I'm getting a 750 gal...need ideas!


Active Member
Kind of lost track of this thread Bio...Didn't realize how close you were to getting it running....I'm back on this one.


Looks like you about have that thing ready to ship out to me don't worry ill cover the shipping. JK I don't even have room for one that big YET. Nice tank


Originally Posted by small triggers
Im assuming that you are going to have back flow preventors on your plumbing for the returns? that would be very bad if you ever had a power outage and it started to suck back through. Anyways,,, looking good

I am guessing that would be for a closed loop. Well I would hope so.


Originally Posted by crimzy

You're going to have fish in that bad boy in two weeks??? That would be amazing. Don't you still have a lot of plumbing and filtration to set up? I'll bet it will take a long time to fill that sucker with RO water. Nothing like dropping $300 just on salt, huh?

Well if everything goes good, then yes, two weeks. The water should take about ten days to make and all the plumbing should be done in about three days. Hopefully all goes well, we shall see...
Originally Posted by small triggers

Im assuming that you are going to have back flow preventors on your plumbing for the returns? that would be very bad if you ever had a power outage and it started to suck back through. Anyways,,, looking good

The bottom ones are for my closed loop and the ones on the overflow are for the return. I have the return hoses coming through the middle and over the water line inside the overflow and drilled two holes on them to prevent it from siphoning back down.


Originally Posted by kjr_trig
Kind of lost track of this thread Bio...Didn't realize how close you were to getting it running....I'm back on this one.

Hey welcome back kjr. Is that your passer angel in your avatar? I'm really thinking about adding one.


Active Member
Originally Posted by bioneck47
Hey welcome back kjr. Is that your passer angel in your avatar? I'm really thinking about adding one.
Yes, added him about 10 days ago...Highly recommend this fish in the right system, amazing color, fearless little fish (for now) with wonderful personality....Quickly becoming my favorite.


Hey thanks everyone, this thing looks so much bigger in person. All of my extra time is going into this project to get it complete so everyone can see it up and running.
How do you guys think I should aquascape it? I was thinking either stack it along the back wall, or make two different islands. Maybe even make the overflow the center point of stacking and just go from there. Let me know what you guys think ok.


Active Member
Originally Posted by bioneck47
Hey thanks everyone, this thing looks so much bigger in person. All of my extra time is going into this project to get it complete so everyone can see it up and running.
How do you guys think I should aquascape it? I was thinking either stack it along the back wall, or make two different islands. Maybe even make the overflow the center point of stacking and just go from there. Let me know what you guys think ok.

If it were me I'd stack around the overflow. This will have the affects of hiding part of the overflow and also providing more swimming space towards the front and displaying the fish better. JMO.


Active Member
Alright, you gonna have to stick with on this one. The red on the sides are big curved wall'ish fomations out of LR. They come from the back corner, and work their way towards the front of the tank, angling in, and sloping down as they come towards the front of the tank. They really don't touch the side panes too much, or the back wall to much. Imagine them about 8" thick or so. The gray circles are there to help with the idea that the intent is to build those as 'open as possible.' Get the leading curved edge defined, but in the center parts, try for as large openings as possible.
The gray is the back wall, a shallow rock wall. The white center, overflow, is also covered in rock, but as thin as possible. The green wings are massive arches that connect either from the overflow to the back wall, or from the curved formations to the back wall.
If anyone can imagine what I'm trying to get across, I'd be shocked. Though the way I see it, it would honestly look like a slice of the reef.


Active Member
man the tank is coming along amazing! i really want it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! cant wait for it to be filled with fish man!


Active Member
Bio - I would definitely create something around the overflow in the middle.
If it were me, I would create an egg crate or PVC pipe structure around it and attach rocks to it. It would look sweet if you created overhangs on either side like a bonzai tree from the overflow.
Then on either side of the tank, I would create what looks like cliffs with a ton of caves in it all the way to the top.


Originally Posted by crimzy
If it were me I'd stack around the overflow. This will have the affects of hiding part of the overflow and also providing more swimming space towards the front and displaying the fish better. JMO.

Originally Posted by AquaKnight
Alright, you gonna have to stick with on this one. The red on the sides are big curved wall'ish fomations out of LR. They come from the back corner, and work their way towards the front of the tank, angling in, and sloping down as they come towards the front of the tank. They really don't touch the side panes too much, or the back wall to much. Imagine them about 8" thick or so. The gray circles are there to help with the idea that the intent is to build those as 'open as possible.' Get the leading curved edge defined, but in the center parts, try for as large openings as possible.
The gray is the back wall, a shallow rock wall. The white center, overflow, is also covered in rock, but as thin as possible. The green wings are massive arches that connect either from the overflow to the back wall, or from the curved formations to the back wall.
If anyone can imagine what I'm trying to get across, I'd be shocked. Though the way I see it, it would honestly look like a slice of the reef.

Originally Posted by ccampbell57

Bio - I would definitely create something around the overflow in the middle.
If it were me, I would create an egg crate or PVC pipe structure around it and attach rocks to it. It would look sweet if you created overhangs on either side like a bonzai tree from the overflow.
Then on either side of the tank, I would create what looks like cliffs with a ton of caves in it all the way to the top.
First off, I would like to say thanks to everyone that has taken time to give their suggestions. I think I want to do something around the overflow(that was the purpose of the foam rock) but I don't really want to add anything for support, like pvc or eggcrate because I want to be able to change it around if I don't like it. I might just try to stack it. I like both CCamp and AK's suggestions for the rest of the tank. I might try it out...