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I'm sorry Nick, but maybe you just haven't read the Bibles very thoroughly; gay people are called "abominations," tattoos are transgressions against G-d, Pagans are called Heathens - and this is not just in the Old Testament. The priestly sects are always lauded above the masses and there is always one sect or small group of people separated out to be more privileged and more righteous than the rest. That is true and simple fact.
Read. There is ALWAYS "other." Always.
And yes yes we know this exists in all aspects of humanity; it's simply human nature.... and that's my point. These religions, these bibles, they're just more human nature being human nature. It's not G-d. It's people being people. Being exclusionary and having that pack mentality. Fighting for power over one another. It's not Holy, its HUMAN.
Well, catholicism definitely has a hierarchy. The pope is a joke man, sorry. It's like he's as important as the messiah or something. That crap is just wrong.
You talk about gays and tattooed people in the OT, but people also kept slaves in the OT... and they were usually the same race or religious believers as the "master." This too is something we have progressed from as a society, thankfully.
And now we're on the verge of giving homsexuals equal rights, which actually I have no problem with. Homosexual opression is just wrong and counter-productive. I mean, my christian faith tells me to love the person and hate the sin. That's what I am called to do. This person might be gay, but that he's a person is what matters most. And this person needs equality. Period.
We in this society have definitely made a mess of religion, undeniably. Being in church my whole life, I too am questioning what God calls us to be and NOT to be - that is the question (no shakespeare pun intended).
Even though the bible was written by man, so has everything else we know about our history. Interesting that we are so ready to throw the bible out the window, but have no problem accepting every other aspect of history, much of which came from the same vein as the scrolls we call the bible. And there are vast amounts of information, each scroll eerily similar to the next, and these scrolls dwarf the amount of scrolls we have about a lot of the other stuff we unquestionably consider to be our history. This is why I believe the bible to be at the very least accurate to some degree, although agreeably not perfect, just like everything else in our history.
So as I look at the bible in this light, that's where I can formulate what we are and are not called to do. Discerning and understanding the bible is a daunting, tiring, basically impossible task, which is why so many religions have come from it... there are about a hundred different denominations in the Christian faith alone.
I concern myself with what matters most and don't really like getting wrapped up in the details. I think that's how God has called us to live... a simple faith. But again, this is just my take on it.