Hungry Mouths


Active Member

Originally posted by Bang Guy
Blender mush and Prime Reef Flake food.

Don't forget the mood music and candlelight dinners.......Bang always has that going. That has to be the trick for ALL those fish!! :yes:


were your broodstock CB or WC? i was wondering because i always hear dont use CB for broodstock. What do you think?


Active Member

Originally posted by Bang Guy
Most of the store owners I talk to say that often all of the Wild Caught Banggai they receive die withing a couple of weeks for some unknown reason

probably cause they were caught by using cyanide

bang guy


Originally posted by fishy88
were your broodstock CB or WC? i was wondering because i always hear dont use CB for broodstock. What do you think?

Mine are both CB.


Active Member
any word on the mandarins?? It is day 9 since hatching (if I read rightly) - wonder if you have had any furhter success with them....
also since everyone feels the need to talk about where they live I am now in Des Moines, Iowa ....... hahahaha - a short 890 or so miles to your place -maybe I'll pop over after work sometime!!


overanalyzer what side of Des Moines do you live on if you live on the northern side i might come to visit you every now and then^_^:jumping: :joy: :yes:


Active Member

Originally posted by ryand
overanalyzer what side of Des Moines do you live on if you live on the northern side i might come to visit you every now and then^_^:jumping: :joy: :yes:

Talk a bout a month late ... I am on the west side of des moines - urbandale ....
I was hoping to find this question and answer on the board but i didn't so i'll ask (if i missed it then i'm blind). What goes into breeding a livestock of fish? I'm curious about the procedure.
oh, btw...banggai's rule. I have one myself. He gets along "swimmingly" with my oscellaria (sp?). Gorgeous fish. To bad they don't play well with others (banggais that is)

bang guy

There's a book sold on this site titled Clownfishes. It's an excellent resource for breding Clownfish or even for just keeping them happy.


Active Member
I'd be interested in hearing your troubles rearing green chromies. I would figure they would be hardy.