How can anybody smoke cigarettes anymore???

veni vidi vici

Active Member
Originally Posted by luvmybizz
I have a feeling this thread will be put to bed here shortly...

LOL.... It should have been closed immediately after it was started.As i was called a stinky....yellow tooth......raspy voiced.... flem hacking.......piece of animal skin.

Originally Posted by crimzy

YOU SMELL! I can smell you when we are in the same room, I can smell you even if you have gum in your mouth, I can smell your coat in the closet. While you may be used to it, you should be aware that this is really a very objectionable odor. Couple this with the facts that your teeth are yellow, your voice is raspy, your skin looks like a catcher's mitt and you spend a large part of your day coughing up flem.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Veni Vidi Vici
LOL.... It should have been closed immediately after it was started.As i was called a stinky....yellow tooth......raspy voiced.... flem hacking.......piece of animal skin.

Why are smokers so sensitive???
You mean you can give me cancer but I can't throw a comment or two your way.


Active Member
Originally Posted by KerriAnn
oh c'mon how could somebody really arrest me for febreezing??? i'm sure i could claim so fresh air act or some garbage...there's always a loop hole

I actually yelled at a woman in my office the other day for fumigating the entire place with febreeze. Made me sick...


Originally Posted by crimzy
Why are smokers so sensitive???
You mean you can give me cancer but I can't throw a comment or two your way.

With all of the other toxins in the air how can you say smokers gave you cancer.


Originally Posted by DragonZim
I actually yelled at a woman in my office the other day for fumigating the entire place with febreeze. Made me sick...
Febreeze is more dangerous than people think. If you want cancer keep breathing in that crap.


Active Member
Originally Posted by DragonZim
"You call me Francis again, I'll kill you"

No, this was NOT a threat, just a movie quote...
"No, no, no... you have too many kings. Let me take these away and give you 3 fresh, new cards."

"See, we're in Italy so you have to make up my bunk. Now if we were in Germany then I'd have to make your bunk but we're in Italy so you have to make mine. It's in the regulations."


Active Member
Originally Posted by GrouperGenius
Heck it went 90+ posts in a couple hours....when a candle burns twice as bright, it lasts half as long.

OK fine...
"Where's your drill sargent soldier?
blown up sir!"