Ideas for 10 gallon?


That's really pretty! I need to research a lot more on clown fish before I make the decision. All I know is that they should be kept in pairs, and that there is a certain kind of anemone they like. I am also quite terrified of live rock. It's very expensive, and with my luck, I would destroy it somehow.


kay, just buy a pair of percs that are already hosting an anemone. there is a 90% chance that if you get 2 clowns then add an anemone that they will never host it. But your LFS will put them in trays so they will figure it out. rock is 6.99 to 11.99 a pound so yeah it can be expensive. I would get 9-11 pounds of rock. Probably some cool zoo's also. Cleaning crew a must. No peppermint shrimp I hated mine.


Thanks for the advice! I'm going to the beach in a few days. Nothing special, just Texas. Does anyone know if there is danger in bringing some sea shells or sand dollars home to put in my tank?


I'll make sure to go to a saltwater specialty store and find a pair that already have picked an anemone. Sea shells and sea dollars won't be alive. I'd be too afraid that I'd kill it on the trip back to Oklahoma. Definately just going to be random sea shells we find on the beach and maybe if I'm lucky I'll find a few sand dollars. Maybe it'll bring some luck to my tanks.


kay what part of ok? my girl is from there. She loves the sooners. Im a ga Bulldog fan so im trying to break her in. I dont know if i would put anything you find on the beach in a tank with fish untill you boil it first! IMO
have fun at the beach i cant wait for my vacation this aug. :happyfish


Originally Posted by Zanski
my bta, clowns show no intrest!

Fish when they are in an environment that they don't like, don't do the things they would do otherwise!


Sorry but NO... they are TANK RAISED!!! They wouldnt know what a BTA was if it reached out and slapped them in the face! Good try professor!


Ummmm, it's instinctive....
But, I said what I had to say, I am glad the poster stated she was going to do some research, intelligent way to do things.


yeah but they arnt going to host it right away. They have never even seen one before. It could take a year for them to even go up to it. All they care about is going to the top when they see me thinking its dinner time


Originally Posted by Saltwater8
Fish when they are in an environment that they don't like, don't do the things they would do otherwise!

I had 2 pink tip haitens host my Clarkii in a 20gl.



Originally Posted by Ray28576
I had 2 pink tip haitens host my Clarkii in a 20gl.

Yup, 20 gallons is the MINIMUM.
Quick Stats
Minimum Tank Size: 20 gallons
Care Level: Easy
Tank Conditions: 72-78°F; sg 1.020-1.025; pH 8.1-8.4; dKH 8-12
Max. Size In Aquarium: Up to 3½"
Color Form: Orange, White
Temperament: Peaceful
Reef Compatible: Yes
Diet: Omnivore
Compatibility: View Chart
Origin: Tank Bred
Family: Pomacentridae
Tank Bred: Yes



clarkii's ive heard host better with lots of things. and i new tank raised clowns wouldnt host with anything, just trying to get the "police officer" off my case. :hilarious
Case closed police. SALTWATER8. Also i like how you changed from a "tang" police to a clown when you saw i was talking about a clown!

KAY. My girl was from pawnee, she is flying into tulsa friday to see her grandmother. Any good salt water stores there for her to check out? curious what kind of things they might have in the middle of the country!


My favorite store is called CoralsNReefs. They have the best prices on fish I've seen in town so far. My puffer is about 3 inches long and was $36, every other store I went to had tiny 1"-2" puffers for $45. Their tanks look very clean, the staff knows what they're doing, at least most of them (I had a bad experience with a stupid lady there who knew NOTHING.) and they even have a room in the back full of hospital tanks. It's nice to know they care about their fish. My puffer has ich right now, but I think it's mostly my own fault. I didn't quarantine him after I got him, (didn't have a quarantine tank) and I noticed three small white spots on him at the store. I pointed it out to my friend, but she seemed to think it wasn't anything important, I thought the same. Should've known. Oh well. You live, you learn. Other than that their fish seem very healthy. Just remember to quarantine! They even have two rays. Very fun to watch. Everytime I visit the store I end up spending at least two hours there. I bet they think I'm crazy.

bang guy

Originally Posted by Saltwater8
Ok, sorry, didn't mean to be negative, just stating what I have read and believe...

But we have went through this before, NO clown should be any anything less than a 30 gallon (a few biologists say 20 gallons).
It is not just my opinion (which really means nothing) it is the opinion of every major marine biologist and noted marine aquarist that I know of.
Foster, Fenner, Michael, Smith...... these guys wrote the bible on our hobby.
Just because someone has them in their 10 gallon and they "seem" to be ok (whatever that means) does not make it right...

If someone locked you in a 5x5 closet and fed you, you would "seem" to be ok...

(room to swim)
I completely agree with your statement "Just because someone has them in their 10 gallon and they "seem" to be ok (whatever that means) does not make it right...
Percs rarely venture beyond a few inches from home, other Clownfish are much different. I don't think any other Clown can thrive long term in a 10 other than the Percula. In my opinion they wouldn't breed so readily in smaller tanks if it were such a hardship. I think 20 is good for Ocellaris but all other should probably have tanks larger than 20, especially as a pair. In my experience Percula seem to do better in smaller tanks, especially a 10.
Just my experience


So much tension. I agree with everyone else. Fish were not made to be in glass boxes in the first place. Maybe we should all just throw our fish back in the ocean. God forbid they might not have enough room. Better off being eaten I guess..


Then i shall ask the real question. Does keeping any fish in a tank make it right no matter how big the tank is...?