feeding, maintaining, and viewing
c.) 2-4 hours a day spent feeding, maintaining, viewing, and haved
named your fish.
d.) 2-4 hours a day spent feeding, maintaining,viewing, have named,
and talk to your fish using their names .
e.) Have listed your tank occupants inyour tax refund as co-dependents
My answer is "d"
5.) Do you worry that you may be a reef addict?
a.) Never
b.) very little
c.) some what
d.) maybe
e.) That is the most outrageous thing I have ever hear. How could you possibliy accuse me of such a thing
Your just jealous
I am NOT going to give up my hobby!!!!! Cause that is all it is.
I woun't let you take my away from me!!!!!! Just cause you...etc, etc....
My answer is "e"
mostly "a" not and adict
mostly "b" not and adict
mostly "c" still a just a hobby
mostly "d" might consider therapy
mostly or all "e" You have past the point of no return....You are the ULTIMATE FISH ADICT!!!!! :happyfish
And if anyone asks about my personal answers, I will plead the 5th !