Ideas for 10 gallon?


Originally Posted by Saltwater8
First off, I am NOT arguing...
Then be a sport and please learn messageboard etiquette.
People (including myself) are seeking help and guidance from the people who know or have 'been there/done that.' We want to hear everyone's options and opinions. There's no need to slam other people's beliefs in the hobby just b/c they don't believe what you believe (obviously b/c they have possibly had different results and experiences from what you have had).
And it's more than obvious (b/c I've read thru all of your other postings), that the majority of time, you are trying to prove yourself right and the only one right, and do in fact, come off argumentative.
Please just keep that in mind when you are responding to people's posts. We're here to learn and have fun.


I'll let the professional sum it up...

Well, the best you can do is try to educate people and hope they apply it to their friends.
Thanks for caring.


bang guy

There's an obvious difference between stating your opinion and supporting it vs telling someone they are wrong.
Fenner has his opinion and it certainly is a valid opinion. The opinion of a distinguished author in the hobby should definately weight heavier than the opinion of the average hobbiest, it's still just an opinion though.


Originally Posted by Bang Guy
There's an obvious difference between stating your opinion and supporting it vs telling someone they are wrong.
Fenner has his opinion and it certainly is a valid opinion. The opinion of a distinguished author in the hobby should definately weight heavier than the opinion of the average hobbiest, it's still just an opinion though.

I agree....


Ok, well, since one renowned marine biologists opinion is “just his opinion”, how about another?

Scott Michael - scientific consultant for National Geographic, author of several noted publications highly regarded by the world's leading reef hobbyists.
And we already established the two aquaria doctors say a minimum of 20 gallons...
God himself could come down and say NO clownfish in a 10 gallon tank, and someone would inevitably say – that’s just his opinion…
We see what we want to see…


Salt, let it go!!!
I've had clowns in different tanks and they do fine in a 10. All the experts might not agree with it but that doesn't mean that it won't/can't happen. Go over to the nano threads and tell them they can't have a clown in any tank smaller than a 30 gal. and see what they say. :hilarious :hilarious :hilarious :hilarious


Originally Posted by kronnk7
Salt, let it go!!!
I've had clowns in different tanks and they do fine in a 10. All the experts might not agree with it but that doesn't mean that it won't/can't happen. Go over to the nano threads and tell them they can't have a clown in any tank smaller than a 30 gal. and see what they say. :hilarious :hilarious :hilarious :hilarious

Agreed. Let it go. Move on. Find a different crusade to go on than "Save the clownfish from the killer 10 gallon tank". :scared:
Maybe that was a little harsh and out of line, but seriously, move on.


Originally Posted by Saltwater8
Ok, well, since one renowned marine biologists opinion is “just his opinion”, how about another?

Scott Michael - scientific consultant for National Geographic, author of several noted publications highly regarded by the world's leading reef hobbyists.
And we already established the two aquaria doctors say a minimum of 20 gallons...
God himself could come down and say NO clownfish in a 10 gallon tank, and someone would inevitably say – that’s just his opinion…
We see what we want to see…

What about Scott Michael? You didn't say what his "opinion" is.

I think all you want to hear is people to say "you're right."
Ok, this thread is beat....


Scott Michael - minimum tank size for Percula and Ocellaris tank bread clownfish - 20 gallons.
I don't need anyone on here to tell me I am right, I have the experts to do that.

I just think its funny, every
expert says NO to the 10 gallon, and the same line of "well, its their opinion" keeps getting spouted.
It seems that I might not be the only stubborn one on here, huh?




Originally Posted by Saltwater8
Scott Michael - minimum tank size for Percula and Ocellaris tank bread clownfish - 20 gallons.
I don't need anyone on here to tell me I am right, I have the experts to do that.

I just think its funny, every
expert says NO to the 10 gallon, and the same line of "well, its their opinion" keeps getting spouted.
It seems that I might not be the only stubborn one on here, huh?

