Im Gettin' A Cube!


Well, thats what I thought about the lighting too. It may be doing okay now but down the road... :thinking:


My husband and I have had the nano dx 12 gl for a couple of months now and we love it. We have it at our office and patients go crazy over it.
We have a yellow clown goby, a false clown, and a royal gramma. For corals we have frogspawn, torch, hammer, ricordia mushrooms, red mushrooms, brown button polyps, candycane, and one sps . I think it is called a bristle brush.
Everything has done extremely well and has grown wonderfully. In fact I need to weed out some coral. The frogspawn and ricordia went nuts growing in the little tank.
Here's a link to my nano pics right after we set it up. Now its almost solid coral and still doing terrific.
Have fun with yours when you get it!
Oberra, what do you think of my Nano. I don't think you've seen pics of it before unless you saw it on marine and reef talk.


Thanks, Obarrera! Everyone at my husbands office really seems to enjoy the Nano. In fact, it seems to make them feel more comfortable being at a dental office. Mike, Mtx, Shirleyl-TR, Orca-Joe and I would love to hear about what you have going on now and any pics you might have. I'm impressed it sounds like you've learned a lot and are able to give good advice to others. What all tanks do you have up now? Keep up the good work!Let us hear from you from time to time at marine and reef talk so we can keep up with your progression.


The Nano 12 gl was easy for us to do. We used only water from the home tank, as well as the rock and all corals. The only thing that didn't come out of our 120 gl was sand, although it was seeded with the old, and the fish.
After we got back from a weekend trip Nemo was no where to be found. We thought that Nemo had died and the crabs eaten him. :eek: He was no where to be found and everyone was sad at the office,
even the patients cause he's always the first one they go up to see and he's very friendly. I went to the office to do a water change and lifted the whole lid up and up popped Nemos head from the sump area as if to say what took you so long-I'm hungry. It surprised me so I just started yelling I found Nemo I found Nemo. :jumping: Everyone else was saying, yea, right. They didn't believe me. I kept on till they finally came over and then they got caught up in the excitement. We flipped him back over into the main tank and he ate like a little piglet. A happy one at that. So now I have my own Finding Nemo story that also took place in a dental office. Kewl! :happyfish


Just a quick thanks to everyone! You guys and gals have given me a lot of ideas. Im gonna do a step by step post when I start to set it up like Clarkii did. I cant wait! 2 more weeks!
:yes: :joy: :jumping: :happy:


(Quote) My nano is stock except I added more ceramic bio rings and i have replaced the carbon filter with a larger bag. I removed the bio balls but have left the ceramic bio rings in. My next upgrade will be a larger pump, a very small power head, and somehow I will be adding a protein skimmer (as soon as i can figure it out or someone suggests how to do it).
In my 25 gal nano, I have a HOT wet/dry with a built in skimmer, it seems fairly effective, I picked it up at a LFS. I'd like to do a fuge, but seems like a lot of work for a 25 gal.



Originally posted by beamer
Thanks, Obarrera! Everyone at my husbands office really seems to enjoy the Nano. In fact, it seems to make them feel more comfortable being at a dental office. Mike, Mtx, Shirleyl-TR, Orca-Joe and I would love to hear about what you have going on now and any pics you might have. I'm impressed it sounds like you've learned a lot and are able to give good advice to others. What all tanks do you have up now? Keep up the good work!Let us hear from you from time to time at marine and reef talk so we can keep up with your progression.

Haha the other day one of my freshwater fish went into the filter(it sucked him lol),I couldn't find him and I was kind of worried cause it was the first day he was in the tank,I ended up looking inside the filter for some reason and there he was.:DR The filter didn't have one of the tubes so that's why it was able to fit in there.
Cindy I haven't set up any more tanks.Im still waiting to move so I can set up the 40g,I get so pissed not knowing when im going to move.:/


Obarrera, I'm glad your new little fish was o.k. Wasn't that a neat feeling when you found him in there alive?
Just remember to be patient and when the time is right for the move then it will happen. Meanwhile you have plenty to keep you busy and it will give you more time so that you get your 40 gl set up just the way you want. Always take a negative (not being able to set up your tank yet) and then make a positive out of it. ( The more thought you can put into it and the more you can learn will benefit you when the time comes for you to set up your 40 gl.) This will give you something to look forward to.
Keep up the good work!


Ive been informed that I might be gettin a 24 gal instead. :rolleyes: Men! lol
Anyone know anyone who has them not on backorder?


That's exciting news! Sorry, I can't help you as far as who has them and who doesn't.
One thing that I'd like to have in my nano (that is if I didn't have wall to wall corals) would be a pom-pom crab. They are really neat looking and carry a small anemone in each claw. That's his protection. They only get to be around 1-1.5 inches.


Yeah, I was thinking about a boxing crab. Neat-o! Were calling around to see who has cubes. I got a few connections in the "wholesale" world, lol.


Ok, just been reinformed that Im def getting the 12 on Wednesday! The 24 will be later on in May for my birthday!
:cheer: :happy: :jumping:


Im narrowing down my live stock list. Id like to ge a clown, a goby (not sure what kind) a shrimp, a boxing crab, frogspawn, a yellow cup. Is this too much? Could I add more? Maybe a snail or 2?
And yes, I know I have to wait, lol.
Patience is a virtue!