"If I had a son, he would look like Trayvon," said our president.


Active Member
Originally Posted by mohawkninja http:///t/391112/if-i-had-a-son-he-would-look-like-trayvon-said-our-president/340#post_3525539
I know that there was a fight, but who made that fight happen? Zimmerman never should have gotten out of his car, and he never should have confronted the kid. I know that if a guy was following me, got out of his car, and said something to the effect of "What are you doing around here?" I would not be very happy. Even if Treyvon was beating the guy in the fight, Zimmerman wasn't fearing his life, and he has no right to shoot the kid in the chest. His injuries were minor, cuts and bruises. And when he says he was slammed on the concrete 20+ times, that is total BS. If you were slammed 25 times you would have more that a couple cuts. The only reason it looks bad is because head wounds bleed a lot.
There's nothing unlawful about following someone. It comes down to who initiated the physical altercation. Lets assume Zimmerman walked up to the kid and said "what are you doing here?" that doesn't justify fisticuffs. Based on the prosecution's own witness it sounds like the kid was aggravated about being followed. According to the girl who was on the phone it was Martin who first spoke to Zimmerman. That, to me at least adds credibility to Zimmerman's claim that the kid confronted him.


Quote:Originally Posted by reefraff http:///t/391112/if-i-had-a-son-he-would-look-like-trayvon-said-our-president/340#post_3525547
There's nothing unlawful about following someone. It comes down to who initiated the physical altercation. Lets assume Zimmerman walked up to the kid and said "what are you doing here?" that doesn't justify fisticuffs. Based on the prosecution's own witness it sounds like the kid was aggravated about being followed. According to the girl who was on the phone it was Martin who first spoke to Zimmerman. That, to me at least adds credibility to Zimmerman's claim that the kid confronted him.

What do you mean theres nothing unlawful about following someone? The police told him to stop following, and he just kept doing it. You don't follow around a teenage boy at night because he is black. Lets face it. This whole thing happened because Treyvon is black. Zimmerman isn't going to acknowledge, but it is true.


Active Member
Originally Posted by mohawkninja http:///t/391112/if-i-had-a-son-he-would-look-like-trayvon-said-our-president/340#post_3525545
To be completely honest, I don't care what Treyvon's past was like. In no way did he deserve to get shot.
It would go to show it wouldn't be out of character for him to throw down on someone if he felt the need. I am not saying he deserved to get shot. But I do believe with what evidence we have seen his own actions contributed to what happened. The original letter the girl wrote to the parents says the kid turned around and confronted Zimmerman. If he was afraid why didn't he run back to his dad's house. See what I am getting at? It's believable that the kid got irritated at being followed and popped Zimmerman in the chops.


Quote:Originally Posted by reefraff http:///t/391112/if-i-had-a-son-he-would-look-like-trayvon-said-our-president/340#post_3525550
It would go to show it wouldn't be out of character for him to throw down on someone if he felt the need. I am not saying he deserved to get shot. But I do believe with what evidence we have seen his own actions contributed to what happened. The original letter the girl wrote to the parents says the kid turned around and confronted Zimmerman. If he was afraid why didn't he run back to his dad's house. See what I am getting at? It's believable that the kid got irritated at being followed and popped Zimmerman in the chops.

I would be frustrated if a random guy was following me, we all would. But why does Zimmerman get out of his car, and walk up to this kid because he was a " F**king C**n" ? And even if Treyvon ran, Zimmerman just drives faster.


Active Member
Originally Posted by mohawkninja http:///t/391112/if-i-had-a-son-he-would-look-like-trayvon-said-our-president/340#post_3525549
What do you mean theres nothing unlawful about following someone? The police told him to stop following, and he just kept doing it. You don't follow around a teenage boy at night because he is black. Lets face it. This whole thing happened because Treyvon is black. Zimmerman isn't going to acknowledge, but it is true.
First off the police dispatcher Zimmerman was on the phone with had no authority to order Zimmerman to do anything, they aren't sworn officers. They told him they didn't need him to follow the kid and he claims he went to the next street to get a street name and was returning to his car when the altercation happened. As far as I have seen there is nothing to dispute that. As far as why he was following him I don't have a clue. Even if he was suspicious of him because he was black it still isn't against the law.


Active Member
Originally Posted by mohawkninja http:///t/391112/if-i-had-a-son-he-would-look-like-trayvon-said-our-president/340#post_3525551
I would be frustrated if a random guy was following me, we all would. But why does Zimmerman get out of his car, and walk up to this kid because he was a " F**king C**n" ? And even if Treyvon ran, Zimmerman just drives faster.
Zimmerman didn't get out of his car and walk up to him. He got out of his car to continue following him because the street ended. According to Zimmerman of course but all the evidence and phone calls etc seem to back up what Zimmerman claims. As far as what Zimmerman said on the phone call I believe the cn remark was debunked long ago when the tape was analyzed

bang guy

I'm not a fan of the Florida law that allows lethal force if you "feel" threatened but it is what it is. Zimmerman didn't break any laws and should not be convicted of anything. Being a dumb a** just isn't illegal in Florida.


