This hobby seems to be a huge money vacuum. Its killing my desire to go forward with this even tho Im in too deep to turn back now.
On last friday I bought two pepperment shrimp and a new coralvue skimmer for a grand total of 240 bucks. 200 for the skimmer and 10 apiece for the shrimp. Everythings honkey dorey.
Last night I bought some cheato and culpera for my sump. Not a lot just a small clump. I also bought a cleaner shrimp. Macroalge. $8 cleaner shrimp....get this....$33.50.
I acclimated the shrimp for about 3 and a half hours and tested my params in the process.
Ammo 0ppm
Nitrites 0ppm
Nitrates 20ppm
PH 8.0 finally!
sal. 1.027
So when I woke up this morning( about 7 hours later) I ran to my tank to see how my critters were doing, and discovered the cleaner on its back dead and a pepperment shrimp barely alive. floating around unable to cling to anything. I figure hes dead. I put it in the sump, thought it might be a safer place even tho theres nothing else in my tank. And theres ABSOULTY no return policy on live stock at the LFS I went to. Can I slander the store on here without getting in trouble? Im so pissed!
In thru my cycle and my water SEEMS ok. DID THE SHRIMP KILL EACH OTHER? What am I supposed to do? I cant afford to bolw 40 bucks on something that may or may not survive overnight.
as always thanks for any help. Im really upset.
On last friday I bought two pepperment shrimp and a new coralvue skimmer for a grand total of 240 bucks. 200 for the skimmer and 10 apiece for the shrimp. Everythings honkey dorey.
Last night I bought some cheato and culpera for my sump. Not a lot just a small clump. I also bought a cleaner shrimp. Macroalge. $8 cleaner shrimp....get this....$33.50.
I acclimated the shrimp for about 3 and a half hours and tested my params in the process.
Ammo 0ppm
Nitrites 0ppm
Nitrates 20ppm
PH 8.0 finally!
sal. 1.027
So when I woke up this morning( about 7 hours later) I ran to my tank to see how my critters were doing, and discovered the cleaner on its back dead and a pepperment shrimp barely alive. floating around unable to cling to anything. I figure hes dead. I put it in the sump, thought it might be a safer place even tho theres nothing else in my tank. And theres ABSOULTY no return policy on live stock at the LFS I went to. Can I slander the store on here without getting in trouble? Im so pissed!
In thru my cycle and my water SEEMS ok. DID THE SHRIMP KILL EACH OTHER? What am I supposed to do? I cant afford to bolw 40 bucks on something that may or may not survive overnight.
as always thanks for any help. Im really upset.