Hi, all is fine with my nano. The only problem is my camelback shrimp I think. He seems to have taken a great interest in my xenia and my new large feather duster. I am going to phone the LFS today to see if I can trade him in for a peppermint if they are reef safe or something else. Little buggar
Your tank is just spectacular
I have decided to not go bigger as I really love my freshwater. I have a 25 gal running and just bought a beautifu Discus. Love these fish and have always wanted one. I have not added anymore rock to my nano, I should add another piece or two but don't know if I am going to keep it going for sure yet. I love the marine tanks they are just stunning but find more interest in my freshwater for some reason. I think that if you set up a 55 gal in marine now that would be eye catching and eye catching on the pocket book too
We pay dearly here in Canada for all marine stuff, it is all shipped in and has that wopping price tag added to it. I would be evicted if I started to order off the internet which I would not do anyways. Hubby would not like that to much :yes:
Thanks for your pics of your tank, keep in touch.... Debbie