Staff member
Originally Posted by mohawkninja http:///t/391112/if-i-had-a-son-he-would-look-like-trayvon-said-our-president/340#post_3525551
I would be frustrated if a random guy was following me, we all would. But why does Zimmerman get out of his car, and walk up to this kid because he was a " F**king C**n" ? And even if Treyvon ran, Zimmerman just drives faster.
Mohawk, I think it has been proven and even quoted by the prosecution that Z never said f-ing coon. He said F-ing punks. Punks is a slur, but not a racial slur. The whole coon slur was something the media put out to the public to promote all the racial issues. The more that is pumped to the public the bigger the story gets for the news media. The only time that Z mentioned race was when the dispatcher asked him what race was the person. He said at that time "black". This was all brought out during the trail last week.
Personally, I think Z did follow Trayvon. He followed him in the car, he told the dispatcher he was following him when he was already out of the car and on foot. At the point the dispatcher realized this, Z was told "we don't need you to do that (follow). Z said, "Okay". Now did he stop following, we don't know.
Also, in FLA a Manslaughter verdict has a min of 91/2 yrs prison sentence, max 15 yrs, with the option for up to 15 yrs probation.
At this point, I do question Z's honesty. He lied outright about not knowing about Stand Your Ground. He also lied to the judge about not having bond money. He grossly exaggerated how many times his head was hit on concrete. Even so, we will never know what exactly happened because there is no witness who saw or video that taped all of what happened. You can't convict on Murder2, in my view, with so many unknowns.
My feeling at this point is that originally the SAO wasn't going to do anything about Trayvon being shot. His parents have the right to push for something better than that. I know if it were my child I would scream for something more to be done. At least putting it in front of the Grand Jury. That is something that SAO should have done from the get-go. But since they did not, we have now what we have.


Active Member
mohawk you are a mess. its a neighborhood with signs of neighborhood watch. he was walking on peoples lawns not the side walk. not suspicious? bs... there are so many thieves around now i would have done the same as Z did. his past dont count give me a break. he was a thug with a record. really think out of nowhere he was going to go to collage and be a doctor. F it i will say it ... he was a waste of life and good riddens. he was going to be a welfare useless person anyway. i dont care what color you are.if you dont do anything with your life but live off the system go shoot yourself. we have plenty of trailer trash around here . when i see it all i think is my hard working tax dollars go to these scumbags. this country is a mess


Active Member
You know, it still isn't too late for a plea deal. The prosecutor, Martin's parents and Zimmerman's lawyer have a chance to be hero's here. Get Zimmerman to plea to a minor offense with a little jail time in return for Martin's parents agreeing not to do a civil suit. Zimmerman would be better off and it would head off potential riots if he walks. I'd like to think there has been enough in the media about what a train wreck this case has been that the expectations of a conviction are low enough there wouldn't be any riots but a lot of people are looking at this with pure emotion.


Active Member
Originally Posted by deejeff442 http:///t/391112/if-i-had-a-son-he-would-look-like-trayvon-said-our-president/340#post_3525557
mohawk you are a mess. its a neighborhood with signs of neighborhood watch. he was walking on peoples lawns not the side walk. not suspicious? bs... there are so many thieves around now i would have done the same as Z did. his past dont count give me a break. he was a thug with a record. really think out of nowhere he was going to go to collage and be a doctor. F it i will say it ... he was a waste of life and good riddens. he was going to be a welfare useless person anyway. i dont care what color you are.if you dont do anything with your life but live off the system go shoot yourself. we have plenty of trailer trash around here . when i see it all i think is my hard working tax dollars go to these scumbags. this country is a mess
That's a little harsh. The kid was no angel but he was only 17. I know plenty of guys who did some shady stuff when I was in high school, one of them is a Deputy for Sheriff Joe now. Another owns his own business. When you are young and foolish you don't tend to make the best decisions but people do wake up and turn their lives around. I have a family member who I would have bet money would be in prison or dead by the time he was 40. He's now worth well over a million and he didn't scam, steal or cheat anyone to make it happen. He didn't figure it out until he was nearly 40.


Staff member
deejeff422, do not use the "F-word" in your conversation on this site. Also, keep what looks and smells like racism off this site. I think your future here needs some consideration.
This is an old topic, so I'm closing it.