I dont think you should post advice from Dr Foster & Smith. Dr. Fost is a cat dr., Dr Smith is a Vet. The point is that at no time has either had any formal training in the field of Marine Biology, or Oceanography.
Scott Michael? never heard of him.... Is he that lawn guy?
Bang, who I consider an expert, just said 10 gallon is okay in this longggggggg thread.
Someone here is with high ego .... I respect your education, but dont insult others...
oh and why do u seem to always have to have the last word. It is over. You have your opinions and the rest of us do as well.
FWIW 2 percs in a 10 gall is fine :joy:


Active Member
Originally Posted by MoneyMan
I dont think you should post advice from Dr Foster & Smith. Dr. Fost is a cat dr., Dr Smith is a Vet. The point is that at no time has either had any formal training in the field of Marine Biology, or Oceanography.
Scott Michael? never heard of him.... Is he that lawn guy?
Bang, who I consider an expert, just said 10 gallon is okay in this longggggggg thread.
Someone here is with high ego .... I respect your education, but dont insult others...
oh and why do u seem to always have to have the last word. It is over. You have your opinions and the rest of us do as well.
FWIW 2 percs in a 10 gall is fine :joy:

Way to go MoneyMan! Well said. I agree 100%


I dont think you should post advice from Dr Foster & Smith. Dr. Fost is a cat dr., Dr Smith is a Vet. The point is that at no time has either had any formal training in the field of Marine Biology, or Oceanography.
Their managing director of their live aquaria is a biologist... it you bothered to actually read, you might have known that...
Scott Michael? never heard of him.... Is he that lawn guy?:
I doubt someone with the tag line, reef on budget, would know who he is, again if you bothered reading, you might find out who he is...
oh and why do u seem to always have to have the last word. It is over. You have your opinions and the rest of us do as well.?:
Because good people when they know they are in the right, don't shut up and sit back and let others give bad advice.

So, ok, I am done, it's obvious that no matter how many experts tell you otherwise, people who want clowns, will get them.


Originally Posted by Saltwater8
Their managing director of their live aquaria is a biologist... it you bothered to actually read, you might have known that...
I doubt someone with the tag line, reef on budget, would know who he is, again if you bothered reading, you might find out who he is...
Because good people when they know they are in the right, don't shut up and sit back and let others give bad advice.

So, ok, I am done, it's obvious that no matter how many experts tell you otherwise, people who want clowns, will get them.


Originally Posted by Saltwater8
Their managing director of their live aquaria is a biologist... it you bothered to actually read, you might have known that...
I doubt someone with the tag line, reef on budget, would know who he is, again if you bothered reading, you might find out who he is...
Because good people when they know they are in the right, don't shut up and sit back and let others give bad advice.

So, ok, I am done, it's obvious that no matter how many experts tell you otherwise, people who want clowns, will get them.
Oh wow... I never attacked you and here you are being negative again. You enjoy putting people down?
I might be poor, but I am not rude nor uneducated.


Active Member

To name a few.
Experts don't always get it right. Plus business doesn't always make it right when they know.

bang guy

Originally Posted by Winstew
This thread isn't closed yet....... wow
I still just see a heated debate. No reason to close it yet.
Originally Posted by Saltwater8

I just think its funny, every expert says NO to the 10 gallon
I consider Joyce Wilkerson an expert on Clownfish. I'll see if I can find what she says about Percula tank size. If she recommends a larger tank then I'll probably lean toward her recommendation.
Until then, here's a pic from one of my 10 gallon tanks:


Active Member
Cool Bang!!
I was also going to say that the lady I bought my tank raised clowns from has a ton in a 10 gallon. Her tank looks just like that picture.
Awesome site
Thanks for sharing.
This is a heated you are correct, but I don't think it is a debate. I think someone is trying to be right all the time and doesn't like the fact that others disagree. That is what this has ended up being about.
I personally think Saltwater8 is being a tad ugly and rude, but that is just my opinion. I new he was going to scare her off and I said that earlier. IMO this is why alot of new hobbiest don't ask as many questions as they should. They get afraid to ask questions because they see some of these crazy posts and don't want to get attacked.
We need to remember that in this hobby there is more than one way to do things. Everyone has their own views. However to tell someone they are wrong and can't do something is inappropriate. UNLESS it is PROVEN - such as MOST mandarins need copepods to stay alive.
Sorry I will get off my soap box now. I am by no means an expert.